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Australian cyclones


Since Australia is now in the midst of its Cyclone Season, some people worry about the potential threats. During this period, there are harsh weather conditions. That means that people need to be extra cautious when it comes to their safety. One of the things that people often overlook is their trees. When you have plants and shrubbery in your garden, you need to make sure that you take some precautions. The sooner you take action, the safer you will be over the next few months.

When the wet season comes, it often brings a few cyclones with it. While much of Australia has the means to deal with these things, some people are still ignorant. It is crucial that everyone knows just what to do when it comes to these weather changes. Australian cyclones can be particularly destructive. The hurricane-force winds have the power to destroy everything in their pathway. That means that people need to prepare themselves for a rocky ride. Most of the buildings are now cyclone-proof, which means that they are extra sturdy. In short, it is unlikely that these structures will buckle under the power of a hurricane.

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Cyclones and Hurricanes

So, what causes these storms? The simplest way to describe the phenomenon is to say that the change in pressure causes them. When the wet (and hot) season starts, the air pressure changes. These hurricanes often come from the sea and cause entire places problems. Over the years, there have been some serious issues relating to these forceful things. When it comes down to it, there is not much that the average Australian can do about these disasters.

While there have been many examples of these hurricanes, some are more shocking than others. Back in 1974, Darwin saw one of the worst cyclones of all time. Cyclone Tracy destroyed the entire city. If you visit the city now, you will find that most of the structures there are quite new. That fact is because the hurricane destroyed everything in its path. When it came into contact with trees, it snapped them like twigs. That meant that the trees crushed houses and even people beneath them. Needless to say, the Australian government has gone to great lengths to avoid this issue repeating. There are now many procedures in place to protect people and their property.

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Possible Dangers

One of the main risks relates to the trees in your area. If you happen to live in a green region, you will likely have many trees around your home. While that may look beautiful, it comes with its fair share of dangers all the same.

It is crucial that you keep an eye on the plants in your area. Often, before a tree trunk snaps, you will see a little crack forming on it. When you notice that there is a problem, you should notify the council before it is too late. Of course, the sooner you deal with the issue, the safer things will be.

You should also check your trees for any possible damage. Since we have already had extreme weather in the Northern Territory, you need to ensure that your trees are still secure. Often, one of the telltale signs of damage will be changes in the root of the tree. If the roots look as though they are no longer strong, you may need to take action.

When to Contact a Tree Doctor

Most people ask when they should call a tree doctor to help them. It is important to remember that you can’t deal with an issue by yourself. Only an expert arborist will have the right safety harnesses to complete the job. When you notice that your trees have become weak, you need to do something right away. These plants are an accident waiting to happen. The sooner you contact a tree doctor, the sooner you can deal with the issue. Don’t attempt to cut down the tree without an expert by your side. Doing so is a recipe for disaster.

Tree Safety Tips

Finally, you should know a few tree-related safety tips. For one thing, when a cyclone hits, you need to make sure that you are inside your home. Don’t try to do anything at this point. Before then, you should prepare your trees for the stormy season. It may be worth securing the trees with a fence or even some wiring. These little tips will help you, but they are not the sole solution. If in doubt, contact a specialist, who will give you the advice you need.