Duck Dynasty’s Jase Robertson is Willie’s brother and his polar opposite.
While Willie Robertson enjoys making deals behind the desk, Jase would much rather call the swamp his office.
But he knows he’s gotta earn his keep, so Jase Robertson’s job within the company is to fabricate the duck calls that have made Duck Commander famous. When pressed, Jase Robertson can churn out a thousand new calls in a flash, but he likes to take his time so that Willie doesn’t expect the same performance every day.

Jase Robertson has more important things than work on his mind, namely, duck hunting. His motto is: “Only three things matter: God, then family, then ducks.”
Jason Silas “Jase” Robertson was born on August 19, 1969 and is in charge of the manufacturing aspects of Duck Commander.
Along with other employees, Jase Robertson tunes the duck calls by hand. Many of Duck Dynasty episodes feature the laid-back, self-professed redneck Jase Robertson doing something to aggravate the gung-ho, business-savvy Willie (such as turning a warehouse cleaning into a ping-pong battle).
Missy Robertson is Jase’s wife. She is often seen helping Korie (Willie Robertson’s wife and her sister-in-law) and Miss Kay (her mother-in-law) with ideas to expand the Duck Commander women’s line.
Missy and Jase Robertson have three children: Reed, Cole, and Mia.
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