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Ricky Robinson

Ricky is a computer enthusiast, his passion is contagious. He’s the one who spends almost all day searching the internet for the latest and most interesting news around the world. He likes computer gaming and animated design. He’s also the manager of BelleNews.

Intel has been doubling down on building chips and related architecture for the next generation of computing, and today it announced an acquisition that will bolster its expertise and work specifically in one area of future technology: artificial intelligence. The semiconductor giant today announced that it has acquired SigOpt, a startup out of San Francisco […]

ERP is the perfect example of a true enterprise app. It is something that staff at all levels will rely on. And it manages the single most valuable asset your business owns – data. That is why you must carefully and comprehensively evaluate various options before making any formal commitments.

There are lots of ways to go about your due diligence – requesting a demo, reaching out to current customers, getting an expert evaluation of the underlying tech, considering on-premises vs. cloud etc. But one of the most illustrative resources available to you is case studies relevant to specific ERP products.

Case studies reveal a lot about a product and even more about a vendor, even if they have been created by the vendor themselves. A close reading of these documents can tell you much about the level of performance, service, and support you can expect by picking one vendor over another. Here are some features to focus on as you start diving into case studies.

Whether a Product Aligns with Your Business Needs

Most vendors will claim their product is perfectly suited to your enterprise and point to experience in or around your industry to prove it. Case studies allow you to examine how that ERP performs in environments that are as similar as possible to your own. Looking for case studies written about your competitors, about companies with similar sizes/structures, or about companies facing the same issues as you can lead you to products with a proven relevance to your enterprise.

How Smoothly You can Expect the Implementation to Go

You can find countless case studies highlighting both successful and wildly unsuccessful implementation efforts. The outcomes are important, but it is the details that are most instructive. You want to partner with a vendor that streamlines the implementation while troubleshooting the myriad issues that inevitable arise. Don’t look for case studies that describe a perfect process perfectly executed. Look for case studies that describe how the vendor and the client were able to overcome setbacks and mistakes using superior ERP resources.

The Level of Support Your Vendor is Willing to Provide

A lot of case studies taper off after the implementation. They suggest that everything has worked perfectly without a single user having questions or issues. But this is wildly unrealistic, and the second half of the story has been left off for a reason. Quality ERP support is essential, but many vendors are either unwilling or unable to be the authoritative, on-demand resources users are looking for. Case studies that obscure or ignore the importance of support should raise red flags.

Whether Claims are Facts or Fictions

ERP vendors will try and court you by making bold claims and enticing promises. But it is easy to promise anything and much harder to back it up with metrics, facts, and figures. A big reason to scour case studies is so you can put the vendor’s promises in context. For instance, if a vendor claims that its ERP has boosted productivity by 30%, the case study should tell you how, and whether there is more to that story than the figures suggest.

The information in any case study should be taken with a grain of salt. But it should never be ignored. At the very least, case studies can help you to enhance the way you interview and evaluate various vendors. Once you’ve read how they interact with other clients, you’re in a better position to explore the positives and negatives of forming your own relationship. If you want to go beyond the case studies, use them to find contacts for executives and decision makers who can give you honest, unvarnished information.


An Idaho startup says it can connect people who own smartphones with people who want amicable divorces.

Family law attorney Michelle Crosby founded Wevorce in 2012, and since then, the 15-employee company has facilitated almost 700 divorces, and only 2 percent of the couples resorted to litigation. Based on those results, and future prospects that include a partnership with the U.S. military, the company raised $3 million through Techstars. The app basically helps couples obtain a collaborative law divorce in any of the 50 states, through affiliations with over 600 legal and financial professionals. After completing five modules, the app helps couples prepare the paperwork.

Ms. Crosby says Wevorce has processed over $40 million in assets, and the typical divorce takes less than 90 days.

Collaborative Divorce

Today’s divorce apps, and there are many of them, are really more like lawyer referral services with a few added features, because it will be quite some time before even basic family law procedures move entirely online. For example, only one or two jurisdictions in the country currently allow papers to be served via social media, even though that is probably a better way to guarantee actual notice than publishing a newspaper ad, which is the preferred method. Nevertheless, there are a lot of people who feel that the family law system is either entirely inadequate or at least not well-suited for their particular needs. If that is the case, there are few or no complex legal issues, and there is broad agreement on most factual matters, collaborative law may be an option.

This method is one of the only true litigation alternatives, because if the collaborative process breaks down, the parties must begin the case totally anew with different counsel. Instead of court hearings, collaborative divorces feature meetings between the represented spouses where they work out possibly divisive issues like child custody and property division.

A collaborative law divorce, like the ones that Wevorce facilitates, may settle in as little as three or four meetings once a month, or it may take considerably longer.

Mediated Divorces

Only a handful of spouses opt for collaborative divorce, but nearly all litigants participate in either voluntary or court-ordered mediation.The success rate is about 70 percent for voluntary mediations and 60 percent for court-ordered ones. Mediation is part of the litigation process rather than a litigation alternative, making it ideal for cases that have a few complex legal issues, such as property commingling, that a judge probably needs to resolve. Moreover, if the parties agree on big-picture items but are far apart when it comes to the specifics, collaborative law will likely fail but mediation may succeed, because there is a neutral third party to facilitate settlement.

Private judges, like the one that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have apparently hired, may be an option as well. A retired judge is on hand to make legal decisions and there are almost no time delays. However, the price tag (as much as $1,000 an hour in some cases, and there are attorneys’ fees on top of that) makes this alternative cost prohibitive for most people.

According to Steven Fernandez, an attorney at Fernandez & Karney Divorce Lawyers, “Unlike private judges, mediation usually means significant cost savings, because mediations require less preparation time then trials and successful mediations may shave several months off the overall process.” Because it is private and informal, mediation usually takes the emotional conflict level down a few notches, and that is good if the couple has young children who still need both parents to get along at least reasonably well. Finally, if parties feel they have a stake in the outcome, “there may be more voluntary compliance later, which means less modification and enforcement litigation,” says Mr. Fernandez.

Because of all these benefits, and to reduce their trial dockets to the greatest extent possible, judges nearly always refer contested cases to mediation.

Agreed Divorces

Parties can settle any issues in any marriage dissolution proceedings at any time by mutual agreement. Formal premarital property division agreements cannot cover child support matters, so there must be a separate agreement. The California family code favors spousal agreements, and under the Uniform Premarital and Marital Agreements Act, judges usually enforce them unless they are excessively one-sided or there is evidence of coercion.

Agreed divorces basically combine the best of both mediated and collaborative divorces, because the parties control the outcome and the litigation process is available as a fallback.


Previously top of their game in the car industry, US car giants, Ford reported something of a decline in interest over the past few years. With an optimised strategy, some seriously well structured marketing and heavy investment in technology, the brand has recently been invigorated and bounced back, fresher than ever.

Innovation led by nature

Once considered innovators, Ford have risen to the challenge of staying on top of innovation once again. With a dedicated centre in Silicon Valley, they have used biomimicry of the beloved gecko to inform development of the eco-friendly materials used to make the interior. Geckos hold strong to almost twice their bodyweight, making them a good model materials for the car industry. This technique of using nature to inform design was deployed also when Japan’s Shinkansen was developed, based on the speed of a kingfisher.

Tech uses in car

Ford’s unique AWD (All-wheel drive) of the newest Ford models was led by their impressive Ford Performance team, who are on the cutting edge of speed and agility in the automotive industry. There are tech features such as Traffic Sign Recognition and SYNC 2 connectivity which are noticeable in cars and point to a reinvigorated brand that oozes innovation. The EcoBoost Engine Technology and AWD demonstrate Ford’s innovation and companies such as Motorpoint have reported a rise in sales of recent Ford classics, which indicates a revival of Ford makes that Essentially, you can get a lot of the features in these recent and sporty models in cheaper models such as the Zetec S and the ST variations of the Focus.

Autonomous cars

For fans of David Hasselhoff’s Knightrider in the 80s, it’s exciting to think about the concept of autonomous cars actually driving themselves. Whilst this has not yet happened, Ford have a range of semi autonomous vehicles out on the road already, with no sign of stopping their innovation and production.

