Applying for an EIN number may seem like a task you feel will be overwhelming or with loads of paperwork. However, it is actually quite the easy and fast process with! We provide an ease of service and have 24/7 customer service available to help you through the process or guide you to the proper application. If you are applying for an EIN (employer identification number) you will need to have a few things prepared and meet some requirements. With our efficient website the server will not time out and you can receive your EIN number Colorado within just a day! You won’t have to wait several weeks for processing and filing. Our service gets you what you need when you need it.
If you or your business meets any of the criteria below you will need an EIN number:
- Has employees
- Operates as a partnership or firm
- Files excise, alcohol, tobacco, employment, or firearms tax returns
- Withhold taxes on revenue, besides pay, paid to a foreign alien
- Have a Keogh plan
- Are involved with a trust, IRA, estate, non-profit, real estate mortgage investment conduit, farmers’ cooperative, or plan administrator program
To apply for an EIN number you will need a valid tax ID which is one of the following: a social security number (SSN), an individual taxpayer identification numbers (ITIN), or another EIN belonging to an existing legal entity (which you cannot have unless you have an SSN or an ITIN). You will need one of these to apply for an EIN number. makes it simple and convenient to get an EIN online anywhere today. With no hassle and no waiting, your EIN number Virginia will be distributed to you typically within one day! All you need to do is fill out and submit the online application.