It’s raining it’s pouring the old man is … annoyedly clicking “Still Watching” on his streaming service. That’s probably more in line with the times than the old nursery rhyme.
And why not? It’s great to curl up and relax on a dreary day. These rainy day movies will help keep you entertained until the sun decides to come back out.
1. A Wrinkle in Time
If you’re looking for something with some of the most powerful female actors ever, watch this. Oprah, Mindy Kaling, and Reese Witherspoon all-star.
It’s a semi sci-fi-like tale, though that wasn’t a term back when the book was written. It’s suspenseful, thoughtful, and full of vibrant imagery. It’s got flawless CGI and special effects editing and you may just cry once or twice.
But cry in a good way!

2. Clueless
If you want something light, classic, and funny but that you’ll still want to pay attention to – watch the 1995 film Clueless. It stars people we didn’t know would be big stars back then, like Alicia Silverstone and Stacey Dash.
The comedy details a set of rich Beverly Hills girls and their blessed but drama-filled life. Some say the comedy is a loose take on the 1815 novel Emma, by Jane Austen.
It’s fun, there are great catchy lines in it, and it’ll send you down nostalgia road. Just don’t expect it to be the high-quality filmmaking you’re used to. It was filmed back when most people still didn’t have cell phones.
3. Goodfellas
If you want something a bit darker but still classic, what about the American Crime film Goodfellas? It’s about three men, one who gets involved in the mob, and some who were born into it.
You get to see both sides, how the activity affects the families, and what it’s like to work for “The Family”. There are some murder scenes in this one, so it’s not great for kids.
It’s not gruesome, but it’s intense at times. As far as filmmaking goes, it’s older than Clueless, as it was made in 1990, so don’t expect any CGI or green screen effects.
4. Casablanca
If you’re having a dreary day and want something that will keep the mood mild but also make you cry because of romance, this is the classic for you.
It’s filmed in black and white, which goes perfectly with the tones of a dark rainy day. In the movie, our heroine runs into an old flame while in town wither her new husband.
Her husband is a bit of a troublemaker and she needs her old flame to help them out of trouble. But will the pull of the old flame be too much? Will they escape in time? It’s old Hollywood glam and drama with a side of romance.
You can find it on most streaming sites, like IPTV. What is IPTV? You’ll find out.
Rainy Day Movies
When it comes to rainy day movies, are you more of a feel-good flick person or do you want something equally dark and scary as the storm?
We lean towards the first option, but a good thriller always gives, well, a thrill.
Interested in learning about the top car movies? We’ll give you the top 10 here.