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healthy habits


Staying healthy requires us to eat well, exercise, take the right medicines and supplements, and regularly visit our doctors. But these aren’t all things that we do consciously. If we had to check our schedules every time we ate an apple or ran a mile, we’d never do any of that stuff. In reality, of course, health is built on habits.

Our habits are incredibly powerful. They’re what we do when we’re not thinking. And when we’ve managed to shape our habits in a positive way, we achieve a healthy long-term lifestyle.

That’s a gift that we can share. We can dedicate our lives — and our careers — to the healthy habits and products that have made such an enormous difference in our own lives. Here’s how.

The health and lifestyle industry

Businesses are started with purposes. If you’re a health nut with the mind of an entrepreneur, your calling may lie with the health and lifestyle industry.

You can’t take other people’s supplements for them or do their exercise routine for them, but you can help them — while also making a few bucks for yourself. In the health and lifestyle industry, you can guide customers to great healthy products, supplements, and solutions.

The health and lifestyle space is a great choice for small-business owners and entrepreneurs. These sorts of businesses are things that you can run out of your own home. Start-up costs and overhead are manageably low. And the potential for real earnings is definitely there. Americans are waking up to the consequences of years of unhealthy living, and we’re seeing more and more trends that indicate just how drawn people are to exercise options, diet choices, health supplements, and other related solutions, services, and products.

If that sounds like your kind of thing, then you’ll want to read on.

Getting started

Starting a business is never easy. Health and lifestyle businesses are no exception.

Before you get started, you’ll need a business plan. You need to work hard on your plan and do your research carefully and extensively. Before you put your money and your future on the line, you need to know your business’ target customer base, long-term goals, and immediate financial situation.

Work with an attorney to set your business up properly. Making your business a legal entity can help to insulate you from potential financial stresses your business could encounter. It will also make life a whole lot easier — and whole lot less expensive — at tax time.

You’ll also need the right business partners. Running a store that offers supplements or branding products online does not require you to make your own vitamins in your basement (please don’t do this). You’re going to partner with supplement manufacturers and suppliers. They’ll keep you stocked with healthy products and, in many cases, can even help you brand your products. Your customers will know your brand, and you’ll know that they’re getting the finest supplements and health products.

Finding your purpose

The health and lifestyle industry is a unique place to be in. You’ll be working to make money, just like everyone else, but your purpose will be greater than that. For those of us who dedicate our lives to helping our customers live healthier, each day on the job matters. You’ll still have tough days, of course, and regular business concerns. But the entrepreneurs, managers, manufacturers, and others who make their living in health and lifestyle products can know in their hearts that their work is making life better for others, and that’s a truly wonderful thing.


Starting the New Year with resolutions has in recent times become more of a ritual rather than an intention or call to action like it used to be. This is because, for most people, resolutions do not survive the first month of the year. It is a fact that the beginning of anything would determine how the end will turn out to be. On this note, if you start the year right, you would have a lot less to worry about as the months goes by. Hence, we’ve put together five (5) ways you can start your New Year right.

Image source Pexels

1. Get Rid of anything holding you back: The first thing you need to do is, to begin on a clean slate. You should get rid of anything that is holding you back. I mean negative and unproductive things – things that only wasted your time in the previous year – bad relationships, habits, addictions, and the likes. Some daily routines are also very unproductive so you should work on that too. The New Year is a great time to start afresh so this step is very critical to moving forward.

2. Maintain healthy habits: Once you’ve gotten rid of all the bad omens in your life, the next thing you should do is to begin and maintain healthy habits. For example, you should endeavor to get your full 8 hours sleep at night. You should also be mindful of what you eat. Do not go about eating for the whole town because you would put on some very undesirable weight which is bad for your health and self-esteem too. So for the New Year, you should maintain a healthy diet. Another important aspect of staying healthy is exercise. Get a bike, do a sport, join a dance class, go to the gym or purchase home gym equipment, just ensure that you exercise regularly in this New Year.

3. Start healthy

Staying healthy is one key to a happy life, you cannot go about your plans and goals on a sick bed. Staying healthy does not necessarily mean you changing your entire diet plan. Take up fitness goals, Cut down on your intake of fats, make sure you have enough time to sleep, and be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before eating or touching your face just to keep the germs away and I’d also advice you get a medical check-up to know your health status and how to maintain it .

4. Wear a new look

Aside from wearing a new smile, a new posture, complementing these with a cool dress sense is a slam. Find cool stuffs without the prices making you frown. Be smart by checking stores, Mamma.com/us for instance, that offers coupons and promo codes to help you get more. By using discount ways, shopping for cool wears should not be a burden.

5. Choose a theme or focus word for the year: Finally, you should choose a theme for your New Year and work with it. Let’s say for instance you pick ‘Integrity’ or ‘Strength’ as your focus word for the year, it will help you grow in such areas. You would also learn to apply them in every situation you find yourself and at the end of the year; you would have grown in such areas. It is really great exercise and it has worked for me over the years.

Many people think of starting the year right but that is all it is, a thought. To get results you would have to be deliberate and take practical steps that would make your new year better than the former. It’s your commitment that matters. Start the year right today and have a splendid year ahead.