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Self-Care Advice for Living in California


Whether you have lived in California all your life, or have recently moved, there may be a number of things that you love about the state. However, at times, it is normal to feel despondent, especially if local or national news, or even your own personal problems, get you down. There are a number of ways that you can take better care of yourself while making the most of what California has to offer. In doing so, you could really boost your overall wellbeing and even fall in love with your state all over again.

Cutting down on going out can be a great way of making yourself feel that bit more financially secure, and could even help to reduce some of the strain on your family. Rather than attempting to take on more work, or even a second job, to get by, you could consider your current bills and figure out which could benefit from a significant change.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Switching to pay-per-mile insurance in California can be one way to make a big difference in your household. This can reduce the amount you pay for your insurance premium simply by using telematics to figure out how much driving you actually do. Many traditional policies could simply set out a blanket price for a number of miles which, more often than not, you may have estimated greater than you actually do. Saving tens, if not hundreds, of dollars on your car insurance could cause less stress, meaning you may feel better within yourself, and even have fewer problems sleeping.

Another form of self-care that you could certainly undertake while living in The Golden State can be to get plenty of fresh air and exercise. While there are a number of gyms and leisure facilities throughout the state, sometimes it can be a good idea to venture into the great outdoors. California has many areas of natural beauty that can be perfect for hiking. You could opt to find some inner peace on a waterfall trail, ground yourself next to the mighty Redwood trees, or even take an amble with your family along some of the gorgeous coves and beaches. Getting yourself outside, and engaging in physical activity, could help your body to release endorphins, which can make you feel a lot happier.

It is quite well-known that California can be a hotspot for celebrities to live in. This does not, however, mean that you need to keep up with all the fashions and trends. It can be difficult to see others having luxuries, especially if you live or work in a city that is known for excess, or people having a lot of money. Attempting to mirror their lifestyle choices could make you feel low, or even cause you severe financial strain. Opting to reduce how much you follow celebrity culture, and finding ways to feel more confident with who you are, could allow you to still appreciate living in a star-studded environment, without the need to feel self-conscious.

Practicing self-care can help you to feel better about yourself. This could involve considering your finances, but also making the most of the sights and attractions that California has to offer.

Clyde is a business graduate interested in writing about latest news in politics and business. He enjoys writing and is about to publish his first book. He’s a pet lover and likes to spend time with family. When the time allows he likes to go fishing waiting for the muse to come.