With tech leading their connectivity, design and innovation, Ford have embraced technologies such as Vines and other social media to improve their marketing, targeting a younger, millennial audience with a cohesive strategy that uses tech in all its forms.

2017 looks set to be Ford’s ‘year’ with regards to innovation and technology.

As the old adage says, ‘no one is perfect.’ This often applies to people who lock their keys in the car or turn their laundry pink, but it’s a little more problematic when human slip-ups put your small business at risk.

In fact, 95 percent of all cybersecurity incidents involve human error. While that figure may frighten you, there are steps you can take to safeguard your organization against employee-linked data breaches.

Boost Your Cyber Smarts

Employee education is absolutely vital to protecting your small business. This can be done in a number of ways. While some companies choose to walk new hires through cybersecurity training during their first week, other companies may host quarterly or yearly cybersecurity training meetings to refresh everyone’s memories about best practices.

Impress upon your employees the importance of avoiding opening emails from unknown or suspicious sources. Cybercriminals are avid spammers, and their emails frequently contain links and attachments meant to infect your computer with dangerous malware. Phishing scams are included in URLs in an attempt to deceive employees into sharing their passwords and login information.

Some hackers, who are trickier than others, will use spoofing to pose as a friend or coworkers in emails or text messages. The lie is made even more convincing by redirecting the user to fraudulent phishing pages made to look identical to the real thing. The goal, of course, is to fool your team members into divulging valuable information.

While digital threats continue to evolve as do the methods to combat them. Continued cybersecurity training will ready your team to be aware of any risk.

Cut the Phishing Line

But even with the best cybersecurity protocols, accidents happen. Sometimes it’s a careless click, or maybe your employee fell prey to an extra crafty ploy. No matter the case, your business information has been compromised by a phishing attack. What do you do? To remove yourself from a phishing scam:

Begin with changing your passwords immediately: Don’t allow the hacker to gain further access to your other accounts.

Be sure to repot the incident right away: The faster you act, the better your chances of limiting the damage.

Next, check your ‘sent’ email folder: Make sure your contacts haven’t been spammed using your good name.

Finally, do a security sweep: This will uncover any malware programs that may have been downloaded without your knowledge.

Purging Malware & Trojans

Oh no! Your sweep revealed malware infections on your device. It may have even been living inside your computer, undetected for months. Symptoms include slow performance, advertising pop-ups when browsers are closed and bogus security warning from programs you didn’t install.

Removing malware can be incredibly time consuming. So let’s get started.

The first step is to update your antivirus software: The most recent update will better combat whatever is infecting your computer.

Restart your computer in safe mode: This will stop malware from spreading while you hunt down its roots. Start by deleting temporary files. Be sure to investigate any files or programs unfamiliar to you.

While this may be enough to detect and exterminate your computer bug, it is likely that you may need to download additional security software to relieve your system. A computer professional will be able to help you if necessary.

Explore Cybersecurity Insurance Quotes

As you can tell, cyberattacks consume your time and resources, costing your small business thousands in damages and downtime. Shield yourself by investigating cyber security insurance quotes. Providers even offer protection against extortion and reputational damage.

Cyber security quotes may vary, but are very affordable compared to risk posed by cybercriminals. Besides, investing pennies a day is infinitely preferable to dropping tens of thousands of dollars on data breach.


Most international business owners would love the opportunity to expand their business into new markets, such as the United States. After all, the US brings new people with new needs who would make a great market for your business. However, just because you want to start a business in the US doesn’t mean that it’s easy. It’s actually a lengthy and detailed process, and you want to be sure that you consider everything before making your final decision.

1. Market

Before you consider starting your business in the United States, you want to be sure there is a target market for your products or services. Do some research in that area to determine if it’s the right place. The United States is very large, and what may work for people in New York may not work for those in Arizona, so you want to be sure you are choosing the right location for your business.

Do this with a small test run. For instance, if you’re selling a product, you can see if a third-party in the area would be willing to sell it for you and see how it does. If you have a service, consider testing it out in a small area. The more research you can do to see if this is something that people would like in that area, the better chance you have for success. After all, if you spend the money to move to this new place and your business doesn’t take off, it wasn’t a very good investment.

2. Laws

Immigration laws vary from location to location, and chances are you may want to take some of your existing employees to the new business location. In order to do this, you want to be fully aware of any immigration laws that need to be followed. According to Hirson Immigration, “For those who are interested in obtaining lawful permanent residence in the US by investing into a US business, acquiring the services of an experienced EB-5 attorney is of the utmost value and importance.” By doing this, you’ll be able to receive the information you need to legally keep your employees safe during the transition.

3. Logistics

There are plenty of benefits to opening a business in the United States, but you need to carefully consider the logistics. If you will still need to travel regularly to the new location, then you’ll want to consider the cost of the logistics. You also want to make sure that the location you choose is close to clients or consumers who want your products or services. After all, if you opt for a location that isn’t logistically accessible or effective, it could actually harm your business more than help. As mentioned above, be sure to do your research, because your product may be better off in one state versus another.

4. Cost

Obviously, money is very important, so you want to be sure you’re making the right decision when it comes to overall business cost. Make sure you understand exactly what it will cost you to open a business in the United States. Don’t just consider the cost of the building, employees, etc., but also the cost of permits, visas, and other items that are required for you to legally open shop. Once you have a firm number, you can use this to determine if opening this business is actually worth it.

5. Benefits

Sometimes the perks outweigh the risks. There are plenty of advantages to opening a business in the US, but it should still be something you truly think about before diving in. Be sure to ask yourself some important questions. Do you receive tax breaks? Is there a better market? Do you have more growth opportunity? There are many things to consider, but besides just focusing on the legality and cost, you should also allow the benefits to play an important role in your overall decision.

Making the decision to open a business in the US an important step for any global company, so you want to be sure that you do it correctly and successfully. Use these tips to make sure you consider everything necessary before making a drastic change for your company.


Until now, the regulation of health apps has more or less been left in the hands of the tech firms creating and selling them, but news from the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) this week indicated that they have reached a decision on the future of health app regulation.

Health apps are undoubtedly incredibly useful, allowing patients to monitor basic statistics such as their calorific intake, their heart rate and their blood pressure without having to visit a doctor’s surgery or clinic. There has, however, been a degree of uncertainty regarding the legitimacy of the results given and the degree to which patients could rely on the information in terms of making their own decisions on treatment.

The final guidance recently issued by the FDA not only drew a line separating useful and harmless apps from those which might be more problematic, it also left the people responsible for developing health apps thanking their lucky stars at the approach being taken.

FDA regulation on Health Apps

The guidelines unveiled confirmed the fact that the FDA plans to adopt a light touch approach to the regulation of most health apps, also known as medical device data systems (MDDS), as well as the specific software which is used to transmit the data collected to and from a specific medical device, such as a blood sugar meter.

The FDA released a statement which confirmed the scope of apps they had decided to place outside the reach of regulation:

“This guidance confirms our intention to not enforce regulations for technologies that receive, transmit, store, or display data from medical devices. We hope that finalization of this policy will create an impetus for the development of new technologies to better use and display this data.”

The caveat which the FDA attaches to this approach is that regulation can be maintained at a minimal level as long as the apps in question don’t represent a risk to the health of a patient in the event of a malfunction. Since the vast majority of such apps concentrate on the collating, sharing and collection of statistical information, as opposed to anything more in depth, they will not be affected by any intervention of the part of the FDA. The apps which might find themselves attracting the attention of regulators include those which, in the words of the FDA “….transform a mobile platform into a regulated medical device by using attachments, display screens, sensors, or other such methods”

Until now, the concern that some patients might be misled by health apps has centred upon those which go further than simply gathering information and, instead, offer diagnostic advice and even suggest treatments, areas which have previously been left in the hands of trained clinicians. The new regulatory regime will deal with such apps whilst giving developers a free hand to continue developing tools which gather information and monitor existing conditions, such as diabetes.

Experts within the field welcomed the news, feeling that it will promote innovation, push developers into new areas and help to create cutting edge apps able to greatly aid the field of preventative medicine.

