Waterbrook Builders is a real estate development company based in South Florida. However, it serves clients all over Broward and Palm Beach County. Waterbook Builders has built homes in Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Pompano, Lighthouse Point, and many other cities across South Florida. The company is owned by Thomas Yianilos. The company has been building homes and commercial properties in South Florida for many years. However, the company has been getting a lot of bad press recently for homes Tommy Yianilos built that were so defective that two of his clients had to sue him and are battling with him to make over 1 million dollars in changes and repairs to their damaged homes before they are even able to move in according to court records and documents.
There are numerous complaints online about Waterbrook calling them crooks, scammers, ripoffs, and more. It’s important to note that this review is solely based on sharing the experiences of others who have used the builder and public court records that talk about the Tommy’s past bankruptcy filings and lawsuits. You can see the details at the Waterbrook Builders Complaint site that share the details.

Bankruptcy History
In 2008, Waterbrook Builders filed for bankruptcy during the real estate market crash. In the Chapter 11 filing, Thomas Yianilos, a real estate developer and businessman, was listed as the principal signing. Chapter 11 calls for liquidation because an entity or individual lacks sufficient income to service their debts. In the Chapter 11 filing, Thomas Yianilos listed $10 million in company assets and $50 million in liabilities. The top unsecured creditor in the filing was Vercon Construction Company which was owed $3 million. Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach came in second and third with claims of $129,000 and $47,000 respectively.
Pending Lawsuits
Waterbrook Builders has recently had some serious issues with their clients. Some of the disgruntled clients have filed lawsuits in court against Thomas and the LLC. Currently, there are two notable pending lawsuits.
1. Jamie A. Danburg vs. Waterbrook Builders LLC
This pending lawsuit was filed electronically on November 19, 2021. So far, eSummons have been issued and a request for submission made. A motion to compel was submitted on February 3, 2022. The outcome of the case is yet to be determined.
2. James Verillo vs. Waterbrook Builders LLC
This is yet another pending lawsuit that was filed on October 4, 2021. It was filed electronically, but no other motion has been filed since then. The case is still pending in court.
More details regarding these two lawsuits can be obtained online. All you need to do is put your internet searching skills to good use.
Negative Reviews
A history of bankruptcy and pending lawsuits in court are two of the warning signs that consumers should always look for. However, customer reviews should also be read before a decision can be made. Yelp and Google Reviews are some of the most informative.
i) Jeff G. from Boca Raton, Florida
Jeff G. hired Tommy Yianilos and Waterbrook Builders LLC to build his home. On the first day of occupancy, Jeff discovered that he had a leaking shower. The water was leaking through the ceiling below. According to insurance adjusters and expert engineers, the leaks were due to poor installation of linear drains and shower pans by Waterbrook Builders.
ii) S. L. from Illinois
These business owners from Illinois hired Waterbrook Builders to build a house in Fort Lauderdale. The company gave them a lot of promises, which they were never able to fulfill. They claimed they would complete construction within 12 months, but 21 months later, the project was incomplete.