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Donald Trump is suing Bill Maher after the comedian offered to pay out if the billionaire could prove his father was a homo sapiens and not an ape.

In January, Bill Maher appeared on Jay Leno’s show and announced that he would donate $5 million to charity if Donald Trump provided evidence that he was not the “spawn of his mother having sex with orangutan”.

Donald Trump produced his birth certificate to show both his parents were indeed human and now he is taking Bill Maher to court to force him to pay up.

“I don’t know whether I will win or lose the Bill Maher lawsuit but had an obligation to sue for charity,” Donald Trump said in a statement on Monday.

“He promised me $5 million for charity if I provided certain information. Well, I provided the information. He didn’t pay. So today I sue Bill Maher for $5 million for charity,” he said, calling into Fox and Friends.

“I don’t think he was joking. He said it with venom. That was venom. That wasn’t a joke. In fact, he was nervous when he said it; it was a pathetic delivery. But he said, <<I will give>>, and said, <<I will accept>>,” he added.

Bill Maher made his bet on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on January 8, to mock Donald Trump’s maligned YouTube announcement last October in which Trump said he would donate $5 million of his own money to charity if President Barack Obama would release his college records.

Donald Trump is suing Bill Maher after the comedian offered to pay out if the billionaire could prove his father was a homo sapiens and not an ape

Donald Trump is suing Bill Maher after the comedian offered to pay out if the billionaire could prove his father was a homo sapiens and not an ape

Appearing on the NBC late night show, Bill Maher joked about Donald Trump, the host of NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice.

He suggested the multimillion dollar prize could be directed to the charity of Donald Trump’s choice, naming the “Hair Club for Men” or “The Institute for Incorrigible Douchebaggery” as potential recipients.

Comparing Donald Trump to an orangutan, Bill Maher was drawing a comparison between the famously sandy hair of the New York billionaire and the great ape that roams the jungles of South East Asia.

In addition to calling Donald Trump the son of an orangutan, Bill Maher labeled Trump a “liar” and a “racist” and a “douche bag” as he reacted to some derogatory tweets that Trump had posted online about him.

Bill Maher accused Donald Trump of not even writing the tweets himself, but palming them off as a job to a “syphilitic monkey”.

But Donald Trump accepted the challenge.

Shortly thereafter, Scott S. Balber, a lawyer for Donald Trump, 66, sent the host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher a letter with the property magnate’s birth certificate attached and asked the comedian, who is estimated to be worth $40 million, to come up with the cash and honor his ultimatum.

The letter came with a birth certificate attached “demonstrating that he is the son of Fred Trump, not an orangutan. Please remit the $5 million to Mr. Trump immediately”.

Donald Trump indicated he wants to give $1 million each to charities for the Hurricane Sandy Victims, The Police Athletic League, The American Cancer Society, The March of Dimes and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

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Former Miss Pennsylvania Sheena Monnin, who resigned after alleging that the Miss USA contest had been fixed, says she is stunned by a ruling that she must pay the pageant organization $5 million for defamation.

Sheena Monnin said that the “most logical course” would be to contest the arbitrator’s ruling but she is considering her options.

Arbitrator Theodore Katz says Sheena Monnin’s allegations that finalists had been selected in advance were false, harmful and malicious and cost the pageant, owned by billionaire Donald Trump, a $5 million fee from a potential 2013 sponsor.

Sheena Monnin points to a Miss USA contract clause giving top pageant officials the power to pick the top five finalists and the winner, but a company official calls that a catch-all that’s never been used.

Earlier this month, Donald Trump was victorious in a lawsuit he filed against Sheena Monnin, who called the Miss USA pageant “fixed” and “trashy” after she failed to make the semifinals of the beauty contest this summer.

The eventual winner of Miss USA, Olivia Culpo, beat 88 other beauty queens on December 20 to take the Miss Universe title from Leila Lopes of Angola at the Planet Hollywood casino in Las Vegas.

Donald Trump, co-owner of the Miss Universe Organization, sued Sheena Monnin for defamation after she alleged in June that a fellow contestant in the competition had seen a list of the top five winners before the finalists were named on stage.

A U.S. District Court Magistrate ruled in favor of the Miss Universe Organization, awarding it $5 million in damages and stated Sheena Monnin’s statements “showed a reckless disregard”.

Sheena Monnin accused Miss Universe Organization of rigging the competition when she resigned from her position in mid June.

She claimed Karina Brez, who was representing Florida at the contest in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 3, recited the top five women after seeing a list of their names backstage.

In a Facebook post announcing her resignation, Sheena Monnin wrote: “Apparently the morning of June 3rd [Karina Brez] saw a folder lying open to a page that said <<FINAL SHOW Telecast, June 3, 2012>> and she saw the places for Top 5 already filled in.

“After the Top 16 were called and we were standing backstage she hesitantly said to me and another contestant that she knew who the Top 5 were. I said ‘who do you think they will be?”

She said that she didn’t “think” she “knew” because she saw the list that morning.

“She relayed whose names were on the list. Then we agreed to wait and see if that was indeed the Top 5 called that night. After it was indeed the Top 5 I knew the show must be rigged.”

