The estranged wife of George Zimmerman has told police he threatened her with a gun.
Shellie Zimmerman also said George Zimmerman had punched her father and smashed her iPad.
George Zimmerman blamed his spouse for the altercation and denied any wrongdoing.
He was briefly taken into custody and questioned but no charges have been laid against him.
In July, George Zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder in the February 2012 killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

George Zimmerman shot dead Trayvon Martin, who was unarmed and walking at night toward his father’s house. He told investigators the boy had attacked him.
On Monday, police responded to a call from the Zimmermans’ central Florida home after Shellie Zimmerman told an emergency official her husband was sitting in his car with his hand on a gun.
Shellie Zimmerman also told authorities she was afraid of her 29-year-old husband after he allegedly punched her father in the nose and grabbed an iPad out of her hand and smashed it.
Hours later, she changed her story and said she had never seen a firearm, police said.
Both Shellie Zimmerman and her father declined to press charges.
Shellie Zimmerman, 26, filed for divorce on September 5, a week after she was sentenced to a year’s probation and 100 hours of community service for perjury in connection with George Zimmerman’s murder trial.
Shellie Zimmerman had admitted lying about assets the couple shared during a June 2012 bail hearing.
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