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Understanding project management can feel challenging due to the many methods and tools available. One of the most effective tools used in project management is the Gantt chart. Gantt charts have long stood as invaluable tools in project management, providing clear, visual representations of project schedules and allowing team members to understand their tasks and deadlines clearly. In this article, we explore the diverse applications of Gantt charts, highlighting their adaptability and effectiveness in various contexts. 

Understanding the Basics of a Gantt Chart

A Gantt Chart, named after Henry L. Gantt, who designed it in the early 20th century, is a type of bar chart that visually illustrates a project schedule. It allows you to see the start and finish dates, the dependencies between tasks, the progress of tasks, and the allocation of resources in a project.

The Gantt chart’s horizontal axis looks at time, while the vertical axis represents tasks. Each task is represented using a bar, with the length indicating the duration of the task. The position of the bar represents the start and end times for each task.

This concept can seem confusing on paper, but when you see a Gantt chart in action, its simplicity and effectiveness become immediately apparent. It’s a practical tool that allows anyone to understand a project’s status at a glance.

Key Elements a Gantt Chart Demonstrates

The primary aim of a Gantt chart is to simplify complex projects by breaking them down into manageable tasks and subtasks, representing these visually in line with their timelines. It then shows dependencies or relationships between tasks and how they overlap.

Milestones are another key element demonstrated in a Gantt Chart. They mark specific points along a project timeline and typically signify the completion of a critical task. They’re often represented by diamond shapes on the chart.

A Gantt chart also has tasks, each with a start date, end date, and duration. The tasks may further be categorized under different phases or workstreams to better understand the different areas of a project.

Lastly, the progress feature allows everyone to see how far along each task and the project as a whole, just by looking at the chart. 

The Connection Between Project Management and Gantt Charts

Gantt charts have long been a staple in project management. They provide an easy way to visualize the project timeline, tasks, and progression – aiding with setting realistic timelines and adequately managing resources.

The complexities of project management often lie in its multifaceted nature with tasks, timelines, responsibilities, and unpredictabilities. Gantt charts help managers and teams stay on top of these by giving everyone a clear visual summary of how individual and interconnected tasks are progressing over time.

Moreover, using a Gantt chart can help with resource allocation. By identifying how tasks overlap, when resource shortages might occur, or when resources could be better utilized elsewhere, project managers can maximize efficiency and curb wasted resources.

The tool also mitigates risks by helping identify potential delays or setbacks and showcasing any dependencies or impacts these could have on the project timeline.

Why You Should Use a Gantt Chart for Your Next Project

One of the fundamental reasons for using a Gantt chart in your project management is that it can simplify complex tasks. By breaking a project down into smaller tasks and visually representing these and their timelines, Gantt charts can make comprehending and managing the project easier and more efficient.

Through the visualization of tasks and timelines, Gantt charts also facilitate greater team collaboration. They provide an easy reference for all team members to understand the project’s status, the tasks that need to be performed, and their relationships with other tasks.

Gantt charts are flexible and adaptable. They can cater to projects of any scale or complexity, from straightforward tasks to complex projects involving hundreds of subprocesses and dependencies. This adaptability makes them a valuable tool for different industries and companies of various sizes.

Finally, Gantt Charts help keep projects on track. They allow project managers to spot potential delays or issues before they turn into larger problems, ensuring smoother project management.

Overall, understanding and utilizing Gantt charts is a step towards clearer communication, better planning, and successful project execution. Gantt charts can increase team collaboration and contribute to employee satisfaction. The potential of Gantt charts extends far beyond mere scheduling—they are powerful project management tools that can significantly enhance productivity and success rates.


Resource management is a crucial component of project management that ensures the efficient use of an organization’s assets. Effective resource management is more critical than ever in today’s competitive business environment. It offers various benefits, including enhanced performance, reduced waste, and heightened project success likelihood, leading to increased profitability. Given these benefits, project managers and stakeholders must understand the various resource management areas, such as planning, allocation, scheduling, and utilization. Keep reading to learn more about resource utilization.

The Concept of Resource Utilization

Resource utilization refers to efficiently and effectively deploying an organization’s resources when and where they are needed. This concept is a vital aspect of project management, contributing significantly to achieving project goals within constraints like time and budget. Regardless of their nature, resources must be managed well to ensure optimal use. This aspect also includes balancing the availability of resources with project needs taking steps to avoid overutilization or underutilization.

In project management, overutilization happens when a resource works beyond its capacity, while underutilization occurs when it is not used to its full potential. Both overutilization and underutilization can have negative implications on project delivery and productivity.

Resource utilization is not just about having resources and using them. It’s about ensuring that resources are used sustainably, contributing to the overall project objectives. Besides contributing to efficient project implementation, an optimal resource utilization strategy fosters a positive work environment as it helps manage workloads and expectations, reducing stress and increasing productivity.

Why Resource Utilization Matters

Resource utilization has implications beyond cost efficiency. It plays a central role in project management; without it, projects will likely face various challenges, such as delays, cost overruns, poor quality outputs, and even failure. Better resource utilization is correlated with improved project performance. Optimizing resource usage allows organizations to achieve more with less, reducing costs and enhancing profitability.

Failing to leverage resources effectively can result in teams becoming overwhelmed, poor project execution, and potential failure. Overworking resources can also lead to burnout, decreased productivity, lower employee engagement, and turnover. Conversely, underutilized resources may be an unnecessary financial strain on the project or the organization.