Former Miss Pennsylvania Sheena Monnin, who resigned after alleging that the Miss USA contest had been fixed, says she is stunned by a ruling that she must pay the pageant organization $5 million for defamation

Former Miss Pennsylvania Sheena Monnin, who resigned after alleging that the Miss USA contest had been fixed, says she is stunned by a ruling that she must pay the pageant organization $5 million for defamation

Miss Universe Organization vehemently denied the claims and said that Sheena Monnin had cited the new rules allowing transgender contestants as her reason for resigning.

Donald Trump also denied the claims and proceeded with the lawsuit against Sheena Monnin, who he believed was suffering “loser’s remorse”.

“I did see her for about a second. I never felt that she had a chance,” Donald Trump told the Today show over the summer.

“I know what I heard, and I know what I in turn witnessed… so I’m prepared to continue to march forward,” Sheena Monnin responded on Today.

“I feel an injustice has been done, not only to the other people who were not in the top five, but to the thousands of pageant girls across the country who competed, believing this is an honest system.”

But Karina Brez has also come forward to deny she made the claims seriously.

“Backstage during the pageant, I did see a piece of paper with names on it and like most people in such frenetic circumstances, joked that they must be the names of the final contestants,” she said.

“It was a throwaway comment, in the stress of the pageant, and was never meant as fact. The list I saw didn’t even have the eventual winner on it.”

Sheena Monnin told Today she believes Karina Brez changed her story out of fear.

“She looked a little bit scared because she had just seen something that would potentially, drastically change the reputation of the Miss Universe Organization,” she said.

“This is a big deal.”

The latest accuser, who was not identified, said Karina Brez had appeared “very, very flustered and upset” as the top 15 girls were announced.

“I thought it might be because she didn’t make the top 15 cut, but at that point she was able to reveal to me at least four of the five names who went on to be the top girls,” the contestant told FOX News.

“She couldn’t remember the fifth because she was so upset. Several of the girls then started hearing through the grapevine about a list; a lot of people were upset.”

“A lot of the girls now are very upset about how Pennsylvania is being treated and aggressively attacked by an organization that claims to empower women,” Sheena Monnin said.

The top 15 girls are decided by preliminary judging in the days before the broadcast, and fan voting determines the 16th. The top ten, top five and winner are decided in the live show, a rep said.

The scores for the competition are believed to be entered into a computer system as the show is live. These results are monitored and verified by Ernst & Young.

“In accordance with the rules of the competition, Ernst & Young’s tabulation of the judges’ votes which determined the final five contestants did not occur until after the evening gown competition had been completed,” a representative said.

Judge Joe Jonas tweeted after the accusations: “All I can say… Is the Miss USA competition was NOT rigged. Miss [Rhode Island] USA won fair and square.”

The pageant named Olivia Culpo, a 20-year-old cellist, the winner after she made it clear that she embraced all beauty queens – transgender or otherwise – during the interview portion.

In the dreaded final question round, Olivia Culpo was faced with the most difficult question of the night: “Would it be fair for a person born a man to be named Miss Universe after becoming a woman?”

Olivia Culpo never stumbled as she embraced the Miss Universe Organization’s recent decision to admit transgender contestants.

“I do think that would be fair,” she said.

“But I could understand how people could be apprehensive to take that road.”

It is an opinion that Sheena Monnin does not share. In her resignation email, she wrote: “I refuse to be part of a pageant system that has so far and so completely removed itself from its foundational principles as to allow and support natural born males to compete in it.

“This goes against ever moral fiber of my being. I believe in integrity, high moral character, and fair play, none of which are part of this system any longer.”

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Donald Trump plans to spend his eternity in New Jersey, if the residents of the rural town of Bedminster will let him.

Donald Trump has decided to build a cemetery for himself, his family members, as well as lifetime members of his country club at his Trump National Golf Course in New Jersey’s Bedminster Township, according to the NJ.com.

His plans include two cemetery lots, one containing 82 plots and the other containing 942 plots, that would cover nearly three acres of the 516-acre course.

The Bedminster Township Committee, a board of local officials in the sprawling rural town, was scheduled to meet and discuss Donald Trump’s plans on Monday evening. The committee has previously rejected a former request from Trump to build a cemetery on his golf course.

The denied request included a blueprint for a giant family mausoleum located at the course’s first hole, which could be seen from the road.

The mausoleum would have included a 19-foot tall stone structure with four imposing obelisks surrounding its exteriors and a small altar with six vaults inside.

Donald Trump has decided to build a cemetery for himself, his family members, as well as lifetime members of his country club at his Trump National Golf Course in New Jersey's Bedminster Township

Donald Trump has decided to build a cemetery for himself, his family members, as well as lifetime members of his country club at his Trump National Golf Course in New Jersey’s Bedminster Township

Bedminster objected to the original plans, for fear that it would be too gaudy and out of taste with the town’s character, according to the Star-Ledger.

“If he wants a mausoleum and he wants to do it for himself, and he wants to put that on the golf club proper, I don’t have a problem with that,” former town council member Sally Rubin told New Jersey Public Radio.

“It’s a large piece of property and he has a lot more flexibility there. But I did not want it on a scenic rural road in our community.”

Donald Trump’s attorneys insist that the new plans are tamer.

If the plans are approved, members of the Trump National Golf Club – each of whom pays $200,000 to join and at least $20,000 in annual dues – will have the opportunity to be buried alongside the Donald.

But why would Donald Trump want to be buried at Bedminster and not any of his other golf courses across the world?

