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If you’re the kind of person that has a lot to say, then you’ve probably been thinking about starting a blog. An important factor that might motivate your further is the fact that monetizing your blog is an easy and rewarding process.


Here, we present you with the best give marketing strategies that will see you making income from your blog.

1. Engage your audience through a narrative

Your blog posts are a great way to capture the attention of a potential customer, through talking about a recent trip you took or discussing our favorite brownie recipe. By creating quality content for your readers, you can capture their attention with your narrative, whilst using marketing techniques to generate leads. One way to do this is through using affiliate marketing links throughout your text, which will earn you referral bonuses with online marketplaces.

2. Build up your search engine rankings

Where you sit in a search engine result for a particular keyword depends on how authoritative the search engine considers you. If you are a new site that no one links to yet, the search engine will place you towards the bottom of the list. However, if you share reciprocal links with highly regarded websites, you’ll see yourself starting to climb to the top of the rankings. This is called link building for SEO, and it’s not so hard to do. This is by far one of the most effective marketing strategies that you can engage in.

3. Offer coaching services

If you consider yourself to be a wealth of knowledge on a particular subject, then you should consider coaching others. Your blog can be a very important asset to people that want to learn very quickly. For instance, you can write an ebook that contains your practical guide to learning your skill, whether it be martial arts, cooking, sewing or photography. There’s a market for everything, so all you need to do is write.

4. Guest write for other blogs

One of the best ways to get your name out there as an authority in your field is to begin writing guest blog posts for other people’s blogs. Not only will you be able to share your knowledge, but you’ll gain a wider audience than the one you have already. You can also reciprocate by allowing other writers to feature on your blog from time to time. It’s all about networking.

5. Become an Influencer

If you’ve managed to start a rather successful blog, you can use your success to the advantage of others, by sponsoring products and services on your blog. This comes with a whole pile of benefits for you: not only will you make money from taking sponsorship deals, but you’ll end up with a ton of free stuff too.

Starting a blog can bring many positive aspects to your life. Not only can it give you a platform to speak your opinion and share your knowledge, but it can also generate an income stream for you. If you follow our guide and implement one or more of these marketing strategies, you’ll begin to turn your blog into a new job for yourself.


Is buying a home good for your finances? A simple question, but is there a simple answer? I’d love to tell you that there is, so you could carry on with your day. However, answering this question is certainly more complex than most people think.

For me, I notice that a lot of people are brought up believing that buying a house is the ultimate financial step in life. It’s seen as the end goal, the moment where you’ve truly made it as a successful adult. In the past, everyone would own a house as early as they could, it was just seen as the right, and smart, thing to do.

Nowadays, perceptions have changed almost to the point where people believe it’s not smart for their finances! Buying a home costs too much money and you’ll be repaying a mortgage for years – this is what many people are saying right now. As such, there’s a trend where more people are renting rather than buying.

But, going back to the original question, the answer depends on what you’re buying your home for. Typically, there are two main reasons to buy a home; to live in or to invest in. To see the true effect of buying a house on your finances, we have to explore both of these reasons.


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Investing In A Home

Is buying a home – purely for investment purposes – good for your finances? The majority of the time, yes, it is a good idea. Real estate investments have a proven success rate, whether you’re buying to let or property flipping. Having said that, you can easily lose lots of money if you make a bad property investment. Ultimately, it boils down to whether or not your investment can make money. Keeping that in mind, here are a few pieces of advice to help you buy a home that will bring a good ROI.

Be Diverse And Buy Foreign Homes

Buying a home in a foreign country is a smart way to guarantee you get a good investment. Mainly, this is because a lot of foreign houses can be much cheaper. It’s well-known that countries in Europe like Spain and Italy offer great value properties to invest in. Plus, as seen here https://rumahdijual.com/cibubur/apartemen-cibubur-village, there are countries in Southeast Asia with thriving property markets too. By purchasing a foreign home, you open yourself up to more benefits too. There are certain tax laws in place here that aren’t in place elsewhere. While you can easily flip a foreign property, they’re usually best invested in as rentals. Become a landlord and earn money from overseas tenants, making your investment good for your finances.

Don’t Buy New When Property Flipping

Property flipping is the age-old method of buying a home, improving it, and selling it for a profit. It’s a tried and tested technique, and there are plenty of examples where it goes well and proves buying a home is great for your finances. However, there are examples of the opposite too. Mainly, this happens when people buy new homes to try and flip. The older a home is, the better it is for flipping. It means there’s more room for improvements, meaning you’ve got more room to boost the value and gain a good profit. But, if you buy a new home for property flipping purposes, you’ve got almost nothing to improve and hardly any ways of boosting the value, meaning you can’t gain a decent profit.

