free radicals

MitoQ: Anti-ageing cream discovered by accident while testing drugs to cure liver disease

When British researchers at Cambridge University were looking for a cure for liver damage and accidentally created a cream they…

11 years ago

Vitamin C kills multidrug-resistant TB in laboratory tests

Scientists have found that vitamin C can kill multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) in the laboratory. The surprise discovery may point to…

12 years ago

An apple a day lowers bad cholesterol and improves heart health in just one month

A new study suggests that eating apples each day could significantly improve the heart health of middle-aged adults in just…

12 years ago

AS10, the fruit drink developed by NASA that rejuvenates the skin

A new study has shown that a fruit drink developed by NASA to protect astronauts from radiation, known as AS10,…

13 years ago

Why adding extra antioxidants to our diet gives no benefit?

Antioxidants enhance the immune system’s defense against the diseases caused by free radicals. They include Vitamins A, C and E…

13 years ago