Any issues around the clinical effectiveness of apps throws up the possibility that some patients, feeling they have been let down or misled, might wish to take legal action. A specialist team of medical negligence solicitors set out the legal situation in the following terms:

“Health app developers are unlikely to face medical negligence suits for a misdiagnosis, since there’s no doctor-patient relationship between the app developer, the provider and the patient. That’s one of the reasons patients should always communicate the doctor if they are using a health app, and check the accuracy of the information it provides.”

The changing landscape of health app regulation look set to be a hugely positive development for patients as a whole. The flexibility offered to developers will broaden the options on offer, and the lack of regulation required will assure patients that such apps are completely safe to use.

Tech-savvy people know that a delicate smartphone like the iPhone 6s Plus can’t be left uncovered. It would be as ill-advised as taking a walk down the street without wearing your shoes. Like your vulnerable feet, your 6s Plus isfragile and susceptible to damage. Without a protective covering, your iPhone can rub up against sharp keys or meets its end on the sidewalk. If you don’t want your smartphone to sustain serious harm during your day out and about, then you know you need a protective covering to save it from the elements and unfortunate situations.


But the iPhone 6s Plus can’t take just any kind of protection. It’s one of the greatest phones on the market, as its 64-bit A9 chip makes it faster and more powerful than most other cellphones. It’s formidable enough to run the expansive iOS 9, which lets you download and tap through all of your favourite apps, including those built-in ones like Touch ID and 3D Touch. The protection you choose should reflect the status of your phone.

It may seem like the iPhone 6s Plus has set an impossibly high standard, but some retailers have managed to meet it. Those that produce iPhone 6s Plus skins have matched the smartphone’s innovative design in using precision-cut genuine 3M vinyl. For those expecting something more space-age to complement the 6s Plus’ 7000 Series aluminum alloy, you’re in for a surprise. The modest 3M vinyl is an impressive material that protects and defends your phone in many ways.

When wrapped around your smartphone, it creates a second skin that will absorb damages caused by rough surfaces and sharp objects. Its water resistant surface makes spilled drinks a cinch to wipe up before they seep into seams and fry your precious A9 chip, and it defies the grime from your fingers from gunking up your buttons. And while it’s doing all of that, the skin (also known as a wrap) gives your palms and fingers something to grip onto, so you won’t watch in slow motion as your 6s Plus slips through your grasp to shatter on the ground.

Once you try it out, you’ll wonder how you’ve ever used your iPhone without it. In fact, you’ll find that you’ll want to share your new found love for skins with every iPhone user in your life. The great thing is, iPhone 6s Plus wraps and skins make excellent presents for anyone in your life who’s celebrating an upcoming birthday. They also make inexpensive stocking stuffers for the family and friends who will be making merry this December. You can customize each wrap in a unique colour or texture that befits the person you’re buying for, or you can make a whole line of matching skins for your squad. The possibilities are endless, so consider iPhone 6s Plus wraps as a gift this upcoming holiday.

A fully protected and stylish iPhone 6s Plus might be the best present you’re friends and family have ever received because it protects the expensive investment that an iPhone is. It’s also the best present you’ll ever give to yourself, as you’ll be sure to keep a skin for your own iPhone!

If you think your home isn’t futuristic enough, you probably haven’t added the latest high-tech features. These four gadgets will put your house on the cutting edge.

Petcube Pet Sitter

Pets often get bored during the day while their families are away at work and school. This boredom often turns into mischief. It doesn’t take long before your dog discovers that chewing the couch is a lot more fun than sleeping on it.

A nanny cam can show you what happens when you’re not at home, but it can’t prevent your pet from getting into trouble. That’s where the Petcube comes in.

Petcube is a camera that lets you monitor your animals at any time. Unlike most monitoring devices, though, it has a built-in microphone that offers two-way communication. When you see your furry friend doing something naughty, you can command her to stop through the Petcube.

It’s not certain whether pets are following commands or just really confused by a disembodied voice. Regardless, it does the trick.

Smart Thermostat


Smart thermostats connect to your home’s computer network so you can take control of the temperature and track your energy use. You can also control a smart thermostat from your smartphone.

NewAge Air installs a variety of WiFi-enabled thermostats that will help you lower your monthly utility bill. When you have a smart thermostat in your home, you can program it to follow a specific temperature schedule. Most people set thermostats so their HVAC systems don’t do as much work during the day while they are at work.

Since smart thermostats let you track your energy usage, you can also look for easy ways to reduce the amount of electricity and natural gas used to heat and cool your home.

WiFi Speakers

You want a good sound system for your home, but you don’t want a bunch of wires strung across the rooms. Some people avoid this problem by running wires through the ceiling and under the carpet. That way, at least they aren’t an eyesore.

WiFi speakers offer a more convenient way to get great sound without the wires. You can position them anywhere inside or outside your house, which is perfect for days spent by the pool.

Best of all, you won’t have to damage your ceiling or floor to hide ugly wires.

Self-sterilizing Door Handles

Door handles have to be some of the most disgusting objects in your home. With so many people touching them throughout the day, you never know what kinds of germs, bacteria, and viruses accumulate there.

With a self-sterilizing door handle, you’ll have fewer worries about spreading sickness in your home.

These door handles have special designs that include UV lamps. After you use the handle, UV light shines on it, killing nasty bacteria and germs. It’s a pretty straightforward idea, but for some reason designers have just recently started to incorporate it into their handles.

There are plenty of high-tech features that you can add to your home. Start with these and see where you can go from there.

Cloud hosting has supported the development of industry standards for the last decade. In doing so, it’s become essential to keeping up with many industry developments in a number of different markets. The tools provided and low impact of cloud based solutions to company space budgets and technical support have ingratiated it to companies the world over. When looking to branch out your cloud based services or looking to adopt them for the first time into your company, it can be difficult to know what to look for. There are many host providers that claim to be in the top tier of the cloud industry, but what exactly puts them there? The honest answer is that the top tier for services you need may be completely different than what the market is currently advertising, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find what you’re looking for.

Understanding the Stack


If you’re perusing cloud based hosting for solutions that apply to your business, you may already know about the cloud computing stack and if not directly, it’s likely you’ve seen it or one of its components. The ‘stack’ refers to the general different types of cloud services and how they are implemented and utilized to accomplish different goals. The stack is usually referred to be one of four acronyms: SPI or Software, Platform, Infrastructure and then further broken down into SaaS, PaaS and Iaas (Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service). How these different stacks work is the key to which one you should be looking for when searching for top cloud hosting providers at a comparison engine like Cloud Kompare.

Software as a Service


Companies like Google, Facebook, WordPress and more are all examples of the SaaS model of cloud based computing. These recognizable brands all offer software that is available without installation or exactly system requirements, often launched through the browser and easy to access just about anywhere you have an internet connection. Software as a Service has become more popular as mobile phones have begun to rival desktop and laptop PCs in terms of computing power. Many SaaS providers have jumped on the mobile bandwagon, offering apps and options for access their software through mobile phone screens, which are connected even more often than PCs today. SaaS doesn’t make sense as a solution for every company, but companies where there’s a lot of interaction between partners and the public or where partners and employees are often out of the office on business can benefit from mobile access to applications that SaaS provides.

Platform as a Service


Platform as a service takes cloud computing in a new direction, offering an environment where developers and programmers can ply their skills online to develop services and applications for a company without the need of specialized tools and software of their own. There are many benefits to a PaaS stack including a reduction in cost because specialized tools and software aren’t required for developers to work in, and it allows for non-expert individuals to gain experience working with the tools, protocols and structures your company requires for the development of their applications. Tools like Operating Systems, Storage solutions and hosting can all be packaged in a PaaS stack, which allows for flexibility for accessing and working with tools even when outside the office.