Wait Until The Market Is Stable

Investing in a home is all about waiting for the Goldilocks moment. This is what I like to call the time when the market is just right. Buy a home when the market is booming, and you can overpay quite considerably. Invest when it’s low, and you could snag a bargain but will struggle to sell it on or find tenants because the economic market is poor. You have to wait until the right time, where everything is stable, and you get good value for money and still have chances to make money.

The bottom line is that if you find the right investment, and don’t make any mistakes, you can earn a lot of money from buying a home. In which case, it will undoubtedly be good for your finances! If investment is your choice of approach, check out this article here https://www.investopedia.com/articles/mortgages-real-estate/11/make-money-in-real-estate.asp. It’ll show you how to make money in real estate, and improve your finances.


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Buying A Home To Live In

Now, buying a home with the sole intention to live in it is a different proposition entirely. The aim is not to make any money, so, how can it be good for your finances? Some people argue it’s a positive financial move as you no longer have to pay rent and you’ve gained a physical asset. In this respect, you’ve got something of financial value to pass down to your children and their children too. Also, you can potentially make a profit if you move house in the future, depending on whether your home has increased in value or not.

Then, you have the arguments that buying a home is too much of a financial burden. A mortgage costs a lot, and you may not have rent, but you’ll have those repayments every month instead. You’re also in charge of everything about your house, meaning you pay for all the repairs and maintenance that a landlord would in a rental property.

It certainly divides opinion, but let’s take a look at some points that should be considered when buying a home.

Job Stability

Buying a home is not good for your finances if you don’t have a stable job. This means you might be unable to pay your mortgage and end up in loads of debt. Only consider it if you have a stable, well-paid, job.

Housing Market

Much like investments, buying a home to live in depends on the housing market. This time, you should aim to buy when the market is at its lowest point. This provides you with the best value properties, making it more affordable to buy.

Bill Payments

When you rent a home, you might get your bills included in the monthly rent. I know some landlords like to include the energy bills in here. Or, more to the point, you pay them separately but don’t have much choice. The home you live in could be supplied by one energy company, and you don’t get to change it. If you own your home, you can do this, change to a cheaper supplier, and save money.

Buying a home to live in is good for your finances when you’re fully prepared for it. If you’ve got the money to outright buy a home, then go for it. You’ll never have any rent payments to worry about again. However, if you’re not prepared and can only just afford a mortgage, put a pin in it, as buying a home at this stage can harm your finances.


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The Conclusion

So, is buying a home good for your finances? The truth is, there’s not an answer that applies to everyone. If you invest in a home, there’s every possibility it’s good for your finances as you can earn a lot of money. But, this only happens if you make a smart investment. Likewise, as we’ve just discussed, buying a home to live in can be beneficial for your finances, depending on your current situation.

That’s the key here, you have to look at yourself and decide if buying a home is right for you. But, don’t be forced into thinking you should invest in property or you need to own your home. There are other investments out there and renting is just as good at times!


Before you start any marketing campaign online, you need to find the perfect keywords. Use the right keywords, and you will be able to acquire and maintain the attention of your target audience. Keyword optimized web pages rank higher on Google SERP and offer many more benefits to website owners.

Develop relevant content

When you have the right keywords, it would be easy to produce content that helps to drive relevant traffic to your website. Create keyword-rich content that is readable, high quality, unique, and adds value to your readers. Having the perfect keywords serves as a guide on the kind of content that would be fit for your community.

Generate higher conversion rates

By having relevant content, you are going to attract the right people to your website. It’s easier to convert the right target audience than people who just bumped into your web pages. When people engage with your brand, either through content or communicating to a representative, they are more likely to convert. Perfect keyword selection helps you to drive the right people to your business.

Save time and resources

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When you have a list of keywords to use, you will spend less time trying to figure out what kind of content you need to create for your target audience. The keywords act as a guide on what kind of information, tips, and ideas your target audience would enjoy reading. You can begin to track the performance of your blog posts that have certain keywords and focus on the ones that lead to success. Using the right keywords can ultimately impact on your ROI.

Generate leads

Having a list of well-selected keywords can also help you to generate qualified leads. Some keywords can have minuscule search volumes but are cheaper to rank for and also attract more targeted audiences. Using a set of relevant keywords, you can grab the attention of customers who are interested in your product or service. This gives you an opportunity to remarket to the same clients in different ways such as sending emails or SMS.

Boost organic search rankings

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Having a perfect list of keywords can ultimately help your site to rank organically on SERP. You need to place the keywords in your page title, tags and anchor text among other locations to make sure search engines crawl to your website. Do not just rely on paid ads, use keywords to rank organically as well.


Now that you know the many good reasons why you should choose the right keywords for your online marketing campaign, all you have to do now is get started on doing your keyword research. You can do this on your own, or you can ask the assistance of SEO experts. That can be a reasonable investment on your part. If you don’t feel so confident in your SEO skills yet, don’t fret, there are plenty of SEO experts who can help you when it comes to choosing the right set of keywords and helping you make money in the process.