The New Jersey course has long been Donald Trump’s favorite and he has been trying for years to lure the U.S. open there.

“I wanted to build this course to the absolute highest standards in golf,” Donald Trump said at a press conference at the course in May.

“If the choice is ever made to [hold the U.S. open here], I know it would do fantastically well. If that should happen, it would be a great honor.”


DJT, Donald Trump’s Las Vegas restaurant, was shut down by health inspectors this week after racking up dozens of violations.

The insanitary conditions at the upscale eatery included meat and fish that was weeks old, as well as racks of cooked food kept at dangerous temperatures.

DJT, located in the Trump Hotel Las Vegas, claims to be “one of the most impressive venues for hotel fine dining on the Las Vegas Strip”.

But earlier this week it was ordered to be closed by the Southern Nevada Health District following a snap inspection, according to KTNV.

The majority of the 51 violations recorded related to keeping expired food – restaurants are usually expected to throw out any fresh ingredients which are more than about a week old.

Donald Trump’s restaurant was found to have kept products such as tomato sauce and cranberry juice for a week or more past their expiration dates.

Its treatment of meat was apparently even more cavalier, with month-old caviar and duck from as far back as June forming part of the restaurant’s supplies.

DJT, Donald Trump's Las Vegas restaurant, was shut down by health inspectors this week after racking up dozens of violations

DJT, Donald Trump’s Las Vegas restaurant, was shut down by health inspectors this week after racking up dozens of violations

DJT was accused of potentially endangering diners by serving undercooked fish, while much of the food which was cooked properly was subsequently kept at temperatures which rendered it unsafe.

Bacon, sausages, potatoes and vegetables were all left sitting in trays to cool before being served to customers.

When inspectors looked in to the restaurant’s storage systems, they found that food was being improperly kept and often unlabelled.

The scene in the freezer was not only insanitary but dangerous, with parts of the floor covered in ice.

After being shut down, DJT restaurant moved quickly to deal with the recorded violations and was allowed to re-open a few hours later.

In a statement, the hotel said: “We take these situations very seriously and all adjustments were made immediately. DJT opened within a few hours that same evening.

“We greatly value our guests, and delivering an exceptional experience to them is our top priority.”
Trump Hotel Las Vegas opened in 2008 as the tallest residential building in the city.


Almost 500,000 people have signed an online petition requesting that Macy’s ends it association with Donald Trump.

Macy’s, which exclusively sells Donald Trump’s clothing line and fragrance, has also made him central to its just launched Christmas advertising campaign.

The petition at SignOn.org says Macy’s should break with Donald Trump because of his “especially unpleasant, nasty and despicable behavior”.

“Donald Trump does not reflect the <<magic of Macy’s>>. We urge you to sever ties with him,” the petition reads.

Cher is amongst those who has signed the petition. She has called Donald Trump a “loudmouth, racist cretin” over his criticism of Barack Obama.

“I’ll NEVER GO TO MACY’S AGAIN! I didn’t know they sold Donald Trump’s Line!” she wrote on Twitter.

Donald Trump had yet to personally addressed the petition on his Twitter feed, but made a point of tweeting about his Macy’s-stocked clothing line and fragrance.

“My fragrance – <<Success>> – is flying off the shelves @Macys. The perfect Christmas gift!” he wrote.

Yesterday he posted: “Just saw my new line of shirts, ties & suits @Macys – they are fantastic! Would make great holiday presents!”

Macy’s, which exclusively sells Donald Trump’s clothing line and fragrance, has also made him central to its just launched Christmas advertising campaign

Macy’s, which exclusively sells Donald Trump’s clothing line and fragrance, has also made him central to its just launched Christmas advertising campaign

The petition was created by Angelo Carusone, who has previously campaigned against Glenn Beck.

The homepage for the petition cites several examples of Donald Trump’s “despicable behavior”, including his “sexist” comments about women, his denial of climate change and his hypocrisy by manufacturing his own clothes in China but criticizing others for sending jobs abroad.

Donald Trump is also notorious for long promoting the discredited conspiracy theory that President Obama was not born in the United States.

Prior to last week’s presidential election, Donald Trump raised the issue once again and issued an ultimatum to Barack Obama, claiming that he would donate $5 million to charity if the President released his college records and passport application.

On election night itself, Trump tweeted that the final result was “a travesty, a total sham, a disgusting injustice” and “urged Americans to march on Washington”.

Macy’s new holiday ad, which spoofs “Miracle on 34th Street”, makes light of Donald Trump’s support of the so-called “birther” movement.

Assuming the role of the skeptic, Donald Trump yanks on Santa’s beard after asking: “What’s with the get-up, Kris?”

The commercial ends with Santa Claus saying to Donald Trump: “If I can win you over, there’s still hope.”

Donald Trump’s spokesman Michael Cohen has expressed confidence in the strength of his client’s relationship with the retailer.

“Mr. Trump is important to Macy’s, both as a brand and as an endorser. His ties, shirts, cufflinks, fragrances and other merchandise are top-selling items across the country – in particular Mr. Trump’s ties are the number one selling ties at Macy’s,” he told The Daily News.

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Moments after Barack Obama’s victory was projected by several news outlets last night, Donald Trump took to Twitter to voice his outrage, demanding a “revolution”.

Donald Trump also said that the Democrat’s re-election to office was a “great and disgusting injustice”.