Infrastructure as a Service

The third cloud computing stack is Infrastructure. IaaS may be considered two tier of cloud computing services because the idea behind this stack is to create a virtual machine with which companies, partners, employees and potentially even the public can interact. Like a virtual desktop or a virtual data center, IaaS focuses on creating an infrastructure that is stored completely in the cloud. This particular stack is a good failsafe when put into place because it offers support over multiple cloud servers and often comes with a downtime guarantee because if one server or center fails, others are able to distribute the load and keep your access and applicable stable. IaaS is a scalable solution for hosting a multitude of virtual environments, from technical support centers to virtual file sharing and teleconferencing and because it’s hosted in the cloud, access isn’t dependent on location


Cloud Computing as a Solution


Whatever stack of cloud computing works best for your company, this expansive and ultimately accessible service can be designed to fit into many different budgets, industries and scenarios. Because cloud computing encompasses a variety of different methodology where it comes to service solutions, it’s becoming an industry standard. When looking for the top cloud hosting providers, be sure you understand which stack will best suit your company or be prepared to look at a great many host providers before you find the one that will work best for the solutions you are looking to implement. While the process may be long, the cloud offers a wide variety of services and access and can be made to fit nearly anywhere.


Infocus is a rising star in the smartphone market and each iteration of their products has done nothing but solidify this idea. The phablet market has become saturated with overpriced devices that fail to deliver as well as cheap knockoffs that claim to have the same features of the pricier models. Infocus has had to work hard to make inroads in this saturated marketplace due to their late entry, but with top notch products, they have chance to shake up the major players eventually.

The thing that sticks out first with the M810T is the price point. Coming in at less than $143 on gearbest.com it’s a heck of a bargain once you understand everything it can do. This is a calculated, generous platform created by Infocus to show customers that they deserve the same amount of features as an iPad but without the arm and a leg it costs to buy it. This phablet has high quality components such as a Snapdragon 801 processor (one of the fastest) and Corning Gorilla Glass 3. The processor obviously allows for seamless use between applications and the glass keeps it from breaking if you tap it too hard.

The phablet was shipped very fast and we received it in a few business days. The packaging is good and sturdy, it comes in an elegant box and it’s wrapped in a layer of bubble wrap and another layer of packaging on top as you can see in the pictures:

Infocus-M810t-unpacking Infocus-M810t-unpacking3Infocus-M810t-unpacking-2

Even though it’s quite durable, it’s also on the light side. As rival companies Samsung and Apple seek to create thinner and lighter tablets, everyone else has to raise the bar as well. This one is only 6.99mm thick and very compact. The screen itself, made of the durable glass, is 5.5 inches with a very high resolution and vibrant color scheme built in. This allows great photos to be taken with its rear camera which clocks in at 13 megapixels. It’s also got the even more necessary selfie or front camera with 5 megapixels.

The high end processor will let you watch movies, play games or surf the web and leave all these applications open at the same time. This thankfully doesn’t lead to overheating on the device, a common drawback that users encounter. And since it does connect up to 4G you’ll be able to access the highest speed internet available.Infocus-M810t-unpacking4

On the storage side, you’ll find it comes standard with 16 GB with the option to insert a 64 GB memory card, if you need. Some of the games you download can take up some serious space, so might be worth the investment. Since the price is so reasonable to start, you can probably afford to splurge on the memory card.

For people who are getting their first phablet or looking to replace one, the Infocus M810T is a modest and relatively safe investment. You’ll only be paying around $143 and you get a lot of upside. As Infocus becomes more recognizable their products will increase in demand. The time to get on the bandwagon is now.

Performance screenshots from AntuTu:

Infocus-M810t-benchmark-performance1 Infocus-M810t-benchmark-performance2 Infocus-M810t-benchmark-performance3 Infocus-M810t-benchmark-performance4 Infocus-M810t-benchmark-performance5


Blogging, social media, SEO, online advertising — digital marketing comes with a long to-do list — which is the last thing a busy business owner needs. You’re already responsible for product development, customer service, management, and accounting, but you also have to promote your company and your product.

Instead of trying to plan and execute the perfect digital marketing strategy, start with a few high-yield, low-labor online marketing tactics. Even with your packed schedule, you can squeeze in these five tasks within the next 30 days.Online Marketing

1. Update Your Business Listings

Listing your business in many places with a correctly spelled business name, along with an accurate address and phone number, makes it easy for customers to find you. Another nice benefit of improving your business listings: It’s good for local SEO.

  1. Create a consistent name, address, and phone number (NAP) format for your company. If you use a CMS, copy and paste it into a widget so it populates every page. Make sure it also appears on your “Contact Me” page.
  2. Check your existing social profiles. Add your NAP to business social media profiles, and include a link to your website.
  3. Add your name to relevant directories. Submit your updated NAP to professional organization member directories, local small business listings sites, and other high-quality sites that will refer customers to your business.
  4. List your business information with search engines. Submit your listing to Google My Business, Bing Places, and Yahoo Local. Be sure to follow up on any verification requests.

2. Optimize Your Business Web Pages and Social Profiles


Incorporating specific keywords into your business Web pages and improving how your site looks in search can improve your search rankings and send additional traffic your way. It’s also a great first step toward developing a solid SEO strategy.

  1. Research some keywords related to your business. Visit your Google Webmaster Tools page, choose your website, and find Search Analytics under search traffic. Look at queries people used to find your site, which will give you some initial keyword ideas. Plug your ideas into Ubersuggest or Wordstream’s free keyword tool to generate a list of keyword ideas. Also, research your competitors’ sites to see which keywords they rely on to attract search traffic. Once you have some keyword ideas, incorporate them into your Web pages and social media profiles without overstuffing your text with keywords.
  2. Create better title tags and meta descriptions. If you use WordPress, add the SEO by Yoast plugin, and fill in title tags and meta descriptions for each page. Incorporate your keywords, and make them compelling so people won’t be able to resist clicking. Website content writing at a very high level may require the services of a professional copywriter.

3. Write One Blog Post Per Week

Weekly blogging serves up fresh content for search engines every week and consistent content to share on social networks. Seeing what you know written down and shared also accomplishes other important goals, such as increasing your confidence, fine-tuning your marketing message, and creating new opportunities to communicate with customers.

4. Develop a Social Media Routineimage005

Social media can become an inescapable time vortex if you’re not careful, but you can’t avoid it either. Try these tips to manage business social media in fewer than 20 minutes per day:

  1. Check the day’s activities. Respond to notifications, mentions, requests for connections, customer service queries, and other immediate issues.
  2. Browse your feeds. Scroll through your feeds and hashtags relevant to you to catch the latest news.
  3. Post something. Share a link, make a comment, or offer a promotion related to your company. If you use a tool like HootSuite or Buffer, you can create multiple posts and schedule them ahead of time.
  4. See which posts and shares performed best for you, and learn more about your followers. Repeat your successes, and keep experimenting as you learn more about your audience.

5. Spend $1 per Day on Facebook Ads

Facebook has outstanding demographic targeting tools to put your business in front of prospective customers. Spend $30 this month experimenting with Facebook ads. Next month, keep experimenting before moving onto Twitter promoted tweets or Google AdWords.

The key to getting started with online marketing is simple: just get started. You’ll be surprised by how much you’ll accomplish when you take the 30-day challenge.

Smartwatches are all the rage these days. Everyday a new one pops up with the supposed greatest features, greatest connectivity, fastest interface and on and on and on. So how do you sort through the plethora of advertisements? Do research and compare apples to apples. Like any product, not all smartwatches are created equal. The devil is in the details with these devices. Which brings us to the NO. 1 S3 Smartwatch phone. Not just a smartwatch, but a smartwatch phone. Why? Because it has no much functionality you typically find on smartphones. This makes it a lot easier to use.

NO.1 S3 Smartwatch Phone

NO.1 S3 Smartwatch Phone

How it works

The S3 works in a lot of ways. For starters, it isn’t limited to just working with your iOS or Android device as other brands are. It can do what the more expensive models do, but with less damage to your wallet and more connectivity options. Smartwatches are meant to sync with your phone, which the S3 invariable does. But it does this in a number of ways.

NO.1 S3 Smartwatch Phone Heart Monnitor

NO.1 S3 Smartwatch Phone

The watch seamlessly syncs with your phone and allows you answer calls or dial right from your wrist. On a similar note, it does allow synchronization between things like call logs, messages and even contacts. This allows for you to quickly view these items on your wrist discretely if you need to. The face where you enter commands is very durable; hard and hard to scratch to boot. It’s pretty comfortable to wear also with a trendy leather strap.

