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alternative medical care


Technology can be a huge aid to both seniors living at home and to the people who care for them.  At least 40 percent of elderly Americans aged 85 and older live alone. Most of these seniors either have no caregiver or rely on a nearby family member to act as their caregiver.

If you are a senior who prefers to aid in place in your own home, or if you are a caregiver who is concerned about keeping a senior safe and health, there are a number of medical devices that can help.

Here are four examples of useful emergency devices for the elderly.

1. Mobile Alert Device

A mobile alert device is typically outfitted with a GPS tracker and designed for use outside the home. These devices feature a button on a small unit that can be worn around the neck, wrist, or belt. Using a cellular connection, pressing a button connects the user to a representative who can direct assistance to emergencies.

Such a mobile device is a great option for independent elderly who retain their mobility. The device ensures they always have access to help whether they’re running errands or moving around at home. The GPS capability makes it possible to identify an elderly user’s location if they have confusion identifying where they are.

2. Monitored Medical Alert Systems

A common medical alert device is a fully monitored medical alert system. These systems are connected to a subscription monitoring service which provides immediate access to emergency-trained professionals 24/7 in the event of emergencies.

These systems serve an elderly user’s entire home, accompanied by wearable buttons or buttons placed around the home to ensure constant access to immediate assistance. Pressing a button signals a call for help from the system’s base, which is connected to a landline phone or a cellular connection. An operator then communicates with a user to determine what type of response is needed for their emergency.

Some alert systems include automatic fall detection, which contacts emergency operators automatically when a fall is detected and a person may not be able to press the button for help. It’s a good idea to compare available systems and check medical alert review sites for their opinions.

3. Medical USB Device

Technically, a medical USB device is just a USB-based memory stick that is much the same as its non-medical counterparts. However, it can be beneficial for the elderly in spite of its simple nature.

Medical USB devices can be used to store important information about its user’s health status, which can inform medical professionals and help them prevent a wide range of potential complications. These devices can also be used to store other relevant information such as contacts, lab results, and legal documents.

Such resources can play a critical role in ensuring the best care for their users as well as making sure that their wishes are always known throughout the healthcare process. Additionally, this device is valuable for elderly individuals who have Alzheimer’s or other conditions that might impair their ability to recall key medical details that could impact their care.

4. Medication Management Device

Data shows that individuals over the age of 65 take an average of five medications on a daily basis. Considering that each of these medications will come with its own schedule as well as other considerations, taking the right medications at the right times can be complicated.

Technology has facilitated medication management in the form of physical devices. Such devices range from electronic medication caps, to storage containers with built-in alarms, and even full-fledged medication dispensing devices. Any of these devices are useful for the elderly by reminding them when the time comes to take their medications. This is key for avoiding missed doses, extra doses, or unintended combination of medications. Moreover, the right device can be helpful for their users’ caregivers by informing them of medication patterns.

Medications can’t provide their intended effect unless users are following the appropriate dosing and frequency instructions. Thus, a medication management device can greatly contribute to an elderly individual’s quality of life afforded by critical medications.

Further Considerations

Elderly living can be a challenging task, whether providing care to an elderly loved one or helping them retain their independence. Fortunately, technological advances have provided the tools to reduce the challenge of either task. There is a wide range of devices available to promote the independent living of the elderly, or make caregiving an easier experience, both of which promotes the wellbeing of the elderly. It’s worth taking the time to compare the available devices and select one that would benefit your unique situation and loved one.


When people in ancient times used marijuana to alleviate pains and aches, they didn’t think of it as resorting to alternative medicine. It was all just medicine, solutions to their health problems. Legends tell of Chinese emperors making references to marijuana as a healing agent. The earliest written record of using cannabis as medicine is found in the Chinese Pharmacopeia, which came out in the 15th century BC.

Experts in various fields even believe that the Bible contains references to cannabis featuring among the ingredients of holy anointing oil. The ancient Egyptians and Indians used cannabis to treat glaucoma, inflammation, pain, and even leprosy. The Greeks and the Romans wrote extensively about the medicinal properties of the plant.

The change of heart

Until the turn of the 20th century, marijuana was a mainstream remedy used to treat various conditions. In the U.S., things began to change with the introduction of the Food and Drugs Act in 1906. All states had outlawed the sale and possession of marijuana by 1937, when the Marihuana Tax Act came into effect. The restrictions imposed by this law led to a sharp drop in marijuana prescriptions.

However, many scientists kept urging the study of cannabis to understand better its medical properties. As Dr. William Woodward of the American Medical Association (AMA) had argued in the 1930s, marijuana was “largely an unknown quantity, but might have important uses in medicine and psychology.”

The push for recognition

Research reports over the years maintained that marijuana was not as dangerous as previously thought and was actually less harmful than some other opiates and alcohol. One such report was commissioned by the UK government and published in 1968. You might want to know more about Cannabis Topicals and Cancer as well.

Evidence kept piling up that cannabis wasn’t a demonic plant and could, in fact, deliver substantial medical benefits. In 1970, a non-profit called National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) was launched in the U.S. Two years later, the bi-partisan Shafer Commission recommended that marijuana be decriminalized for personal use. That same year, NORML filed a petition to have the classification of marijuana changed from a Schedule I to a Schedule II drug.

Patients themselves began rallying to upset the status quo. In 1976, a federal judge ruled in favor of glaucoma patient called Robert Randall, who stood trial on criminal charges of cultivating marijuana. The ruling made Randall the first U.S. citizen cleared to receive marijuana as medicine. Five years later, he teamed up with other patients to establish the Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics (ACT) – an organization dedicated to helping patients and doctors obtain access to this alternative medical solution.

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The case for embracing change again

The collection of historical facts presented so far aims to make it clear that what people now call alternative medical care has always existed. Social, economic or political factors may have affected attitudes and legislation over the years, but at no point in time have patients and doctors stopped believing in the medical benefits of marijuana.

As technological and scientific progress drives humanity forward, new discoveries create tremendous opportunities but also raise the need for protection against abuse. Whatever people think about marijuana in general, very few doubt the medicinal properties of the plant.

While governments are relaxing their grip, it is still far from enough to advance research and approvals. Old, familiar concepts have become the source of confusion simply as a result of new terminology, classifications, and legislation. The modern definition of alternative medical care is so broad that it hinders understanding, regulation, licensing, and practice.

It seems the time has come for things to go full circle. Once a mainstream treatment, cannabis was pushed to the fringes of medicine and later criminalized. It is now staging a comeback, even if mostly regarded as an alternative to standard treatments. The medical marijuana community is hoping that one day, sooner rather than later, the law will catch up with science and cannabis will once again be regarded as a legitimate, fully endorsed solution for multiple medical problems. Just as it was centuries ago, when people didn’t care whether they were receiving traditional or alternative medical care as long as it helped them.