Earlier Tuesday, Donald Trump took to Twitter reminding his followers: “Whoever wins today, remember that tomorrow we still have a country struggling.

“Our work is not done until America is strong again.”

However, as it became apparent that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney would not win the election, Donald Trump’s tweets became more enraged, and more hyperbolic.

He began with: “Well, back to the drawing board!”

Donald Trump quickly followed up with a call to revolution. He wrote: “He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!”

He later deleted that tweet.

But he was far from over.

“This election is a total sham and a travesty,” he wrote.

“We are not a democracy!”

He also added the “serious and unprecedented trouble” that America is in – “like never before”.

Donald Trump said that Barack Obama’s re-election to office was a great and disgusting injustice

Donald Trump said that Barack Obama’s re-election to office was a great and disgusting injustice

Donald Trump, 66, later went onto attack the Electoral College, but offered a kernel of hope for the still-Republican House of Representatives.

“Hopefully the House can hold our country together for four more years,” he tweeted.

“House shouldn’t give anything to Obama unless he terminates Obamacare.”

He did not tweet anything after Mitt Romney’s gracious concession speech.

Donald Trump’s attacks on Barack Obama have been more frequent in the weeks preceding the election.

Only last week, he lashed out at Barack Obama for using Superstorm Sandy to garner more votes and essentially buy the election.

The billionaire’s grudge hasn’t gone unnoticed by the president.

During a recent appearance on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno, Barack Obama quipped that their rivalry began when the two were growing up in Kenya.

“We had constant run-ins on the soccer field, he wasn’t that good,” Barack Obama told the NBC late-night host.



Donald Trump launched into a self-serving attack on President Barack Obama just hours after devastating Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast.

And as the city struggled to recover from a blackout, Donald Trump, 66, lashed out as he accused the President of using Sandy to win votes for next week’s election.

Donald Trump tweeted: “Not only giving out money, but Obama will be seen today standing in water and rain like he is a real President – don’t fall for it.

“Hurricane is good luck for Obama again- he will buy the election by handing out billions of dollars.”

After offering $5 million to charity in a bid to get Barack Obama to produce his college records and passport application in a desperate publicity stunt, Donald Trump today said he was extending the deadline until midday on Thursday due to the hurricane.

He tweeted: “Another great cause Obama could send my $5M donation to is a charity for 9/11 First Responders. They are American heroes.

“Don’t let Obama buy the election by handing out unlimited free money to states.”

He added: “Remember this: Obama wants to raise taxes, @MittRomney wants to lower taxes – need I say more.”

Donald Trump launched into a self-serving attack on President Barack Obama just hours after devastating Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast

Donald Trump launched into a self-serving attack on President Barack Obama just hours after devastating Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast

Donald Trump also boasted that Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in Manhattan had stayed open last night during the storm, saying: “We are taking care of hundreds of people in the Trump Tower atrium – they are seeking refuge. Free coffee and food.”

And posting a picture on Facebook, he wrote: “People having a great time in the Trump Tower atrium – unlike others, I stayed open.”

He then boasted: “The Trump Tower atrium is such a great place & kept thousands of people warm & safe during the storm – thanks, staff.”

As a broken crane continues to dangle 90 stories above a luxury building on West 57th street, Donald Trump even found time to gripe: “I am the best builder but if that were my building with the crane mishap, I would have been lambasted from coast to coast.”

Even Donald Trump’s good friend Barbara Walters has made a plea for him to stop.

On The View last week, Donald Trump begged: “You and I have known each other for many years.

“And you know that I am your friend, and I think you are a brilliant businessman, and you are great on television, and you have a fascinating personality. Donald, you’re making a fool of yourself.

“You’re not hurting Obama. You’re hurting Donald, and that hurts me because you’re a decent man.

“Stop it. Get off it, Donald.”

Meanwhile, President Barack Obama last week joked that Donald Trump’s issue with him stemmed from a childhood feud in Kenya.

Donald Trump’s outpouring was met by general disdain from New Yorkers – including by model Chrissy Teigen, the fiancée of singer John Legend.

The stunning brunette tweeted today: “Finally unfollowed donald trump. my blood pressure skyrockets when he tweets and I will not allow him to have the pleasure any longer.”

Donald Trump was keen not to stop as he continued with his onslaught of tweets, writing: “The election is trending towards @MittRomney. Americans know we can’t afford another 4 years of the Obama economic decline.

“These last 4 years have not had a single quarter over 4% GDP. Obama has overseen the weakest economic recovery in American history.”

To add insult to injury, Donald Trump will inflict his views on the rest of America tonight when he appears on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon.


Donald Trump has made his first public appearance since “huge announcement” as a guest on the Late Show With David Letterman to further explain the offer which turned out to be a $5 million charity donation in exchange for Barack Obama’s old college and passport records.

When asked by David Letterman why he was orchestrating the demand, Donald Trump replied: “Transparency.”

He added: “There’s too much we don’t know about our president.”

When David Letterman asked what kind of damning evidence would be revealed by college records, Donald Trump said: “A line saying place of birth” – an apparent indication that Trump still may not believe the president was born in the U.S., despite Barack Obama’s release of his birth certificate last year.

“I hope everything [in Obama’s records] is perfect – and it might be.”

“If it was negative – there wouldn’t be an election.”