Extra Features

It boasts a litany of extra features that you’ll be hard pressed to find elsewhere. It has a pedometer if you want to monitor your steps for exercise. It can also keep track of your sleep health by monitoring sleep quality while you take your nightly snooze. The S3 will also monitor your heart rate if you want to keep track during exercise. No need to hook up a separate device; just glance at your wrist.

Aside from the health monitoring bonuses, it has interesting additions like an alarm, stop watch and remote capture. The last bit is particularly interesting. It allows you to control the phone’s camera as long as the camera is selected on the phones interface. So next time you want a family picture, you can take it yourself, right from your wrist, with the phone across the room.

All the things the S3 does sound awesome, but it’s the price that’s the kicker. The device wouldn’t be a boon to consumers without competitive pricing. Luckily it does have a shockingly reasonable price. You can get it for under $60 here and receive fast and free shipping as the icing on this techno-cake. By the way, the Apple Watch starts at $350 and about 200 of that is just for the Apple name. You can do better. Just saying.

What are the main features?

NO.1 S3 Smartwatch Phone

NO.1 S3 Round Dial Smartwatch Phone MTK2502

Heart Rate Monitor

Sleep Monitor, Thermometer,

Water-resistance, Sedentary Reminder

Bluetooth 4.0
Main Features:
Dialer / Bluetooth phone call( Bluetooth 4.0)
You can dial or answer a phone call from your wrist watch
Phonebook / call log / message/ music sync function
Easily realize information synchronization with your universal smart phone, more convenient to users
Circular Nano-glass touch screen
Nano-glass screen, very hard and anti-scratch, the combination of high quality and fashion
Heart Rate Monitor
The watch can monitor your heart rate; you can know your heart rate from the display during sport time when you wear it
Remote capture
You can use your watch to control your phone’s camera, but assure your phone’s camera has been switched on in advance
Music playing
Enjoy splendid music anywhere and anytime
Anti-lost alarm
Watch seek phone, and phone seek watch
Sleep monitoring
Carefully monitor your sleep quality
Record the steps you take and count the distance to make you fully control your sports
Sedentary reminder
Develop scientific habits and effectively resist sub-health
Other functions
Sound recorder/ alarm / calender / calculator / stop watch
Natural leather strap
Anti-sweat matte surface treatment, ergonomic convex design, wearing more comfortable
Metal plating frame
Strong and durable, luxury and elegant
Pin buckle design
Classic stainless steel pin buckle, Convenient to wear and take off
Water-resistance: Protect your Smartwatch from the water from daily life
Synchronization:Support with Android system and IOS system
Find out the complete technical specs here.

If you’ve not taken the plunge into the world of eBooks, there’s probably a lot of reasons why. Maybe you prefer the feel of physical books, and no one can deny how good a full bookshelf looks in your sitting room. However, maybe now you’ve been thinking about checking them out and catching up with current technology.

If you’re looking for reasons why you should make the switch, look no further. Below are the top reasons why eBooks are the future of publishing.

  1. There’s thousands to choose from: Whichever store you choose to buy from, you’ll find thousands of titles right at your finger tips. Whether you’re looking for the latest blockbuster or a classic title, they’ll be right there and always available for purchase. You can be reading any title in a matter of minutes. Nook lists the bestselling eBooks in its dedicated online store, so it’s a great place to get started.


  1. It’s easy to download a book: No matter what device you use to read, it’s so simple to find and download any title you want. Simply search for the book you want, or browse through the store. Once you find the one you want, click ‘buy’ and the title will be downloaded to your device. It really is as easy as that.


  1. There’s multiple ways to read: If there’s a device you like to use, there’s probably a way to read eBooks on it. You can buy a dedicated e-reader, or download the app on your smartphone or tablet. EBook Friendly notes that if you currently own a device that you feel you aren’t using to its full advantage, using it to read eBooks could be the answer.


  1. There’s a wealth of free books available: Browsing through an eBook store, you’ll find that many classic titles are being offered for free. If you’ve always wanted to read the works of Charles Dickens or Jane Austen, now’s your chance. There’s also often free books being offered by new and emerging authors, so if you want to try something new, it simply couldn’t be easier or cheaper to do so.

 Top 10 Reasons to Try An eBook Today

  1. Carry your whole collection in your pocket: EPublisher’s Weekly states that eBooks are hugely portable. An entire library’s worth of files could be held on just one DVD or USB drive. If you like to have a few books on you at all times, then eBooks are a much easier way of doing so. It’s also easier on your bag and your shoulders.


  1. They’re great for students: High school and college students will know the pain of lugging around large textbooks every day, as well as the pain of paying for them. EBooks solve the problem by being cheaper to buy and much more portable. As a bonus, students can use their e-reader to highlight passages or make notes on their texts, making assignments a breeze. If you know a student just entering the academic year, an e-reader could be a gratefully received gift.


  1. Change your preferences on the fly: If you struggle to read small text in regular books, or read text against the traditional white background, eBooks could be the answer. You can change text size or color to suit your needs, making reading much easier with little effort.


  1. They’re good for the environment: You probably hadn’t considered this, but eBooks are much better for the environment than physical books. Success Net states that eBooks basically eliminate the need for trees to be felled for books, saving whole forests in one fell swoop.


  1. They take up much less space: As mentioned earlier, it can be satisfying to decorate your home with shelves full of well thumbed books. However, not everyone has the luxury of space to display their favorite tomes. Until you win the lottery and buy the country manor of your dreams, store all your books on one small device, and save that space for the essentials.


  1. E-readers are designed for ultimate readability: If you buy a dedicated e-reader, you may not notice straight away but they’re designed very cleverly to be the ultimate reading machine. Snarky Nomad lists ten design features that help the reader out, including the lack of page curvature, the ability to read a book one handed, and the inclusion of a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words. You probably didn’t even know you wanted these features until you had them in your hand.

If you weren’t convinced before, you probably are now. EBooks are the ultimate in portability, choice, and ease of use. When you put it like that, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge now, and discover a whole new world of fantastic literature from the comfort of your own home.

Lenovo’s newest iteration of 4G smartphones is quietly becoming higher demand. Why? Because it does everything the iPhone 6 gets right and fixes all the things it doesn’t. The Zuk Z1 is a smartphone and phablet combination which manages this careful balancing act with surprising precision. It does both of these things and clearly beats on price. The iPhone has developed a cult following and a large percentage of the $700 or so you’ll spend on a new one, reflect this changed reality. But Lenovo has the same quality phone for less than half that. Isn’t that worth checking out?


There are some areas where the Z1 actually puts the iPhone 6 to shame. Its battery life for example is a far cry better than the status quo over at apple. You can surf online for over 12 hours before it putters out and even manage 15 hours of watching video before a recharge. Lenovo designed the battery to be trapezoidal and fit neatly into the back arc of the phone. This allowed them to enlarge the battery without compromising the contour of the frame, so it’s still comfortable to hold.


The Z1 also manages a 5.5 inch display; larger than the 4.7 iPhone 6 Plus and with an equally impressive 1920 x 1080 resolution with a very comprehensive color palette. These combine to give the interface some extra “pop” when you’re using the phone. The other technical specs make the Z1 great for gaming as well; you’ll be blessed with 3 GB of RAM and a lightning fast processor that stacks up very well against Apple’s own chips. It’s double impressive that this device s1441072931241-P-2971191atisfies against a wide range of categories, because people use their smartphones for literally everything these days.

Sometimes it’s the little things that make a user experience better as well. Though it has a large screen, it can be comfortably held in one hand and easily navigated with your thumb. Lenovo has smartly designed a small port at the bottom, like Apple, for charging and syncing. It’s also ultra-thin which allows it to comfortably balance in your hand.


If you’re a dedicated smartphone user that sees the overpriced iPhone as a need to break free, you’ve found your calling. With the ability to run both Android and Windows operating systems, you get a phone that’s bigger, better and more reasonably price than the competition. You get your choice of operating systems (instead of being forced into one) and will feel at home with more phone for your buck. Can anyone say win-win?

