When it comes to keeping it clean, most will testify to having an array of expensive products and potions stored under the kitchen sink.
However, Wimex claims that could all be a thing of the past thanks to the launch of a new one-stop, recession-busting “wonder cleaner” – which claims to save cash by doing the job of the lot.
They say Bio-mex is an organic, chemical-free product which can get rid of grease and dirt not only from kitchens and bathrooms, but also be used to keep bicycles and car engines shiny and clean.
Costing $16 for a 300g pot, the cleaner was created by German company Wimex.
Unlike most cleaning products, which contain powerful bleach and other harmful chemicals, Bio-mex is made with only natural ingredients, such as vegetable soap, white clay, vegetable fats, glycerine and lemon.

The ingredients are “fired” together to create a hardened cream or “cake” which is removed using a damp sponge from the pot lid.
Because it is made from organic ingredients it is also kind to skin and is free from the overpowering chemical odors present in regular products.
One user said: “I used to buy many different cleaning products, now I just use Bio-mex. My bathroom and kitchen stay beautifully white and shining clean. On top of everything, Bio-mex is organic – no more dry hands.”
Another added: “I never realized that cleaning a shower could be so complicated! I have a tiled shower, with a glass door. I used to use one product to clean the door, another for the grouting, one for the soap area, Jif for the darker floor area and a spray on one for the white walls.
“Now Bio-mex does everything, and it does it superbly. I also love the fact that I don’t get asphyxiated by fumes, as well as the pleasant smell left on my hands afterwards. I can also use it on the rest of the bathroom fixtures. Bio-mex is virtually the only cleaning product I use now.”
Bio-mex has been a closely guarded secret of the hotel and restaurant trade for years, but this is the first time it has been available for sale to the general public.