tax return

President Trump Has the Right to Keep His Tax Returns Private, Says Lawyer

President Donald Trump has the right to keep his tax returns private and Democrats' demands to see them are "harassment",…

6 years ago

What Are the Requirements When Getting an EIN?

Applying for an EIN number may seem like a task you feel will be overwhelming or with loads of paperwork.…

7 years ago

Nearly 1,600 IRS Employees Evaded Taxes over 10 Year Period

According to a US government watchdog, 1,580 IRS workers evaded taxes over a decade, including some who were responsible for…

10 years ago

Taxation Law and the Small Business: Everything You Need to Know

Tax can be a minefield. As a small business owner, trying to get your head around the myriad of tax…

10 years ago

Mitt Romney releases 2011 tax return

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has released his much-anticipated 2011 tax return, which shows he paid a rate of 14.1%.…

12 years ago