Main Features:
Display: 5.5 inch FHD Screen,1920×1080 pixels
CPU: Qualcomm 8974AC Quad Core
GPU: Adreno 330
System: Android 5.1
Camera: Back camera 13.0MP OIS anti-shake + 8.0MP front camera
Features: USB Type-c 3.0
Bluetooth: 4.1
Sensors: Accelerometer/Proximity /Gyro/Ambient Light/Hall/Magnet
SIM Card: Dual SIM dual standby, Dual Nano SIM
2G: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz
3G: WCDMA 850/900/1900/2100MHz
4G: FDD-LTE 1800/2100/2600MHz

Actuators are generally devices that help in making the movement of some machines easier. For example, electric actuators are devices that apply low voltage DC motor of a rotational motion and converts it into linear motion, usually acting in a pull and push movement. Actuators use less power compared to the immense output they deliver. Linear actuators are efficient and needs less space to install. They are used in a wide range of applications, ranging from the luxury hotels, hospitals, homes and industrial plants to mention just a few. Since there are less to none reported cases of casualty and user hazards, they are then rated user and equally environmental friendly. Maintenance costs are way too minimal as well and to a large extent, no expenses are incurred at all.

In hospitals, emergency department beds are fixed with this device such that the patient suffers less shock during hurried movements, such avoiding further injuries to them. This device again makes it easier for nurses to move easily and safely with medication for instance from one ward to another. Even in the theater, an adjustment of lights during surgery is effective by use of the same. Comfort and required positioning for medication are a major concern best dealt with by this device. In offices, chairs are made adjustable to achieve proper posture during work. It maximizes on work output by creating a conducive atmosphere to the worker.

It is a perfect option to go by in industries, institutions and offices especially areas where precision and accuracy is paramount because it is a quiet device and creates less distraction to the surrounding. In hospitals its use is widely in the intense care unit and in the theaters. Movements in the hospitals are minimized as much as possible to create that peaceful environment. Ambience in luxury hotels is crucial and an added advantage to the general hospitality of the clients and tourists who other than adventure, expect a serene environment. It is in such a manner that companies are designing comfy beds fitted with adjustable rods to satisfy this aspect in the favor of hospitality services and general reputation of classy hotels and resorts.manufacturing-efficiency-actuators2

Due to rise of automobile demand world over, manufacturing companies have resolved on the cheaper production costs to make their vehicles affordable in the market. To counter the challenge of too much manpower, use of robots has been employed. These devices are programmable and each aspect in the system can be monitored. Feedback is sent to the main control unit and experts use this information as an input to perform sophisticated tasks that runs simultaneously in the system.
Power conservation is ranked top to this device. Operating at 70-80% total system efficiency increases the profit margin. They are a true choice to cut down on production cost; this equals favorable pricing of its products in the market. It is a clean option because these workshops relying on these devices are exempts of oily messes on the floors.


Electric current is highly compatible with actuators compared to piping because cables are easy to install. Actuators require less space to be installed. This is because no pumps and hoses are needed. Usually hoses needs underground foundation and most of these are expensive. Manpower for this investment is tiresome and contractors will take more time installing. Mechanical power supply will need big fuel tankers to sustain the system.

They say lightning never strikes the same place twice….

Lenovo tablet GearBest

What a common misconception, lightning is more likely to strike the same place again which explains why GearBest has another awesome promotion going on right now. With cell phone prices skyrocketing, sales like this one help keep people’s money in their wallets. It’s clear GearBest has technology lovers in mind because there’s a pretty wide selection and a pretty good price range as well. It’s unthinkable to get many of these cell phones for their normal low pricing, and this sale offers up to 20% off in addition.

GearBest really strives to keep the price point at the lowest on a global scale and they regularly accept price match requests. Not that you’ll need one with this sale. For the length of 9/9 the up to 50% off promotion will be active but you’ll lose some of the discount if you don’t order right away. During the days of 9/10 and 9/11 you can still get an amazing deal but it’s best to get in front of this deal.

You can easily browse through a myriad of different cell phones, phablets and smart watches and find something you like. The sale almost makes it feel like highway robbery for how cheap some of this stuff is going for, but it’s thankfully real. The popular Lenovo tablet is 50% off for instance. It’s not some unknown startup brand with zero credibility we’re talking about here, so you can buy with confidence.

The cell phone selection hits the mark as well. I found an ASUS Zenfone 2 with over 4 GB of RAM (huge) and 32 GB of storage for 45% off. Other great cell phone makers like DOOGEE, Cubot and XIAOMI are on here with a variety of 3G and 4G products.

Photo GearBest
Photo GearBest

It’s nice to see a broad selection with a good price range if you can’t afford to drop $400 on a cell phone. You won’t get a deal this good even if you sign away the next two years with a carrier. Its promotions like this that are the wave of the future as major carriers look.

There’s limited stock so hopping on the bandwagon is essential. Devices like this don’t last long at such steep discounts and word travels fast on the internet. Since GearBest is already known for its rock bottom pricing, this value brings it up into a new echelon. It’d honestly be tough to find some of these prices even on a day like Black Friday or Cyber Monday. A couple of good side notes if you do take a peek: its mobile friendly, accepts all major credit card carrier and the site is secured by Norton. Good luck getting one!

GearBest is more than just a shopping site, it’s designed for gadget lovers by gadget lovers. They have a passion for all kinds of cool and fun gadgets, including smart phones, smart watches, car electronics, RC Quadcopters, LED flashlights, consumer electronics, etc. GearBest not only offers a large selection of the latest gadgets, but also aims to keep its price the lowest worldwide. If you find identical gadgets elsewhere which are cheaper than their free shipping prices, you can submit a price match request on the product page, and they will price match within 48 hours. If you are looking for product reviews then we recommend to visit the neworganizing.com website first, before you make any purchase.

Oregon Trail Screenshot by The Pug Father from Flickr Creative Commons.

Oregon Trail Screenshot by The Pug Father from Flickr Creative Commons.

Digital gaming has come a long way since the days of Oregon Trail. Thanks to cloud computing and mobile devices, games pack in a lot more action and a lot less dysentery.

So what’s next for mobile cloud gaming? The answer: exciting things. Professors from the University of British Columbia and China’s Huazhong University of Science and Technology have teamed up to deliver their predictions about Mobile Cloud Gaming: the Next Generation.

1. Dynamic Cloud Integration

One of the biggest drawbacks of mobile gaming is the bandwidth required to execute complex visuals. It’s not such a big deal when you’re using a Wi-Fi connection, but over a cellular connection, data gets expensive. In a mobile browser game, heavy resource usage eats up battery life. Dynamic cloud integration finds a happy medium between bandwidth and battery by optimizing where game components run.

When it’s most efficient for game components to run locally, the cloud server onloads certain functions to the device. Dynamic cloud integration will provide ways for the mobile client the flexibility to offload functions back to the cloud. Meanwhile, both the cloud server and the device constantly monitor usage to deliver optimal resource usage. Players get better performance and longer periods of play.

2. Cross-Platform Gaming

Cloud computing already makes it possible to save games and play the saved game on a different device. Cross-platform gaming will improve to the point that switching from a desktop to mobile device becomes seamless.

In the future, every mobile game, as part of its standard feature set, will optimize saved games for different screen resolutions and device inputs. Online attackers will also learn to optimize malware for seamless transition within the gaming environment, making Android security more important than ever.Woman-using-computer-and-mobile-devices-image

3. Context-Aware Gaming

With context-aware gaming, your mobile device uses its GPS, camera, accelerometer, and other elements to adapt an existing game to elements of your surroundings. Imagine sitting in the passenger seat and playing a simple game like Traffic Racer, in which you’re racing down terrain similar to the terrain surrounding you, or playing a game that changes based on multi-player inputs and the surroundings of different players.

Based on time of day, location, and your movements, your games will automatically deliver novel elements. A wave of your hand will release a magic spell. Game elements will respond to physical manifestations of your state of mind, like elevated heart rate and rapid breathing. One classic example of context-aware gaming is the 2003 release Mogi, which let players scavenger hunt for virtual objects within their existing physical environments.

