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Science & Technology



While drones are not a brand new invention or innovation, they have really taken off in the United States over the past few years....


Today, almost everybody comes with at least a little bit of data attached. Your personal data could be anything from your basic information of...


Innovative technologies are constantly changing the world we live in including anything from how we do business to how we live at home. One...


Facebook founder Mark Zucker has revealed that his data was among that harvested in a privacy scandal. He made the disclosure during his second day...


Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of American start-up Theranos that promised to revolutionize blood testing, has agreed to settle charges that she raised over $700...


Visionary British physicist Stephen Hawking has died at the age of 76. His family confirmed that he died peacefully at his home in Cambridge in...



As smartphones become smarter, advanced wearables track our health better than ever and our computers morph from laptops to tablets and back, these innovative...


Although most enterprises make use of a multifunction copying device, using a standalone photocopier has its distinct advantages. This is the reason businesses prefer...


(image) Before we get into the crux of this article, please know that this writer doesn’t want to get into that age-old PC vs Mac...


Technological innovations have a huge impact on the educational sphere. Discover how new technologies are changing the future of teaching and education itself. New Technologies...


President Donald Trump’s budget proposal has unveiled his plans to end US funding for the International Space Station (ISS) by 2025 with the aim...


The children of increasingly younger ages are protagonists in the phenomenon of mobile connectivity. From two or three years old, they begin to lean out on their parents' phones and to manage...


There’s no doubt that there have been rapid developments in technology with regard to robotics. And with AI continually advancing, automation will make a...


Association of the file in Windows is used to assign a single program which will be used in future to open files of the...


Logan Paul, the hugely popular vlogger who posted a video showing the body of an apparent suicide victim in Japan, has been banned by...



Renewable energy is a hot topic at the moment and more countries are starting to drive toward the end goal of generating all of...



Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are three terms you’re going to hear a lot in the coming years. The artificial intelligence market...



Do you have your special someone staying overseas and Skype is the only way to get in touch with him? Wouldn’t it have been...



The robots are not coming… they’re already here. Ever since the robot Sophia was granted citizenship status by Saudi Arabia in October, a harsh...


Tesla’s mega-battery has begun dispensing power into an electricity grid in South Australia. The world's largest lithium ion battery was officially activated on December 1. The...


Offshore support vessels are as integral to any shipping operation as the main ships or vessels themselves. They provide many amenities and advantages, and...


Mexico has created a huge marine park around a group of islands home to hundreds of species including rays, whales and sea turtles. The Revillagigedo...


Uber has confirmed it concealed a hack that affected 57 million customers and drivers in 2016. The breach was hidden by the company which paid...


Source: unsplash.com (free to use and share, no attribution needed) Having an efficient storage system is the goal of anyone cherishing fast delivery times...

Infrastructure continues to be improved and Internet speeds get faster every day


Be it any means, WIFI, LAN or any other medium all people need is faster internet. With everything becoming a gain and loss thing...