red meat

WHO: Processed Meat Causes Cancer and Is as Bad as Smoking

According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, processed meats - such as bacon, hot dogs, sausages and ham -…

9 years ago

Eating red meat may increase risk of breast cancer

According to a Harvard study, eating a lot of red meat in early adult life may slightly increase the risk…

11 years ago

Red meat could trigger Alzheimer’s disease

According to a recent research, eating too much red meat could trigger Alzheimer's disease. Scientists found that a build-up of…

11 years ago

Carnitine found in red meat damages heart

US scientists say carnitine, a chemical found in red meat, helps explain why eating too much steak, mince and bacon…

12 years ago

Pan-fried meat increases risk of prostate cancer

A couple of hamburgers a week could increase the chances of getting prostate cancer by 40%, according to new a…

12 years ago

Red meat shorten life expectancy by increasing the risk of death from cancer and heart problems

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have found that a diet high in red meat can shorten life expectancy. The study…

13 years ago

The Meat Fix by John Nicholson. How a former vegan became leaner and healthier after eating meat again.

John Nicholson’s book “The Meat Fix. How a lifetime of healthy eating nearly killed me!”presents author’ story of how eating…

13 years ago

Eating processed meat increases risk of pancreatic cancer

Swedish researchers at Karolinska Institute suggest there is a link between eating processed meat, such as bacon or sausages, and…

13 years ago