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Dr. Anthony Fauci has described recent efforts by the Trump administration to discredit him as “bizarre” and “nonsense”.

In an interview with The Atlantic,  the infectious disease expert said: “Ultimately, it hurts the president to do that.”

“It doesn’t do anything but reflect poorly on them.”

On July 12, a White House official shared a list detailing past apparent erroneous comments by Dr. Fauci.

However, on July 14, President Donald Trump insisted he had a “good relationship” with him.

“We’re all in the same team including Dr. Fauci,” the president said.

“We want to get rid of this mess that China sent us, so everybody’s working on the same line and we’re doing very well.”

The White House statement attacking Dr. Fauci criticized him for what it said was conflicting advice on face coverings and remarks on Covid-19’s severity.

Responding to the criticism, the expert told The Atlantic that targeting him was “completely wrong”.

“I cannot figure out in my wildest dreams why they would want to do that,” Dr. Fauci said.

“I think they realize now that that was not a prudent thing to do, because it’s only reflecting negatively on them,” he added.

Image source: Wikipedia

Coronavirus: President Donald Trump Clashes with Dr Anthony Fauci

Coronavirus: Dr Fauci and Other Members of White House Task Force Self-Isolate

Dr. Fauci was also criticized by Peter Navarro, President Trump’s top trade adviser, in an opinion piece for USA Today in which he said the disease expert had been “wrong about everything I have interacted with him on”.

However, the White House distanced itself from Peter Navarro’s remarks, with communications chief Alyssa Farah tweeting that the article “didn’t go through normal White House clearance processes” and was “the opinion of Peter alone”.

Asked about Peter Navarro’s piece as he departed the White House for Atlanta, President Trump said he should not have written it.

“Well he made a statement representing himself. He shouldn’t be doing that,” the president said.

In his interview with The Atlantic, Dr. Fauci said he was not thinking of resigning over the attacks on him.

“I think the problem is too important for me to get into those kinds of thoughts and discussions. I just want to do my job. I’m really good at it. I think I can contribute. And I’m going to keep doing it,” he said.

Dr. Fauci has also told Reuters that he believes the US will successfully develop a vaccine against the coronavirus by the end of the year.

According to Johns Hopkins University, the US has reported more than 3.4 million cases of coronavirus, and more than 136,000 deaths nationwide.

Donald Trump has appointed China critic Peter Navarro as the head of the new White House National Trade Council.

Peter Navarro will lead the White House National Trade Council and serve as director of trade and industrial policy.

The economist was an adviser to Donald Trump during the election campaign.

His books include The Coming China Wars and Death by China, in which he is deeply critical of Chinese policy.

Image source CNBC

During the election, Donald Trump made trade issues a core campaign issue, criticizing some deals made with countries like China and Mexico.

The president-elect has already angered China by speaking to the Taiwanese president by phone, in violation of the US’s decades-long “one China” policy.

Donald Trump has also openly criticized China in outbursts on Twitter, recently accusing it of devaluing its currency to impede US competition, among other claims.

The presidential transition team said Peter Navarro’s appointment “demonstrates the president-elect’s determination to make American manufacturing great again”.

In a recent article for the San Francisco Chronicle, Peter Navarro said he had encountered Donald Trump after the publication of his first book, and became a senior policy adviser to his campaign after lengthy correspondence.

One of Peter Navarro’s books, Death by China, was adapted into a documentary film narrated by Martin Sheen. Peter Navarro is credited as both writer and director.

In its preamble, Peter Navarro urges viewers “help defend America and protect your family – don’t buy <<Made in China>>.”

Death by China highlights the sustained loss of American manufacturing jobs at a time of Chinese economic growth, as well as the environmental impact of Chinese industry.