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Learn This 7 Great Ways to Get Attractive Lips

Diamonds are often said to be a girl’s best friend, but her soul mate proves to be the lipstick. Women could wear flawless makeup but without lining, glossing or coating their lips, they wouldn’t feel complete. If you want to have the most attractive lips, these seven simple tips should help.

1. Exfoliate regularly. It’s important to exfoliate regularly to maintain the smoothness of your lips and make it easier for you to apply lipstick. For a quick, at-home solution, you can use Aloette Soothe n’ Smooth which costs $24.5. It’s a scrub-and-balm set that helps get rid of flakes and nourishes the lips using peppermint, aloe, beeswax, and safflower oil. Another home remedy is applying Vaseline on a clean, dry toothbrush. Brush your lips gently using the soft bristles to smooth the rough spots.

2. Condition using a lip balm. You will never get that perfect pout you’ve always wanted if you don’t moisturize your lips. Global makeup artist, Gordon Espinet, says that you need to be a lip-conditioner junkie. Thankfully, all it takes is slathering a lip balm that contains beeswax, glycerin or any other moisturizing emollients. It’s also beneficial to get a healthy dose of vitamins C and E. Neutrogena Overnight Lip Treatment costs only $3.49 yet it provides glycerin and vitamin E to help nourish your lips. If you choose, get yourself a hydrating sheer gloss for some extra color. Aveda lip shine works wonderfully well for this because it contains plant lipids and it’s only $13.5.

  1. Switch lipsticks from time to time. President of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Ronald Moy, M.D., explains that matte shades last longer because they contain more pigment but fewer moisturizing ingredients. Nonmatte lipsticks may not last as long, but they’re the better option for retaining moisture on your lips. For only $7.5, try Revlon Moisturous Lipcolor. Pick from 24 shades so you can change lipsticks with ease.

    Image source Max Pixel


  1. Treat signs of aging early. The lines that develop on the lips are among the earliest signs of aging. As you may know, these lines trap lipstick, but you can make the problem more manageable with daily prevention. If you treat the first signs of aging, the lines wouldn’t be so deep and the wrinkles would be easier to get rid of. When it comes to wrinkles, retinol is your best bet. Consider using anti-aging creams such as Tazorac, Retin-A, and Avage. You can also use a lipstick that contains retinol such as beComing Lip Delux Retinol Lipcolor, which only sets you back $12.


  1. Master the right liner technique. Choose a liner that’s a bit darker than the shade of your lipstick. Proceed with outlining the shape you want. Use a lip brush or the edge of the liner tip to color your lips inward. Next, use a lighter lipstick to fill in the rest of your lips. For starters, you may want to use a pencil in nude color like the Bliss lip liner stick, which costs $15.


  1. Avoid sun damage. New York dermatologist, Dennis Gross, explains that the lips do not have a lot of melanin, which means they are prone to sun damage. It’s recommended to use a lip balm with at least SPF 15. Apply frequently especially if you head outdoors often. The Aveda lip saver with SPF 15 is a fantastic choice for just $7.5.


  1. Develop good habits. Many of your lip problems are often caused by bad habits such as smoking, which increases the speed with which lines around your mouth develop. Licking your lips is another poor habit, as once saliva evaporates, your lips will be left with little to no moisture. You should also avoid biting your lips, no matter how nervous you feel. The skin on your lips doesn’t have a strong outer layer of protection, causing it to get easily damaged.
Nancy Clayson
Nancy Clayson
Nancy is a young, full of life lady who joined the team shortly after the BelleNews site started to run. She is focused on bringing up to light all the latest news from the technology industry. In her opinion the hi-tech expresses the humanity intellectual level. Nancy is an active person; she enjoys sports and delights herself in doing gardening in her spare time, as well as reading, always searching for new topics for her articles.

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