On the subject of Barack Obama’s birth certificate, Donald Trump said that it took Obama six years to provide it, when “I could give it to you in less than an hour.”

As the audience applauded, Donald Trump raised his hands, relishing in the moment on the late night stage.

But David Letterman ordered the crowd to stop clapping, saying “the breeze will disturb [Trump’s] hair”.

Moving along, Donald Trump said that what he likes most about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is his stance on China before showing off his shirt and tie line currently being sold at Macy’s stores.

But as David Letterman quickly revealed, the ties were made in China.

Donald Trump has made his first public appearance since huge announcement on the Late Show With David Letterman

Donald Trump has made his first public appearance since huge announcement on the Late Show With David Letterman

Hours earlier, Donald Trump has received an counter-offer to his “bordering-on-gigantic” news about the President.

Donald Trump had hyped his “big reveal” for several days on major news outlets while incessantly tweeting about his “game changer” information in the final weeks before the election.

Political satirist Stephen Colbert has now ramped up the stakes for the Apprentice star by offering Donald Trump a donation to a charity of his choice – with rather more x-rated consequences.

On his Comedy Central show The Colbert Report, the sarcastic host told the audience: “Mr. Trump, I will write you a cheque to the charity of your choice for $1million…. if you will let me dip my balls in your mouth.”

Stephen Colbert added: “Nothing would make me happier than to write this cheque… and nothing would make America happier than something going into your mouth instead of coming out of it.”

Donald Trump had yet to respond to Stephen Colbert’s offer which the comic set for “5:00 p.m. on October 31” – the same deadline that Trump gave Barack Obama.

The billionaire made his YouTube offer on Wednesday at noon, promising to donate $5 million to a charity of Barack Obama’s choice if he revealed the information.

Donald Trump denied his elaborate staging was a publicity stunt, insisting this was “not a media event”, but instead is “about the United States of America”.

Stephen Colbert, who is left-leaning, was far from the only public figure to mock the billionaire businessman.

Broadcaster Barbara Walters scolded her “friend” on The View today saying: “Donald, you’re not hurting Obama, you’re hurting Donald, and that hurts me because you’re a decent man.”

Donald Trump was characteristically unrepentant today, returning to Twitter to directly respond: “@BarbaraJWalters @theviewtv – Why did you choose me as one of the 10 Most Fascinating People of the Year last season (and more than once?)”

The Internet exploded yesterday with mock responses to Donald Trump’s announcement.

Comedian Andy Borowitz tweeted: “Attention parents: if you give your children even the tiniest bit of attention now, maybe they won’t grow up to be Donald Trump.”

Observers on the right also slated Donald Trump, who has publicly endorsed Republican Mitt Romney.

Jim Geraghty of the conservative National Review, wrote: “If at any point you seriously considered Donald Trump for president, please study the error of your ways in quiet, private contemplation.”

However there was support for Donald Trump’s actions with those echoing his call for most transparency from the President including conservative talk show host Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter.

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Barack Obama appeared relaxed on the Jay Leno Show but gave Mitt Romney an opening when he quipped that he struggled with mathematics beyond the Seventh grade at the age of 13.

President Barack Obama was taking about helping his daughters with their maths homework when he said that “the math stuff I was fine with, up until 7th grade” but he was “pretty lost” after that.

In times of economic prosperity, the joke might have prompted hearty chuckles on both sides of the political aisle but with a $16 trillion deficit, a sputtering economy and unemployment only just under eight per cent, it was perhaps an unfortunate subject to joke about.

Barack Obama took a break from his heavy campaigning in swing states to appear on the Tonight Show Wednesday evening for an unprecedented fifth time, touching on everything from foreign policy to helping his daughters with homework.

He also joked about the origins of his rivalry with real estate billionaire Donald Trump, saying: “This all dates back to when we were growing up in Kenya. We had constant run-ins on the soccer field, he wasn’t very good.”

Donald Trump had Wednesday pledged to donate $5 million to the charity of Barack Obama’s choice if he released his college records.

Jay Leno questioned why the dislike existed between Barack Obama and Donald Trump, comparing it to the dislike between himself and CBS rival David Letterman.

Not missing a beat, Barack Obama said it dated back to their childhood rivalry in Kenya. In the past, Donald Trump was a high-profile member of the so-called “birther” movement, which professed that the president was born in Kenya and not the United States.

The end result eventually led to Barack Obama publishing his birth certificates, which confirmed, as he had always said, that he was born in Hawaii.

The president later added that he has never actually met Donald Trump.

Taking a break from levity, Jay Leno also touched on Mourdock’s controversial remarks, and referred to another Republican Senate hopeful, Todd Akin of Missouri.

Barack Obama admits he struggles with maths beyond the 7th grade on Jay Leno show

Barack Obama admits he struggles with maths beyond the 7th grade on Jay Leno show

Earlier in his campaign, Todd Akin, also an opponent of abortion, referred to “legitimate rape” when contending that women’s bodies are capable of preventing pregnancy after rape.

“Well, I don’t know how these guys come up with these ideas,” Barack Obama said.

“Let me make a very simple proposition. Rape is rape. It is a crime. And so these various distinctions about rape don’t make too much sense to me – don’t make any sense to me.”

The president continued: “This is exactly why you don’t want a bunch of politicians, mostly male, making decisions about women’s health care decisions. Women are capable of making these decisions in consultation with their partners, with their doctors.

