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Getting enough quality sleep is incredibly important in order to maintain both physical and mental health. Despite this, many people struggle with getting the rest they need to keep their bodies functioning optimally. The good news is that there are some easy tips and tricks you can use to help your body get the rest it needs. In this blog post, we’ll discuss practical strategies for improving your sleep so you can wake up feeling refreshed and energized each morning, even amidst a stressful life event like a move without the help of Black Tie Moving.

So, if you’re ready to finally get a better night’s sleep, read on!

1. Establish a Regular Sleep Schedule

Creating a consistent sleep schedule can make all the difference when it comes to getting enough rest. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time every morning. Doing this will help train your body’s natural circadian rhythm, making it easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep for longer periods of time.

2. Avoid Stimulants Before Bed

Caffeine and other stimulants can take up to 6 hours to leave your system, so it’s important to avoid them in the late afternoon and evening. Try to limit your consumption of coffee, tea, energy drinks, soda, and chocolate in the hours leading up to bedtime.

3. Reduce Stress

Stress can have a major effect on your ability to get restful sleep. If you find yourself struggling to relax and drift off to sleep, try taking a few minutes to practice some mindful breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.

4. Exercise Regularly

Getting regular exercise is an important part of getting better sleep. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day. Exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety, increase the production of endorphins (the “feel-good” hormones), and help you fall asleep faster.

5. Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment

Take some time to create an environment in your bedroom that is conducive to sleep. Make sure the room is dark and quiet, the temperature is cool, and there is minimal clutter. Try investing in blackout curtains and a comfortable mattress to maximize your comfort.

By following these simple tips, you can greatly improve the quality of your sleep and start waking up feeling more rested and energized each morning.


Business for you has been great but also incredibly stressful. After you work on your real estate marketing strategy using REI Blackbook, you think it might be time to take a break from work.  You might be correct, and that’s why we’re offering 5 signs you need a mental health day.

Let’s get into it!

You’re Having Trouble Sleeping

Quality sleep is incredibly important for our physical and mental health. If you’ve found yourself struggling to fall asleep or wanting to press snooze more frequently, it might be a sign that you need to take a mental health day. Allowing yourself the time to reconnect with yourself and slow your world down is an effective way to help get your sleep pattern back to a healthy state.

You Feel Overwhelmed

It’s normal to have some days where you feel overwhelmed with all you need to get done, but if you find that you’ve been feeling overwhelmed even on days where everything seems to be going well – it might be time for a mental health break. So often, we get lost in our day-to-day tasks and can easily become consumed with deadlines and tasks. This often causes us to feel stressed and like we don’t have control over our own lives anymore. Taking a mental health day gives you the space to relax and focus on self-care.

Your Physical Health Has Declined

Our mental health and physical health are directly linked to one another. If you notice your physical health declining, like frequent headaches, chest pain, or muscle aches, it might be an indication there’s something going on with your mental health as well. When you take a mental health day, you’re allowing your body and mind the time they need to relax and rest. In turn, this can help to alleviate some of the physical effects that mental health issues can cause. 

You’re More Irritable

Do you find yourself on edge or getting frustrated by the small things? If so, it might mean that you’re ready for a mental health day. When we’re anxious or stressed, we often find everything as a threat or an annoyance. We’re too absorbed with our thoughts on work or home life, and we find it challenging to find patience and peace. This is where a mental health day can help; it gives you a chance to find your inner peace and happiness.

Your Relationships Are Taking a Downward Spiral

Relationships require you to be present, understanding, and compassionate. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious lately – there’s a good chance that this has had a negative effect on your relationships. If you find that your relationships have been more challenging lately, or if you feel disconnected from your partner – it’s probably a good idea for you to take a mental health day. When you take a mental health day, you’re focusing on your thoughts and feelings. This can help you to have a greater awareness when it comes to navigating your role in a relationship, and it can help you to work on the parts of you that need strengthening.


You just scheduled a new deck to be built by Butler Contractors. You’re so excited to finally live in a home that’s surrounded by nature. While a new deck is a great way to reap the benefits of your new environment, you also met a local hiking group. You wonder just what hiking could offer to you.

Fret not, we’re here to teach you about 6 powerful benefits of hiking.

Photo by form PxHere

Inspires Creativity

One of the most wonderful benefits of hiking is that it inspires you to be creative. When you’re outside, exploring the wilderness – you tap into the childlike, adventurous spirit within you. In turn, this helps you to think in new ways and find new connections between the world around you. Whether you’re suffering from writer’s block or struggling to get into painting, going for a hike is sure to offer you creative inspiration with whatever your artistic heart desires.

Great for Physical Health

It’s no surprise that hiking has wonderful benefits towards your overall physical health. Hiking not only increases your endurance, but it also strengthens your leg, core, and arm muscles. It truly provides a full body workout. Of course, you can modify your workouts depending on how much of a physical challenge you are wanting.

Activity for Everyone

Hiking is not just for the young. This activity is meant for everyone. As we touched on previously, there are many modifications you can make when it comes to hitting the hiking trail. Many popular hiking destinations will let visitors know the difficulty level of each hike, so you can choose accordingly. You’re never too old or young to go out and explore the world!

Improves Mental Health

Researchers at Stanford University conducted a study that shows there’s a strong correlation with spending time outdoors and mental health. They found that more time outside can help relieve anxiety, reduce stress, and even make you at a lower risk for depression. If you’re feeling down, getting in nature is one of the easiest ways to cheer you right up. Hiking can also provide mental clarity, which in turn – can help you focus.

Tap Into Your Inner Curiosity

If you’re a lover of exploring the world around you, hiking is one of the best ways to tap into your inner curiosity. Hiking allows you to observe the natural environment around you while also getting more connected to your thoughts about it. This is why it’s not uncommon for hikers to bring a notepad along with them on their hike. This allows them to write down whatever comes to mind. You should try this the next time you go for a hike!

Mindfulness Benefits

There is a slew of positive benefits that come with practicing mindfulness. And no, you don’t need to sit down and meditate to become more mindful. Hiking in nature brings you back to the present moment. It helps you focus on your surroundings, instead of being trapped in incessant thinking. In essence, it allows you to just be without all the distractions of life and your thoughts.