Not that long ago, designing a website was a challenge. One big reason for that was the lack of font choices.
What was the problem, you ask? Simple: if you used a non-standard font, the end-user needed to have it installed as well. Otherwise, your fancy font would automatically revert to the default font.
Things have changed for the better with the introduction of bitmap and SVG fonts. Relying on system-generated fonts for everything is no longer an issue. This allows us to use text generator tools to make our content look better.
Not sure which of these tools you should use? Here are our 5 best picks!
1. Font Meme
Want to keep things simple? Font Meme allows you to take advantage of various fonts used in films, television, video games, and so on. All you need to do is pick a font, type in your text, and download the resulting image.
This tool also lets you embed those images directly into your HTML. Needless to say, this helps you integrate the generated font in a single step.

2. Glowtxt
Looking to attract traffic to specific parts of your website? Some tasteful glow effects might be just what the doctor ordered! That’s the main purpose of Glowtxt, a tool that enables creating glowing text in GIF format.
One great thing about Glowtxt is that it offers plenty of customization options. You can choose between 50+ fonts, 8 font textures, and several types of glow effects and animations. If you’re in the market for fancy fonts, look no further.
3. Graffwriter
Graffiti art has always been an easy way to catch people’s attention. Still, good graffiti generators are few and far between. Graffwriter is a notable exception.
Graffwriter can be as complicated as you want it to be. If you want to type in some text in a preset graffiti font, you can do that. If you want to make full use of the various tags, effects, and layers, that’s possible as well.
4. Online Text Generator
Are you marketing a book or an e-book on your website? If so, you might want to consider pairing your book clip art with some fancy lettering. The good news: Online Text Generator has exactly what you need.
This tool offers four different calligraphy fonts: Aspire, Champignon, Precious, and Hanfordscript. Once you choose your preferred option, you’ll be able to adjust font size and color.
5. 1001 Fonts
As the name implies, this tool contains no less than 1001 fonts to choose from. As expected from a text generator of this size, the variety on offer is astonishing. In fact, one could argue that this is a classic case of choice overload.
Well, 1001 Fonts solves this issue by dividing its font styles into many categories. You can sort all available fonts by type, theme, decade, mood, and more!
Finding the Best Text Generator
The five text generator tools we’ve described above have two things in common. First, they’re excellent at what they do — which is why we’ve put them on our list. Second, they’re all completely free!
Want to know more about the impact fonts can have on your business? Take a look at why choosing the right font for your business sign is so important.