healthy eating

Amit Raizada on Healthy Eating in the COVID World

Over the course of six months of quarantine, Americans have been desperate for things to do. To cure some of…

4 years ago

Experts: Physical Activity Has Little Role in Tackling Obesity

According to international specialists, physical activity has little role in tackling obesity and instead public health messages should squarely focus…

10 years ago

Chocolate and other sneaky treats taste better when you are on a diet

It seems there could be a scientific reason why a sneaky treat always tastes just that little bit better. Researchers…

12 years ago

Six myths about healthy eating

Everything you think you know about healthy eating is wrong, according to a new research. Here you find six myths…

13 years ago

Jessica Simpson becomes the new face of Weight Watchers

Jessica Simpson was officially announced as the new face of Weight Watchers as she is on a mission to get…

13 years ago

The Meat Fix by John Nicholson. How a former vegan became leaner and healthier after eating meat again.

John Nicholson’s book “The Meat Fix. How a lifetime of healthy eating nearly killed me!”presents author’ story of how eating…

13 years ago