lifestyle change

How Edwin Velez lost 100 lbs in four months by cutting out white foodHow Edwin Velez lost 100 lbs in four months by cutting out white food

How Edwin Velez lost 100 lbs in four months by cutting out white food

At five-foot-six, Edwin Velez weighed 300 pounds when he holidayed in the Bahamas last November. When the 26-year-old from Albertville,…

12 years ago
How Oprah Winfrey lost 25 lbs in just six weeksHow Oprah Winfrey lost 25 lbs in just six weeks

How Oprah Winfrey lost 25 lbs in just six weeks

Oprah Winfrey has lost 25 lbs in just six weeks, it was revealed today, shedding much of the weight she…

13 years ago