Vanessa Lachey has revealed that she put on 65 lbs whilst pregnant with her son Camden.
In the nine months since he was born, Vanessa Lachey has since shed the weight.
Vanessa Lachey, 32, says she did not do it with the help of a fad diet or crazed exercise regime.
She says she simply just “let it happen” and that happiness is the key to her healthy lifestyle.
“I gained, I think, 65 pounds when I was pregnant,” Vanessa Lachey said in an interview with HuffPo Live.
“And I will say to moms out there, <<Don’t stress about losing it. It will happen when it happens>>.

“Cam’s 9 months, so it’s been a minute, and we’re working, and we’re traveling, and it’s just about maintaining a happy, healthy lifestyle, not obsessing about it.”
Vanessa Lachey stresses that the “get thin quick” tactic is a waste of time and new mothers should more be concentrating on and spending time with their newborns.
“I think that’s one thing I would like to convey to moms everywhere,” she continued.
“It’s not about this <<get skinny quick>> diet or these fads. Just enjoy time being a mom. You’ve just had this wonderful, magical moment, and you shouldn’t be stressing about that kind of stuff.”
But Vanessa Lachey does rave about the slimming effects of Spanx, praising the individual who created them in the process.
“If you’re really worried, Spanx are amazing,” she joked.
“Thank you to the inventor of that.”
Vanessa also took time out in the interview to praise her husband 98 Degrees singer Nick Lachey.
“He was born to be a daddy,” she said.
Vanessa Lachey has been in the audience several times when her husband has performed with his boy band 98 Degrees, who are currently on tour with Boyz II Men and New Kids on the Block for The Package Tour.