4. Augmented Reality

Google Glass image by Michael Praetorius

Google Glass image by Michael Praetorius

Imagine donning your Google Glass and playing a hands-free game while seeing either a live or indirect view of the real world. If you’re coordinated enough, you’ll be able to play your game while walking to work — without walking into a lamppost.

Now, imagine walking to work and staring not at the people around you but at a gamified version of reality. For example, the game Human Pacman superimposes dots, power pellets, and scrumptious floating fruit within your normal field of vision. Your movements, including movements of your head, determine where Pacman goes next.

Augmented gaming, which incorporates many context-aware elements, will transform the world as you see it into a video feed. In a virtual sense, you’ll eventually be able to punch the person who cut in front of you at Starbucks — accompanied by your own theme music and a balloon that says “KAPOW!” — without moving anything but eye muscles.

5. Multi-Player Cloud Gaming

Desktop computers and consoles offer plenty of multi-player gaming opportunities. Games like Minecraft Pocket Edition allow players sharing a mobile LAN to interact within different worlds. As cloud gaming technology and streaming become more sophisticated, you’ll play mobile multi-player scenarios not only with the person sitting next to you but also with people all over the world.

All Hail the Future

Thanks to the cloud, mobile gaming requires only a thin client, has access to unlimited resources, and allows for seamless play across many devices. Next-gen cloud gaming advances will reduce network dependence, lower bandwidth consumption, and overcome limited mobile browser resources.

As cloud and mobile device advancements make gaming more immersive and less screen dependent, the whole world becomes a stage for a game. Let’s just hope when you catch dysentery in Future Mobile Oregon Trail, it’s not a context-aware development.

Oregon Trail Screenshot by The Pug Father from Flickr Creative Commons.

Woman using computer and mobile devices image by Antonio Guillem from Shutterstock.

Google Glass image by Michael Praetorius from Flickr Creative Commons.

If уоu bееn lооking for a tablet thаt саn dо everything аnd mоrе thеn, уоu dоn’t have tо worry as Gearbest has bесоmе thе exclusive agent fоr thе new ZTE Axоn Elite 4G Intеrnаtiоnаl Editiоn аnd for tаblеtѕ gо, thiѕ iѕ оnе of thе very bеѕt fоr Andrоid аnd itѕ nоw оnlу $469, аnd even bеttеr уоu will ѕее bеlоw we hаvе аn exclusive coupon соdе to gо with it, tо gеt уоu еvеn a bеttеr price! Coupon code: ZTEAXON for a $19.11 reduction in the price.

Tоdау’ѕ соnѕumеr wаntѕ a biggеr ѕizе phone fоr playing gаmеѕ аnd watching mоviеѕ. Thiѕ hаѕ rеѕultеd intо the еvоlutiоn оf рhаblеtѕ. Phаblеtѕ are 2 in 1 devices whiсh аrе a соmbinаtiоn оf a phone аnd a tаblеt соmрutеr. Mоrе аnd mоrе соnѕumеrѕ are getting attracted tо bigger size phablets. Every mоbilе manufacturer thuѕ have ѕtаrtеd making bigger ѕсrееn ѕizе рhоnеѕ аnd ѕеlling thеm in thе mаrkеt. ZTE is one оf thоѕе manufacturers who hаѕ intrоduсеd a nеw рhаblеt in thе mаrkеt named ZTE Axon.

ZTE Axоn iѕ a 4G LTE enabled Android 5.0 phablet. Thiѕ рhаblеt ѕроrtѕ a 5.5-inсh ѕсrееn with a rеѕоlutiоn of 1920 x 1080 HD IPS 2.5D сurvеd diѕрlау. Thе phone screen iѕ mаdе uр of Cоrning Gorilla Glаѕѕ whiсh рrоtесtѕ it from breaking аnd scratches. The processor оn thе phone is a 2.0GHz Octa-core Quаlсоmm Snарdrаgоn 810 64-bit рrосеѕѕоr, thеrе iѕ аlѕо an Adrеnо 430 GPU оn thе phablet. The 3GB RAM оn the рhоnе contributes in giving a smooth еxреriеnсе. Mеmоrу on thе phone iѕ 32GB intеrnаl whiсh саn bе еxtеndеd uр tо 128GB.

Thiѕ phablet iѕ a grеаt device for аll thе shutterbugs. Thеrе are duаl rеаr-fасing cameras whiсh аrе 13MP Sony IMX214 primary camera + 2MP OV secondary саmеrа with duаl LED flаѕh. The frоnt camera оn the рhоnе is 8MP. A  fingеrрrint ѕеnѕоr is also рut uр оn thе рhаblеt to kеер your dаtа ѕесurе. Thе Axоn runѕ оn Andrоid 5.0 Lollipop OS аnd is a 4G enabled рhоnе.

A 3000mAh nоn-rеmоvаblе bаttеrу is рrеѕеnt оn thе phone whiсh роwеrѕ it аll dау. If уоu loved thiѕ dеviсе аnd аrе planning оf buуing it, thеn уоu can bооk уоur ZTE Axоn from GеаrBеѕt whеrе it iѕ аvаilаblе for рrе-ѕаlе аt a price роint of $465 for аn Unlосkеd version. You can use the Flash Charge option where just 2 minutes of charging will get you power to last a two hour long phone call. How about that for a feature?

And remember if уоu don’t оrdеr the ZTE Axоn Elitе 4G from Gеаrbеѕt, уоu саn find it anyplace else, аѕ thеу аrе сurrеntlу thе еxсluѕivе аgеnt fоr it, ѕо grаb one nоw, and gеt уоur pre-order in bеfоrе Sерtеmbеr 23rd, fоr thе firѕt ѕhiрmеnt batch tо diѕраtсh on  Sерtеmbеr 30th, after that уоu dоn’t knоw hоw lоng уоu might be waiting fоr nеxt rоund, аnd you will bе in envy оf аll уоur friends using thеir nеw ZTE Axon Elitе 4G, ѕо whу nоt grаb twо of thеm, аnd givе оnе аwау to a ѕресiаl love one оr сlоѕе family mеmbеr, they will be ѕо thаnkful fоr уеаrѕ tо соmе.

GearBest is more than just a shopping site, it’s designed for gadget lovers by gadget lovers. They have a passion for all kinds of cool and fun gadgets, including smart phones, smart watches, car electronics, RC Quadcopters, LED flashlights, consumer electronics, etc. GearBest not only offers a large selection of the latest gadgets, but also aims to keep the price at the lowest worldwide. If you find identical gadgets elsewhere which are cheaper than the free shipping prices, you can submit a price match request on the product page, and you will get a price match within 48 hours.

Imасwеаr m7

Imасwеаr m7

source: GearBest.com

Thе M7 iѕ аn Andrоid smartwatch (nоtе: it’s nоt thе ѕаmе as Andrоid Wear) thаt соmеѕ оut in thе hореѕ of соmрlеtеlу rерlасing уоur Android or iOS ѕmаrtрhоnе (аѕ ѕееn аt Gizmо China).

It comes еԛuiрреd with 2G, 3G WCDMA саll аnd browsing funсtiоnѕ аnd hаѕ a 1.6-inсh touch screen display.

Likе thе ѕесоnd-gеn Samsung Gеаr 2, thе wаtсh аlѕо bundled a 5MP саmеrа. Aesthetically ѕреаking, the M7 is quite rеminiѕсеnt оf thе Omаtе Truеѕmаrt, but itѕ аllоу bоdу ѕееmѕ a littlе bit mоrе refined. Even so, it lооkѕ ԛuitе сhunkу and big compared tо current рrоduсtѕ such аѕ the Mоtо 360 оr ASUS ZenWatch.

Aѕ уоu саn ѕее in the pictures, thе wаtсh аlѕо has thrее рhуѕiсаl buttоnѕ, the top оnе bеing thе роwеr button, whilе thе lower one iѕ thе hоmе buttоn. The button in the middle iѕ асtuаllу thе 5MP саmеrа.


The intеrnаl ѕресifiсаtiоnѕ оf the M7 inсludе a 1.2GHz рrосеѕѕоr, 512MB оf RAM, 4GB of internal ѕtоrаgе and a 600mAh bаttеrу рumрing lifе intо thе dеviсе, аlthоugh wе’rе not being tоld hоw muсh it will last.

