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Which is the best way to burn belly fat? A Duke University study’s findings.


A Much More Gentle Approach To Weight Loss


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A high protein, but low carbohydrate diet has long been hailed as a successful weight-loss method, but a new study of the McMaster University has found that protein-rich dairy foods can help aid this further.


Canadian researchers from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, found that those consuming higher-protein, high-dairy diets experienced more abdominal fat loss and the greatest amount of whole-body fat.

The Canadian study monitored three groups of obese and overweight pre-menopausal women – each group undertaking either a low, medium or high amount of dairy foods along with high or low amounts of protein and carbohydrates.

The women then took part in aerobic exercise 5 times a week and circuit weightlifting 2 days a week over a 4 months period.

The study findings showed that the women on higher-protein, high dairy group lost the greatest amount of whole-body fat and belly fat.

The McMaster University study findings showed that the women on higher-protein, high dairy group lost the greatest amount of whole-body fat and belly fat.

The McMaster University study findings showed that the women on higher-protein, high dairy group lost the greatest amount of whole-body fat and belly fat.

The lead author of the study, Andrea Josse, from the Department of Kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, said:

“100 per cent of the weight loss in the higher-protein, high-dairy group was fat.

“And the participants gained muscle mass, which is a major change in body composition.

“The preservation or even gain of muscle is very important for maintaining metabolic rate and preventing weight regain, which can be a major problem for many seeking to lose weight.”

The Canadian study will be published in the Journal of Nutrition in September.