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employee monitoring


Employee monitoring is nothing new. For as long as there have been employers and employees, the latter will always want to know the productivity of the former. You can’t just assume that the employee will do a good a good job. You need to make sure that they deliver as required. And if that means following them into the workplace to see if they really are on the job, then go ahead and do it.

The fact that social media has taken the world by storm with everyone trying to spend as much time as possible on favorite platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram gives you even more reason to monitor each employee.

Here are five business benefits of monitoring employees at work;


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Studies show that employees are likely to be more productive if they know that whatever work they are doing is being monitored. The employees will feel an added pressure to perform to higher standards. On the contrary, if they know that they are not being monitored, then employees wouldn’t really mind if they’re delivering on their duties. “After all, no one cares,” they would say.

  • Assess employee output

While employee tracking has primarily been used to ensure that employees are putting in the required level of effort on the job, this same tool can be used to measure employee output. The reason you need to measure employee output is because every employer should always strive to have employees who deliver results. It’s no longer just about hard work but the fruits that it bears. Measuring employee output will help you retain your best employees while reassigning and possibly retraining the others.

  • Managers can deliver the right feedback

Employee tracking tools, such as timesheet software which are currently very popular, will help your managers provide the right feedback when employees ask about their performance. This is particularly important if you work with remote employees. You are probably aware that feedback plays a major role in boosting employee morale. Yet, remote employees cite lack of feedback as their number one pain. With the right employee tracking tool, you can promptly recognize your employees whenever they do a good job.

  • Manage project timelines

All businesses work for clients, not the employer. Without the clients, the business wouldn’t even exist. For this reason, every business should prioritize client needs. If a client wants a project delivered within three days, then you need to pull every string to ensure that you meet that deadline. Since employees will be doing the job, you need to manage their time to ensure that the rate at which they’re working would allow you to deliver the project as scheduled.

  • Documenting bad behavior

Employee tracking tools will also help you document bad behavior among your employees.


Image Courtesy of www.thegrindstone.com

The workplace is normally full of accusations. When someone does something that isn’t acceptable, they may distance themselves from the matter even if they are the culprits. For instance, an employee may clearly harass a co-worker but later deny any wrongdoing. When you have employee tracking software in place, you can monitor every email each employee sends which makes it easier to catch wrongdoers.

  • Catch policy violators

Finally, employee tracking will also allow you to find out who breaks company policies and how often. Those caught breaking the rules can then be disciplined accordingly. If you discover that a particular employee is always breaking company rules, then you may even consider dispensing with them.

In a nutshell, you have every reason to invest in employee tracking tools. If you are not using them already, get one today.