Who has not been in a situation, when you work hard, but the salary is still not satisfying? The first solution that comes to mind is to take more working hours. However, it is not the only way to make extra money.

If there is a financial emergency, it is possible to get some extra funds fast with the help of small loans.

Profit-Making Hobbies

It is a common misconception that your hobbies may bring only joy, but not money. Some pleasant activities and interests are considered to be not serious and absolutely non-profitable. A lot of successful people proved that fact to be wrong. Your passion may become a way of making money without feeling that you are actually working. For instance, if you are fond of photography, you can make shootings for other people that will be happy to pay for their photos to be done.

If you are good at any kinds of crafts like knitting, jewelry making, sewing, it is possible to sell these wares. Gardening, cooking, nails art, make-up, dancing, drawing, and anything you enjoy doing might become not only things you are good at but also a way to get some additional funds.

Passive Income Stream

Nowadays it becomes popular to have a passive income stream that does not require a lot of time and effort. Something that would bring money while you are not actually working and enjoying other activities seems to be very tempting.

A passive revenue stream requires a lot in the beginning. It is essential to create a unique and appealing content to get your audience. After getting a lot of followers, earning does not demand a lot of maintenance. It might be a well-developed and popular blog, a YouTube channel, an Instagram account that allows making money on advertising. It might take a while before getting results, but it is worth trying.

Drive and Earn

If you do not want to invest in a passive revenue stream or cannot wait so long until your blog will become lucrative, there is another way to make money on advertising. Your car might become an advertising space and bring you some funds while you drive to work, school or other purposes. There are companies that are eager to place their information on your transport and pay you for that. Do not forget to check your partners and make sure they are reliable before any agreement. It is possible to find some feedbacks online to avoid dealing with scammers.

Short-term Rent

If you have some real estate or a spare room that might be rented, it might be another option to earn some money. The online platforms will help you to make an announcement and find a renter. If you do not have a spare space but you are often away on weekends, it is possible to rent a room in your apartment for a short-term. While you are on vacation or visiting your parents in another city, you will still be able to make money renting your property for a week or two. Consider also checking the local laws and the rules of renting in your area to avoid fines and other troubles.

Current Job Options

Your current job can also be more profitable without any additional activities and extra working hours. Taking extra shifts might be a good solution. People are usually not eager to work on weekends, holidays or at night and the companies offer more money for working at this time. You will work the same amount of hours but they will bring more.

You may also discuss your work agreement with your boss and make a few changes. For example, some days of a week you may work from home. It will save some time for the road and you may spend it either on your other jobs or personal stuff. If you have a fixed salary, discuss getting also a bonus for good results or commissions from the sales that will motivate you and be profitable for the company as well.



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There isn’t a more appealing career than working from home. Picture the scene. You wake up, you roll out of bed, and you start work. You don’t answer to anyone but yourself, you get to choose your working hours, and there’s no need to wear business attire. In fact, most people tend to wear PJs. But, isn’t this just a pipedream for the lucky few? Nope, working from home can be your reality if you pick a lucrative job that you love. And, there are plenty of positions which fit the category.

Come on and take a look.

Online Surveys

You don’t even have to ask the question because I know what you’re thinking. Yep, you are right – there are bogus survey schemes on the web. Obviously, you want to avoid these like the plague. Still, that doesn’t mean that every provider is a cowboy that isn’t going to pay. The truth is that there are plenty of decent outfits like Opinion Outpost and MySurvey. These businesses pay people a healthy rate, and they pay on time, which is why they are two very reputable companies. As long as you find one that you can trust, there is a lot of money to make.


Okay, so it isn’t an official job title, but there is no need to be official. Thanks to eBay and Decluttr, all you need to do is sell your old things to start the ball rolling. In today’s society, this tactic is more effective than ever before for a couple of reasons. The first is the internet. Before the World Wide Web, people had to shop in charity stores to find a bargain, which wasn’t very appealing. Now, online stores make it quicker and easier and negate the stigma. Secondly, retro things are in vogue because of the hipster culture. People will take your old belongings off your hands, and they will pay a lot of money in the process.


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There is no need to sell physical items if you don’t have any taking up room in your closet. People think that to sell a product or service it has to be tangible. Well, that isn’t true because you can sell your knowledge. Hopefully, you will have knowledge and experience that other people lack. If so, you can offer to tutor them so as to pass on your wisdom. Music teachers make a killing from this very technique on a daily basis, and so can you. The trick is to think of skills you have that others want.


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Sell Your Home

Don’t worry because there is no need to move. In this sense, ‘selling your home’ means selling the floor space. With the help of a site like Airbnb, it is easy to put the property up for rent. All you have to do is choose what your preferences and wait for the offers to flood in. For example, you can rent the whole house out for a few days, or just a single room. Whatever you decide, there will always be people looking to take advantage.

Making money legitimately is never easy, but it’s a lot easier with these tips.