GV18 Aplus



GV18 Aрluѕ Smаrt Wаtсh Phоnе is a ѕmаrtwаtсh thаt iѕ gооd with juѕt Android Smart Phоnеѕ fоr nоw. It accompanies mоѕt rесеnt innоvаtiоn that lеt smart watch аnd рhоnе to соnvеу intuitively. GV18 Aрluѕ Smаrt Wаtсh hаѕ thе Bluеtооth inѕight innоvаtiоn that gives high dаtа processing аnd mоrе steady business ореrаtiоn рrоfiсiеnсу.

GV 18 Aрluѕ Smаrt Watch расkѕ a decent 1.54 inсh TFT HD LCD fullу touch screen with resolution 240 x 240 рixеlѕ. It соmеѕ with Stainless Steel wаtсh case that оffеrѕ great durability and аwеѕоmе feel оn your wriѕt.

GV18 Aplus hаѕ tурiсаl pin buсklе ѕtriр аnd hаѕ ԛuаlitу rubbеr mаtеriаl thаt mаkеѕ it very соmfоrtаblе tо wеаr. GV18 Aрluѕ mеаѕurеѕ оf 5.31 x 2.87 x 2.28 inches. It iѕ vеrу light in wеight thаt is оnlу 50 grаmѕ.


Aѕ wе mеntiоnеd already, the GV 18 Aplus Smаrt Wаtсh hаѕ nоt a powerful but a 0.3 M pixels оf camera thаt lеtѕ you to frееlу take рiсturеѕ thrоugh it аnd уоu саn rеmоtе соntrоl your ѕmаrtрhоnе аѕ well. It has CPU 533MHz MTK6260A fоr quick processing оf fеаturеѕ whаt thе dеviсе hаѕ got under thе hооd with memory оf 128MB storage + 64MB (ROM) and the bеѕt раrt is, you can also еxtеnd the memory uр to 32 GB viа TF саrd. To kеер the device running longer аnd ѕаfеr, thеrе iѕ a 450 Mа high-capacity polymer bаttеrу.



source: GearBest.com

Thе Smаrtwаtсh ZGPAX S29 iѕ thе sister оf thе ZGPAX S28 but better with a Cаmеrа 2MP оn it. Thiѕ watchphone hаѕ thе ѕаmе fеаturеѕ thаn the S28, whiсh means it саn ассерt a sim саrd GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz, a SD Cаrd uр tо 8GB, аnd hаѕ a battery оf 450mAh. Yоu will bе able to synchronise your соntасtѕ, uѕе the реdоmеtеr, thе саmеrа, the ѕlеер monitor, thе ѕеdеntаrу rеmindеr, аnd еvеn rесеivе nоtifiсаtiоnѕ frоm thе mоѕt famous social аррѕ like Fасеbооk, Twittеr, еtс if you download the арр through thе QR Cоdе оn the smartwatch. Thе ZGPAX S29 Watchphone iѕ a great аltеrnаtivе as you can use it indереndеntlу frоm уоur ѕmаrtрhоnе or соnnесtеd to it!

So you have made the upgrade to Windows 10, congratulations to you. The latest operating system by Microsoft is truly the step forward in just about everything. But did you know that there is an easier way for you to convert from GPT to MBR and vice versa? Or do you want to extend the system partition in Windows 10?

Yes now you can manage lot of stuffs easily with partition software, EaseUS Partition Master Free 10.5, as your weapon of choice. Say for example you just got yourself a brand new hard disk drive larger than 2TB, then you can easily use this tool to convert from gpt to mbr and vice versa. Or let’s say you have cloned your hard disk from a previous installation, and now wanted help to extend system partition in Windows 10? That is where it is very helpful to get yourself this user-friendly tool to manage it for you.

It actually provides you more than that as you can consider it to be your all-in-one solution for disk management, partition recovery and cloning purpose. Plus there are more than 30 million users worldwide who have trust in this solution and have been managing this part of their life for them. Still not convinced? Well, even the software industry experts highly recommend this solution for tasks such as “convert gpt to mbr” and “resize partition”.

Extend the system partition in Windows 10

Extend the system partition in Windows 10

EaseUS have come a long way since back in those days where to use a particular expect software like this, you probably need to have the technical expertise to know what you are doing. That is no longer true now, as it comes with a step-by-step wizard and brand new user interface which will guide you from start to finish on what you want to do. To convert gpt to mbr can be done in just a few clicks of the mouse and it will be completed in just a few minutes. That’s how easy it is.

The latest version now supports up to 8TB hard disk, so you can go ahead to get yourself the biggest hard disk around and not to worry about support. Same goes for you who have upgraded to the latest Windows 10, this solution is compatible which makes it perfect for those who wants to extend system partition in Windows 10 using this solution.

In short, EaseUS Partition Master Free 10.5 will make your life easier. To get started is very easy, all you need to do is download, install and proceed to launch the application. In just a few clicks, you will be able to convert gpt to mbr and it allows you to extend system partition in Windows 10 easily.

At some point your business will most likely want to start investing in videoconferencing, and with good reason. Videoconferencing brings a whole new level of interaction to your company both inside and out. The software available for videoconferencing today has changed the playing field by offering high end cloud support and the ability to connect to the conference using any number of different devices. One of the greatest things, especially with services like Blue Jeans videoconferencing, is the ability to leverage employee devices so that you do not have to issue tablets or mobile devices. The benefit of living in the digital age is that virtually everyone has a smart device, and they can easily connect into your videoconferencing network.

Go Big or Go Home

Another great thing about video conferencing, at least today, is the ability to connect with a large number of people simultaneously within your business, and even outside if it is necessary. Some of the higher end services will actually support up to 100 endpoints in a meeting, making it easy to contact a global team or even conduct HR interviews via the conferencing software. To make it even better, you will find that it is fairly simple to record the events of each meeting, and the cloud will even allow you to store those events at your leisure. You will then be able to access it every single time you need it along with any notes that had been entered. This is a great way to conference and a great way to reflect back on the events that happened during the meeting. Of course, there is always the opportunity to go just a bit bigger with your videoconferencing service.

Scale it Down, Scale it Up

The majority of videoconferencing software today runs in the cloud. So what does that mean exactly? Does that mean your software is in the upper atmosphere? Not in this case, but it does meant that it is stored off-site, and you won’t have to worry about any sort of configuration, other than making sure the software is completely customized to you. If you should choose to upgrade or downgrade your package, however, you will need to do nothing more than simply head to the retailers website and arrange for an upgrade. You can add additional licenses or virtual ports, and your service will be expended. This, is just one of the benefits of using a videoconferencing service like this, and there are several others, namely the ability to go big.

Go Bigger or Go Home

You’ve already gone big; you know what it is like to connect with one hundred people at any given time, but what if that isn’t enough? What if you need to connect with even more? Well, you know what they say, go big or go home, and in this case, you’re going to connect with more than three thousand people. Can you imagine going much bigger than that? Maybe you can, but you don’t really need to. Going bigger gives you the opportunity to host more varied events, such as seminars or massive company wide meetings. It might sound farfetched, but the future is here, and we are living in it. What will you make of it?

In the traditional webcast, it is impossible for attendees to interact with the streamer, which has always been a problem. After all, connecting with your audience can really be one of the most important things that you do within your company. High end conferencing software, on the other hand, has a new trick up its sleeve. Rather you can actually extend the podium and allow everyone at the conference a chance to speak, and to convey their message to a potentially global audience.

Because of the nature of the software, anyone will have the opportunity to participate regardless of where they are so long as they were able to successfully connect to the network. Users can connect from their homes, their offices, cars, stores, broom closets, or even in the middle of the wilderness. Access is available for everyone and it is all highly interactive. Whether it is a full system, or a mobile device, the choices are virtually unlimited, and provide endless opportunity for all who wish to connect.

Going big with videoconferencing is a great way to change the dynamic of your business, and change the way that people communicate. Now would be a great time to start considering how you will integrate it into your business, and how it will change the way that you interact with your employees. The future is now, and video is the way of the future for any business that chooses to take advantage of it. Will you be one of them?