healthy lifestyle

How to Improve Posture in Less Than 30 Days

Having a good posture is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Your posture plays a huge role in making sure…

4 years ago

Examining Your Lifestyle and Your Mental Health

The way we live says a lot about us. Lifestyle means a lot to us and is about more than…

6 years ago

Building a Business on Healthy Habits

Staying healthy requires us to eat well, exercise, take the right medicines and supplements, and regularly visit our doctors. But…

6 years ago

5 Ways To Maintain A Healthy And Active Lifestyle

In this time of constant connectivity and convenience, it can be really hard to maintain good health and wellness. The…

6 years ago

Healthy eating for students: improve your diet

Learn some useful tips for healthy eating for students Sometimes all that essay writing and all the other assignments keep…

7 years ago

A healthy lifestyle could reverse ageing process

A new research has found that a healthy lifestyle may do more than simply slow the ageing process - it…

11 years ago

How Vanessa Lachey lost 65 lbs after giving birth to baby Camden

Vanessa Lachey has revealed that she put on 65 lbs whilst pregnant with her son Camden. In the nine months…

12 years ago

Gwyneth Paltrow admits smoking one cigarette per week

Gwyneth Paltrow promotes a healthy lifestyle but she admits having her vices, like smoking one cigarette per week. Gwyneth Paltrow,…

12 years ago

Processed meat increases risk of dying young

A study of half a million people across Europe suggests that sausages, ham, bacon and other processed meats appear to…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney releases his health record

Mitt Romney today overcame one hurdle on the path to the White House - he was declared healthy enough to…

12 years ago

Trusting in luck and fate makes you obese

Scientists claim people who believe in luck and fate are more likely to be obese. Researchers found that those who…

12 years ago