
Supermoon 2016: Earth’s Satellite Makes Its Closest Approach Since 1948

Observers are preparing for the "supermoon" as Earth's satellite makes its closest approach since 1948. Europe's best chance to see…

8 years ago

Mercury Makes Rare Transit In Front of the Sun

Mercury has made a rare transit in front of the Sun, the third such pass of 14 the planet will…

9 years ago

Earth’s inner core has a core smaller than Moon

Chinese and the US researchers suggest that the innermost core of the Earth has another, distinct region at its center.…

10 years ago

Asteroid 2004 BL86 passes Earth on January 26, 2015

Mountain-size asteroid 2004 BL86 will pass in the vicinity of Earth on January 26, 2015. The space rock is roughly…

10 years ago

Giant impact hypothesis: Traces of Theia planet found on the Moon

Evidence of the world that crashed into the Earth billions of years ago to form the Moon has been found…

11 years ago

Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, described as a “weirdly Earth-like place”

It is well known that Earth is unique as the only planet in the solar system which can sustain life.…

12 years ago

Bus-sized asteroid is set to pass extremely close to Earth today

NASA announces that an asteroid the size of a bus is set to pass extremely close to Earth today. Asteroid…

13 years ago

Life could exist on Mars, as a huge amount of water is found on polar regions, scientists say

Australian scientists, who have made an overall study of temperature and pressure conditions of Mars, say that a greater percentage…

13 years ago