Tina Brown, Whitney Houston’s ex-sister-in-law, back in 2006, alleged that the singer was addicted to crack cocaine and was living in squalor.
Tina Brown, Bobby Brown’ sister claimed that she knew this because she used crack cocaine with Whitney Houston.
The British tabloid, The Sun, had reportedly received photographs of Whitney Houston, depicting drug paraphernalia including a crack pipe, rolling papers and cocaine-covered spoons in the singer’s bathroom.
Tina Brown was quoted by The Sun as saying: “The truth needs to come out. Whitney won’t stay off the drugs. It’s every single day. It’s so ugly. Everyone is so scared she is going to overdose.”
The addiction was reported to had become so bad, Whitney Houston hallucinated. Sky Showbiz reported at the time that: “Tina claims drugs have made Whitney so paranoid that she sees demons everywhere and once made a hole in the bathroom wall as a spy hole.”
Elaboration came from a quote on The Sun from Tina Brown, who said: “She’ll point to the floor and say, ‘See that demon. I’m telling you somebody’s messing with Bobby’. She always thinks it’s something to do with Bobby. But it’s her, hitting herself.”

The reports also claimed that Whitney Houston was completely ignoring her own personal hygiene, was using copious amounts of crack cocaine at a time, and was using sex toys to pleasure herself.
Whitney Houston was reported to have used an entire 8-ball (1/8 of an ounce) of crack at once, by emptying out a cigar, and filling it with the crack rock and marijuana. Habitual users will regularly break an 8-ball into several smaller pieces, using smaller doses at a time.
Reports also claimed that Whitney Houston’s mother, Cissy, had forced her to go to rehab clinics in March of 2004. It’s reported that Whitney Houston used crack in the car en route to the rehab session. Once at the clinic, she would do her best to dodge drug tests.
The New York Daily News said she would tell workers at the clinic: “I’m not giving you no pee today. I don’t have none right now.”
The New York Daily News also reported: ” Whitney allegedly loses her $6,000 set of false teeth when she’s high and once appeared toothless, scaring the kids at her niece’s school.”
As well: “In 2004, a drug dealer called Bobby Brown and ordered him to remove the paranoid and out-of-control Whitney from his crack house. <<Come get your wife. I’m sick of this b****>>, the dealer reportedly complained.”
Other instances of how Whitney Houston’s addiction was ruining her life include The Sun’s report of how: “Whitney was also rushed to hospital in 2003 with blood gushing from her nose – and emerged with a bizarre bandage on it.”
At the time, a source said: “Everyone wondered what happened to Whitney’s nose.”
It was rumored that the money Whitney Houston made from selling 100 million plus albums has most been squandered to her drug habit.
Having apparently forgotten about her Diane Sawyer interview on ABC, where Whitney Houston had stated: “Crack is Whack!”, concern for her well-being was the motivating factor behind the publicizing of her addiction, explained Tina Brown.
At the end of the interview, Tina Brown said: “I understand what she is going through. Addiction is a disease. Maybe this interview will help save her life.”