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oral health habits


When parents bring home a new baby, there will be many challenges for your new family to overcome. A parent’s most vital responsibility is keeping their children healthy. According to the National Institute for Health, one of the best ways to help your children be healthy is to become a healthy role model. Here are some tips to do just that!

1. Choose Healthy Family Meals

Our bodies need nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to be healthy, and healthy food choices will be one of the best ways. If you’re the one planning and cooking the meals and snacks, choose meals that offer healthy portions of lean proteins, whole grains, heart-healthy fats, and fruits and vegetables. Growing children need snacks, too, so be sure to keep healthy snacks – like fruits, raw vegetables, and Greek yogurt – available for your kids to snack on. A fried or sugary snack occasionally isn’t a tragedy, but limit it to an occasional treat.

2. Keep Your Body Healthy with Regular Exercise

Exercise doesn’t just maintain your weight; it helps the vitamins and minerals circulate throughout your body. Be the exercise coach for your family and encourage them to walk short distances or to use their bicycles. If your child is active in school sports, encourage their participation by helping them practice and attend their games. Children who need to lose weight can begin to meet their weight-loss goals by walking about 30 minutes each day three times a week; from there, they can increase frequency and endurance.

Image source: needpix.com

3. Encourage Good Oral Health Habits

When your children’s teeth erupt, give them dental instruction and encouragement. Help them get used to a regimen of brushing and flossing that will keep their teeth and gums as healthy as possible, and take them to the dentist once a year. Once again, you can be a good role model and demonstrate good dental health habits. For example, good at-home oral care and hygiene could help a dental bridge last up to 15 years.

4. Support Good Mental Health and Happiness

Family members of all ages face stress each day. Let your child know they can talk to you about any stress or anxiety they face. Some children face severe issues with mental health disorders such as clinical depression or bipolar disorder. If your loving interventions can’t help your children overcome their mental health challenges, don’t hesitate to help them find a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist.

5. Be Mindful of their Needs for School Health

According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, chronic school absenteeism is often due to health issues. Be sure your children’s vaccinations and health care precautions are current, according to their physician. Teach your children to wash their hands before meals and after using the bathroom. Although statistics show that 25% of all U.S. schools are private, the need for children to maintain good personal health habits at school does not vary significantly between public and private schools.

6. Use Information From Surrogacy to Guide Your Child’s Health

If your child was born using a surrogate pregnancy, your personal health history may not be relevant to your child’s. During your surrogate’s pregnancy, you may have many opportunities to learn about any concerns about your surrogate’s health history. After all, you will be responsible for her pregnancy’s various medical and hospital expenses, including any medical complications. Costs for surrogate pregnancy – and health challenges – will increase if the surrogate gives birth to twins.

According to the Mayo Clinic, loving parents can significantly contribute to their children’s health. Do your best to provide healthy food and encourage healthy levels of activity. Listen to your children when they need mental health support. When your efforts originate from a loving desire to keep them healthy, you can feel assured they’ll be the best you can do.