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There’s a difference between having the tools necessary to do something and having the knowledge and skills necessary to do so. Put it this way: Anyone can get behind the wheel of a car, but not everyone knows what to do next. The same principle applies to enterprises deploying business intelligence and data analytics. Having the tools is a fundamental first step

Gartner estimates half of all organizations “will lack sufficient Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data literacy skills to achieve business value” by 2020. But not for lack of trying — the research firm also expects 80 percent of organizations to deliberately develop data literacy to overcome these deficits.

Imagini pentru Develop a Data-Literate Workforce

Why should companies develop a data-literate workforce, exactly? Here are three key reasons.

Teams Can Use Data More Self-Sufficiently

As Info World notes, we’re in the midst of a shift away from IT departments solely managing data to “our current reality where people who aren’t used to working with data must incorporate those skills.”

Self-service search and voice analytics tools are capable of helping employees of all stripes interface directly with stored data, ask questions and receive instant answers. In theory, this alleviates the need for teams like marketing, sales and leadership to treat data specialists like gatekeepers standing between them and insights they can use in decision-making.

However, data literacy is a determining factor in how much value these employees can derive from data — along with the accuracy and quality of the insights they’re taking away. The better versed everyone throughout an organization is in data concepts and language, the easier time they’ll have pulling insights, interpreting them correctly and using them effectively to drive business outcomes.

IT Teams Get Relief from the Reporting Backlog

Another advantage of boosting data literacy among non-specialists is it takes much of the pressure off IT teams to produce constant reports on behalf of others. Without a backlog of requests, IT experts can set their sights on loftier projects — ones more closely tied to advancing strategy and organizational growth.

Data Literacy Can Help or Hurt Growth

Enterprises with the ability to connect decision-makers with speedy data insights — in other words, companies with the right tools and degree of data literacy in place — are equipped to make business decisions capable of driving growth. Data can help companies optimize performance, cut waste, eliminate pain points, reduce operating costs, maximize output and drill down into customer behavior. These are building blocks to sustainable business growth.

On the flip side, lacking the tools and data literacy necessary to capitalize on data insights can inhibit growth. Increasingly, the degree to which an organization is able to become data driven will affect its competitive edge; growth is a big part of that differentiation.

How to Develop a Data-Literate Workforce

We’ve outlined three compelling reasons to boost data literacy within your enterprise. Your next question is probably: How? Well, it’s a combination of products and processes. Deploying a self-service data analytics platform like ThoughtSpot is a start. But businesses will have to do more to truly promote data literacy at every level.

Establishing expectations and shared language centering around data is a must, as is providing accessible training for employees. Cultivating a data-driven culture is about more than just tools; it’s about how people use these tools, as well as how they communicate their findings. Make sure company leaders are taking initiative and leading by example, rather than paying lip service to the value of data without demonstrating its value in action.

Developing a data-literate workforce is no longer an optional yet desirable goal; it’s an absolute must for staying competitive as we move into the future.  


You may have to work for a living, but that doesn’t mean you need to let your work get the best of your health. From stress to dining out for lunch to sitting at a desk all day, there are many ways that your job can be creating an unhealthy lifestyle for you.

Obviously, nobody wants their job to be the reason for their demise, so instead of allowing your job to make you overweight and unhappy, use the following information to learn how to stay healthy while at work.

Make healthier lunchtime and snacking decisions.

You get hungry while at work, and that’s perfectly normal. After all, nobody expects you to go eight or more hours without eating. However, it’s important that you make smarter and healthier lunchtime and snacking decisions. While it may be easier on you to break away from the office to grab a bite to eat with your coworkers, you may want to think twice. Not only do most fast food options have higher levels of fat and sodium, but studies have also found that regularly eating fast food can damage your liver as much as hepatitis. Obviously, this is not something you want to endure. Instead of eating fast food every day, try bringing a healthier lunch from home. And if you do ever want to get out of the office with your coworkers, try to choose a healthier dining option than fast food.

3 Ways to Stay Healthy While at Work

3 Ways to Stay Healthy While at Work

Take a walk.

If your job requires you to sit at a desk for long periods of time, you could be doing some major damage to your body. Extending sitting has many disadvantages for your health. First, it slows your body’s metabolism. This means that your body has a harder time burning off fat and calories, which leads to weight gain. This can also cause more cholesterol in your body, which in turn can lead to heart disease. In order to stay healthy while at work, take a walk every now and then. Get up from your desk and take a walk around the office, or use your lunch break to get in some exercise. You can even take some time to just stand at your desk while working instead of sitting at your desk. The more you can stand and move around while at work, the better it will be for your health.

Practice workplace safety.

Sometimes your daily routine can put you in harm’s way, which is why it’s extremely important that you practice workplace safety every day. For example, if you work with heavy machinery, it’s very important that you always wear the right protective gear and never try to operate the machinery while drowsy or on certain medications. You should also ensure that all power sources are shut down on machinery before performing any maintenance on any workplace essentials.

It’s also important that you keep your workspace clean and safe from harm. Wet or icy conditions can result in slip and fall injuries, and this could be extremely detrimental to your health and your future in the workforce. According to Laws and Demers PLLC, “While a slip and fall injury may not seem too devastating at first; many injuries lead to pain that worsens the next day, or even days later. If a victim is elderly or already has a disability, any kind of slip and fall injury can lead to further health problems or aggravation of a previous condition.” Don’t let a slip and fall accident deter your health, so always keep your area clean and pay close attention to areas where you work.