“And for politicians to want to intrude in this stuff, oftentimes without any information, is a huge problem.

“And this is obviously part of what’s stake at this election.”

When Jay Leno asked Barack Obama if he was glad the presidential debates are over, the president responded: “You know, I was sort of getting the hang of it.”

Barack Obama, whose performance in the first debate was widely panned, said he didn’t do an effective job of energetically outlining the contrast of visions between him and Republican Mitt Romney.

Part of the problem with a debate, he said, is that it’s not a natural way of communicating – having an argument with someone as you sit next to him.

“Well, you’re married,” said Jay Leno.

The president fired back: “But the difference is, with Michelle, I just concede every point.”

Asked which team he was backing in the World Series, the Detroit Tigers or the San Francisco Giants, Barack Obama managed to get in a dig at Mitt Romney: “I will say, I’ve spent a lot of time in Detroit lately, and I didn’t want to let go Detroit go bankrupt. So in this particular World Series, I might be a little partial.”

In a final segment, Jay Leno asked the president a series of questions curated from Facebook, which the president had never seen before.

One person asked what Sasha and Malia were planning to be for Halloween. While Barack Obama said that he wasn’t sure what his daughters were planning, he did joke that, because of the election year, Michelle Obama would pass out “candy for everybody”.

Last year, Michelle Obama famously handed out fruit to trick-or-treating children at the White House.

Another person asked the president: “What is the cure for Romnesia?”

Without skipping a beat, Barack Obama responded: “Obamacare covers pre-existing conditions,” then adding, “The main cure is, make sure to vote.”

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President Barack Obama offered a clever retort to Donald Trump after the real estate mogul offered to donate $5 million to the charity of his choosing if he released college records and passport application.

Speaking on The Tonight Show, Barack Obama told Jay Leno that the rivalry between began in their childhood.

“This all dates back to when we were growing up in Kenya,” he joked.

“We had constant run-ins on the soccer field, he wasn’t very good.”

Barack Obama was referring to The Donald’s highly publicized demands that the president present his birth certificate to prove that he was born in the U.S., and therefore eligible for the presidency.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s long-awaited “major announcement” about Barack Obama was labeled as something of a disappointment over what was promised.

Donald Trump made his offer in a YouTube video released at noon today, two days after promising to make a “gigantic” announcement about Barack Obama which could change the course of the presidential race.

Donald Trump offered to donate $5 million to the charity if Barack Obama released college records and passport application

Donald Trump offered to donate $5 million to the charity if Barack Obama released college records and passport application

Web users reacted to the massive letdown with derision, with many taking to Twitter to mock the controversial businessman.

Donald Trump previously denied staging a publicity stunt, insisting the announcement is “not a media event”, but instead is “about the United States of America”.

A number of sensational claims about the content of the message had been swirling around the web for three days – one pundit with links to the billionaire even suggested that he was set to unearth divorce papers between Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.

However, the man himself tweeted: “All predictions re: my 12 o’clock release are totally incorrect. Stay tuned!” – and some may be disappointed by the relatively tame nature of the announcement.

Donald Trump set the hare running on Monday by claiming that he was set to make an announcement today that would be “bordering on gigantic” and that it would “possibly” change the presidential race.

But when the announcement finally came, in the form of a YouTube video and accompanying Facebook post, it was somewhat less explosive than promised.

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Donald Trump has challenged President Barack Obama to release his college records and passport application – and has promised to donate $5 million to a charity of the President’s choice if he does so.

Donald Trump made his offer in a YouTube video released at noon today, two days after promising to make a “gigantic” announcement about Barack Obama which could change the course of the presidential race.

The tycoon previously denied staging a publicity stunt, insisting the announcement is “not a media event”, but instead is “about the United States of America”.

A number of sensational claims about the content of the message had been swirling around the web for three days – one pundit with links to the billionaire even suggested that he was set to unearth divorce papers between Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.

However, the man himself tweeted: “All predictions re: my 12 o’clock release are totally incorrect. Stay tuned!” – and some may be disappointed by the relatively tame nature of the announcement.

Donald Trump set the hare running on Monday by claiming that he was set to make an announcement today that would be “bordering on gigantic” and that it would “possibly” change the presidential race.

But when the announcement finally came, in the form of a YouTube video and accompanying Facebook post, it was somewhat less explosive than promised.

Donald Trump started the announcement by saying: “President Obama is the least transparent President in the history of this country.”

He added: “I’m very honored to have gotten him to release his long-form birth certificate… or whatever it may be.”

The meat of the message ran: “If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications, and if he gives his passport applications and records, I will give to a charity of his choice – inner-city kids in Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS research, anything he wants – a cheque, immediately, for $5 million.”

Donald Trump has challenged Barack Obama to release his college records and passport application

Donald Trump has challenged Barack Obama to release his college records and passport application

Donald Trump went on to say that the records had to be released by 5:00 p.m. on October 31, and that his donation would be given within an hour of Barack Obama releasing the records “to my satisfaction, if it’s complete”.

The video concluded: “Mr. President, not only will I be happy – and, by the way, totally satisfied – but the American people will be happy, and those charities will be very, very happy.”

There are a number of conspiracy theories surrounding Barack Obama’s records from his time at Occidental College, Yale University and Harvard Law School.

