Duck Dynasty’s Si Robertson discovered YouTube for the first time, and, after watching a series of instructional videos, decided he can make something better.
Uncle Si notes: “They got everything in this thing. Fainting goats. Sneezing pandas. Double rainbows, all the way to both ends… Where’s this thing been all my life?”
Jase, Jep, John Godwin, and Justin Martin helped Uncle Si shoot an instructional golf video, and upload Si’s “four point philosophy” to the web.

He’s so hooked on the videos that he skips lunch with the gang from the Duck Commander warehouse and then is shocked when he learns he’s been watching the laptop screen for an hour when they return.
Si Robertson decides he will make some instructional videos on subjects like “training dogs, how to walk, how to talk, how to eat a hard-shell taco,” but eventually settles on a golfing video because he was once a greens keeper at a golf course.
Dressing the part, Si Robertson later shows up in stereotypical golfing garb, including loud plaid pants, bright sweater-vest and a flat-cap.
Uncle Si explains: “You can’t go out there dressed like a baffoon.”
With Jep Robertson manning the camera, Uncle Si begins his video: “I am an amateur golfer, but a professional golf instructor.”
The final product includes Si Robertson’s four steps to better golf: Stance, swing, long putts and “don’t overdo it.”