Implementing Effective Resource Utilization

Implementing effective resource utilization is an involved process that requires diligent planning, monitoring, and adjustment. Organizations should start by assessing their current resource utilization rate and identifying areas for improvement. They should also establish clear channels for communication, adopt a scalable approach to resource management, leverage technology, and ensure continuous training and education. 

Roadblocks to Resource Utilization and How To Overcome Them

Several obstacles might impede effective resource utilization in project management. These challenges range from unforeseen changes in project scope to resource contention to ineffective communication among team members. Understanding these potential roadblocks and developing strategies to overcome them, thus ensuring that your projects are well-resourced and adequately equipped for success.

It’s also important to foster a culture of open and transparent communication. This can eliminate misunderstandings and encourage collaboration and efficiency. Another key principle of successful resource utilization is flexibility. In a fast-paced and dynamic project environment, resources must be reallocated quickly. As such, it’s important to prepare for unexpected changes and maintain a flexible approach to resource management.

Unforeseen changes can easily throw off project schedules and lead to inefficient resource utilization, but leveraging resource management software can help proactively identify such potential challenges. Resource management tools can offer valuable insights through features like predictive analytics and real-time reporting, enabling managers to make informed decisions and better manage their resources.

Resource utilization management plays a pivotal role in project management. When done right, it can lead to significantly improved project outcomes, ranging from heightened productivity to increased profitability.


Sometimes, you can come across barriers to change. Here, we look at how to overcome them.

There are many lessons that have been learned by project managers responsible for carrying out major transformation initiatives (many of them in hindsight!) but one alternative insight is that project management could be considered as 80% art and 20% science (Andrew Barnitz).

The art part of project management refers to that which forms the initiative to build a bridge between the solutions with the expected and measurable business outcomes. The art part could be considered creative and intangible and the science refers to the factors that can be measured through monitoring the project such as controlling budgets, communicating with team members i.e. the scope of the project.

In this way we can view the artistic element as understanding how the project is embraced and adopted by employees and other relevant parties such as stake holders and contractors (the change management) and the scientific element as how it is actually designed and developed (project management).

In the past, the focus of many companies has been on the scientific side when instigating change and yet to use the above analogy – only 20% of the power has lain in this realm. It makes sense therefore to focus the bulk of energy on ensuring the acceptance of the project instead because after all – it is this initiative that will lead to the ultimate success of any project undertaken.

We can now understand therefore that much lies in the ability to integrate the two processes; the management of change and the management of the project itself. However, even in 2020 this ideology is still in its infancy so how do companies get on board? The answer can be found by considering the series of steps below:

Role clarity

Companies may wish to consider appointing both a project manager AND a change manager. A project manager is accountable for the ultimate success or failure of a project; the stages of planning, executing and the projects conclusion. They are also responsible for managing teams so that the actual work is undertaken and that goals are met in accordance with key stakeholders etc.

A change manager will also play a key role in ensuring the project is adopted by employees so that objectives are met on time and budget. This manager needs to be people focused and concentrate on the personal and emotional side to help execute changes to processes, systems, job roles and the re-organisational structure of the company.

Perhaps a clearer cut way of describing the difference is that project managers are solution focused whereas change managers are outcome focused. Naturally there is a cross over between the two roles but determining the responsibilities of the manager/s leading the project can mean that time and money can be more effectively spent from the outset.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Being aware of barriers

The biggest barrier is convincing non-believers! Because the job scope of a project manager has – up until this stage – been somewhat clouded or open ended; many managers do not have the capability to learn change management and this is where change consultants can help.

Another barrier for logically minded managers is accepting the notion that change management cannot be easily measured so it can feel like you are talking another language to executives when trying to explain the need for money to be invested in the necessity for change management especially if they are the ones in charge of the project budget!

A third barrier is location. Change management may be accepted more easily by foreign companies who are focused on the psychology of their employees but in general it is still struggling to be accepted in a huge percentage of business boardrooms!

Dealing with these barriers

It is necessary to influence leadership on the benefits of integrating the two approaches and explain that the combined strengths can help to literally transform a business and deliver the desired outcome.

The benefits of combing the two approaches are as follows:

  • Enhanced employee engagement
  • Increased ROI
  • Avoidance of change saturation or conversely over emphasis on the logistics of a project
  • The ability to measure tolerance of a company’s tolerance to change and project management in general

Focus on the actual integration

a. It begins with education and informing all involved on the benefits of additional change management and how it is crucial to the overall success of the project.

b. Expectations then need to be set on how the actual change work will be carried out by using facts and insights that can be gained through change readiness surveys on employees and stake holders as well as carrying out impact assessments.

c. Use friendly terminology and no fluff language to explain the processes involved at all stages whilst continually assessing acceptance and supportiveness.

d. Present a united front to all involved.

e. Collaborate with the project manager, other executive members of staff and key stakeholders to form a master project plan that can then be delivered throughout all involved.

Effective integration is the key to successful results

When any organisation undertakes projects; whether that’s to improve performance, grab opportunities or resolve key issues, it is ultimately the employees themselves who will have to change and it is acceptance of a new way of working that will lead to successful results.

Companies can employ change management training to assist with this process and deliver the two-pronged approach of change management and project management. As we have already explained; there is an interdependent connection between the art and science of project management, and it is important that both the roles of project and change management not only co-exist but use each other to complement and combine individual skill sets. As Leonardo Da’ Vinci said (and it is incredible to see that this expression can be applied to project management 5 centuries later):

“To develop a complete mind: study the science of art; study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realise that everything connects to everything else”.