Most common is the assertion that the future President’s grades were weak, which would undermine his intellectual reputation, but some go further and argue that he might have taken “anti-American” courses or even have attended college as a foreign exchange student.

Donald Trump’s appeal for passport records, meanwhile, appears to be linked to the “birther” conspiracy theory which holds that Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. and in which the businessman has been a leading voice.

The White House has not yet responded to Donald Trump’s offer, and is unlikely to do so.

On Tuesday, Donald Trump defended himself against claims that he was focused more on self-publicizing than serving the American people, as he tweeted: “This is not a media event or about Donald J. Trump – this is about the United States of America.”

The billionaire followed that up with a quotation from Chinese author Sun Tzu reading: “Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.”

Donald Trump told Fox & Friends on Monday that he had “something very, very big concerning the President of the United States”.

“It’s going to be very big. I know one thing – you will cover it in a very big fashion.”

Donald Trump declined to elaborate, but yesterday an investor who appears on the same business talk show as him claimed to have more details.

Douglas Kass, a Florida-based investor who appears on CNBC’s talkshow Squawkbox where Donald Trump is often a commentator, tweeted to his 48,000 followers: “High above the Alps my Gnome has heard that Donald Trump will announce that he has unearthed divorce papers between the Prez and his wife.”

The claims about divorce papers have previously been made in a book released earlier this year by author Ed Klein. The White House rubbished the allegations then and claimed Ed Klein had a history of making things up.

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Donald Trump is to claim that he has unearthed divorce papers of Michelle and Barack Obama, according to a respected financial pundit with links to the tycoon.

It is alleged that Donald Trump will claim that the documents show Michelle and Barack Obama were at one point in their two decades of marriage seriously considering splitting up.

Donald Trump set the hare running on Monday by claiming that he was set to make an announcement on Wednesday that would be “bordering on gigantic” and that it would “possibly” change the Presidential race.

The billionaire told Fox & Friends that he had “something very, very big concerning the president of the United States”.

“It’s going to be very big. I know one thing- you will cover it in a very big fashion.”

Donald Trump declined to elaborate, but today an investor who appears on the same business talk show as him claimed to have more details.

Donald Trump is to claim that he has unearthed divorce papers of Michelle and Barack Obama

Donald Trump is to claim that he has unearthed divorce papers of Michelle and Barack Obama

Douglas Kass, a Florida-based investor who appears on CNBC’s talk show Squawkbox where Donald Trump is often a commentator, tweeted to his 48,000 followers: “High above the Alps my Gnome has heard that Donald Trump will announce that he has unearthed divorce papers between the Prez and his wife.”

When asked about the Tweet, Donald Trump spokeswoman Holly Lorenzo said: “All we know is that he is going to announce it on his Twitter and Facebook accounts tomorrow. I don’t know what time it will be, that’s all I know.”

Interviews with both Douglas Kass and Donald Trump appeared on the show’s website this morning.

Douglas Kass is an author, the founder and President of Seabreeze Partners Management and has also appeared in newspapers including the Wall St Journal and the New York Times.

The claims about divorce papers have previously been made in a book released earlier this year by author Ed Klein. The White House rubbished the allegations then and claimed Ed Klein had a history of making things up.

Donald Trump also has a questionable record when it comes to his own allegations, most notably being a leading “birther”, so-called because he believes Barack Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii, thus disqualifying him from being President of the United States.

Donald Trump even claimed to have sent investigators to Hawaii in his failed attempt to prove the theory.

Despite the support of the Tea Party the issue went away when the President released the long form of his birth certificate last year.



Donald Jr. and Vanessa Trump have welcomed their fourth child.

The baby boy joins older sister Kai, 5, and brothers Donald Jr., 3, and one-year-old Tristan.

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted: “It’s a BOY!!! @MrsVanessaTrump and baby are doing great.”

The businessman, who advises his father on The Apprentice, had earlier teased: “I actually never really got to bed. More on that later.”

And he joked that his son would soon be joining the family business, saying he’d be in the boardroom in “2 maybe 3 weeks;)”.

Donald Jr. and Vanessa Trump had taken their oldest two children to the Disney premiere of Secret Of The Wings in New York on Saturday.

Donald Jr. and Vanessa Trump have welcomed their fourth child

Donald Jr. and Vanessa Trump have welcomed their fourth child

Vanessa Trump huge bump could clearly be seen as she posed in her black maxi dress.

On her return home Vanessa Trump joked she was lucky she hadn’t gone into labor.

“Made it back home! I’m so thankful I didn’t go into labor!,” she wrote.

“He’s very lucky! We are counting the days till we meet the little 1!”

The newborn makes a fifth grandchild and third grandson for business magnate Donald Trump Senior.

His daughter, Ivanka Trump, welcomed a daughter Arabella last year.

Donald Jr. and Vanessa Trump only welcomed their third child in October last year, with Vanessa conceiving again just three months later.

Vanessa Trump had been keeping her Twitter fans updated about the pregnancy’s progress, tweeting this week: “So I would love to hear what people think I’m having a boy or a girl?

“We won’t know till the little one is born but let’s see who’s right!”


Donald Trump announced today that he has a gigantic bombshell about President Barack Obama that he will reveal on Wednesday.

Donald Trump told Fox & Friends this morning that he had “something very, very big concerning the president of the United States”.

“It’s going to be very big. I know one thing- you will cover it in a very big fashion,” he added.

Donald Trump wasn’t giving away any clues, however, but only went on to say that it could “possibly” play a role in the election.

The billionaire said he is waiting to Tweet the “large, bordering on gigantic <<news>> sometime probably Wednesday”.

Donald Trump has been one of the most outspoken critics of President Barack Obama and has also threatened to run against him.

He has also toured New Hampshire and said very clearly that he was seriously contemplating a presidential run.

Later he became something of a political touchstone for the various Republican candidates and eventually endorsed Mitt Romney.

Donald Trump has been extremely vocal as a so-called birther conspiracy theorist, claiming that Barack Obama was born outside of the United States making him unable to run for President.

He believes that his Hawaiian birth certificate is fake or non-existent.

In April 2011, Donald Trump announced that he paid to have a team of investigators to Hawaii to truly delve into the issue.

In response, Barack Obama released the long form edition of his birth certificate after spending years refusing to do so.

“Normally, I would not comment on something like this…I’ve got other things to do,” Barack Obama said at the time.

This is the second time in as many months that Donald Trump has said that he has a big surprise that would be damaging to the President, though the last time he said so – in the days leading up to the Republican National Convention – nothing came of it.

Donald Trump’s announcement comes the same day as another surprise: a mysterious website called “The October Surprise” says that it will release documents at 5:30 p.m. on Monday.

Very little is known about the creators of the site, the type of documents that they are referring to, or even their intended target.

The Twitter bio for the site simply reads: “One of your presidential candidates isn’t being honest with you. Stay tuned to find out which one it is.”

The big reveal will take place just hours before the third and final debate which is dedicated to foreign policy. As a result, spectators believe that the documents- which allegedly are muzzed and used as the picture on The October surprise sites- relate to a foreign issue.

“We can’t predict media/campaign reaction, but the content is irrefutable,” the creators wrote to one Twitter inquiry.

Sensing a playful competition between the two reveals, The October Surprise tweeted at Donald Trump, saying that they beat him by making a big announcement. There is no telling if the two announcements are related in any way.

While The October Surprise is keeping both candidates in the dark, Donald Trump was not as impartial.

The billionaire businessman-turned-reality star and Barack Obama have a barbed relationship on both sides. Donald Trump repeatedly called Barack Obama “the worst president ever”, and Obama referred to Trump as a “carnival barker” once he released the long form birth certificate.

Barack Obama also spent a portion of his speech at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner in April 2011 taking jabs at Donald Trump.

“Now, I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the Donald,” Barack Obama said in the speech.

“And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter – like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened in Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?”

Over the past year, Donald Trump’s birther rhetoric has died down significantly and he has focused his attention to the Republican primary race, eventually supporting Mitt Romney’s bid.

Though his endorsement came in May, the latest endorsement from the Trump clan came just three days ago. Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka is married to Jared Kushner, the owner of The New York Observer. While there was no mention of the paper’s ties to the real estate mogul, it did surprise some to see the paper reverse it’s 2008 endorsement of Barack Obama and come out in favor of Mitt Romney just three days ago.



Miss Pennsylvania Sheena Monnin has said she stands by her accusations that the Miss USA 2012 competition was rigged and will take on Donald Trump if he sues her, as he has claimed.

Earlier this week, Sheena Monnin resigned from her position claiming one of her fellow contestants – later revealed as Miss Florida – had seen a list of the top five girls before the show had even begun.

Sheena Monnin branded the competition “fraudulent”, “trashy” and “lacking in morals”, which led Donald Trump, the co-owner of Miss Universe Organization, to threaten her with a lawsuit.

But speaking to the Today show, Sheena Monnin said she is standing by her claims and knows Miss Florida was serious as she has had “years of psychological training”.

Miss Pennsylvania Sheena Monnin has said she stands by her accusations that the Miss USA 2012 competition was rigged and will take on Donald Trump if he sues her

Miss Pennsylvania Sheena Monnin has said she stands by her accusations that the Miss USA 2012 competition was rigged and will take on Donald Trump if he sues her

“I feel disappointed that [Trump] has made some of the statements that he said about me, and I feel prepared to continue to pursue the truth,” Sheena Monnin said on the Today show.

“I know what I heard, and I know what I in turn witnessed… so I’m prepared to continue to march forward.”

Florida’s Karina Brez has since said mentioning the list was “a throwaway comment” that was “never meant as fact”, but Sheena Monnin rubbished this defense.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that the contestant was serious when she laid out what she said she saw, and I believe her to be true,” Sheena Monnin, who hold a master’s degree in psychology, said.

“I have many years of psychological training. I know when someone’s telling a joke, I know when someone’s scared and when someone’s serious, and in my opinion her body language was very serious.

“She looked a little bit scared because she had just seen something that would potentially, drastically change the reputation of the Miss Universe Organization. This is a big deal.”

Donald Trump said on Wednesday that her claims were a case of sour grapes, adding: “I did see her for about a second. I never felt that she had a chance, and all this is buyer’s remorse.”

He added that an investigation into Sheena Monnin’s “disgraceful” claims has been carried out, and there is no evidence that there was a list of the five top girls before the show.

In her Facebook posts, Sheena Monnin, who had not placed in the top 16, had claimed Miss Florida went on to name all five women correctly before they were announced on the show.

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