Whether you’re thinking about going to school for the first time or going back, education is key to getting the job you want and the salary you need. However, choosing a reliable career path with job growth is essential if you want to find lucrative opportunities after you graduate. Here are four fast-growing fields that will be sure to land you a job after you complete a program of further education.
Tax Preparer
“Death and taxes” is how the old saying goes—the two things that you can always depend on. Therefore, becoming a tax preparer means guaranteed employment since taxes aren’t going away anytime soon. Filing taxes can also be complicated for the average person, whether they’re a freelancer with two jobs or newly married. In order to make sure it’s done the right way, many consumers won’t hesitate to seek the assistance of a professional. A tax preparer generally requires an associate’s degree, with certified public accountants making 35 percent more than those without certification, according to Monster. This is a killer combo of qualifications that makes you extremely employable after you complete your education in a field that’s sure to exist as long as the world keeps turning.

Healthcare has always been known as a job-creating industry. However, it’s become even more robust with last year’s healthcare reforms which increased access in 2013 for 31 million more people, according to US News. Whether you choose to spend many years in school to become a doctor or you’re interested in a shorter program like Medical Insurance Billing, the healthcare industry is where you’ll find huge opportunities. Not everyone has the time, resources, and patience to go to medical school to become a doctor, but that doesn’t mean you can’t claim a piece of the pie. There are lots of schools that offer both on-campus and online options for different positions within the healthcare industry. For example, institutions such as Vista College offer flexible courses that are available online, at night, or at other convenient times for someone who might be busy with a family or full-time job looking to switch professions. Whatever your situation, pursuing a position in the healthcare industry is not only smart in terms of job growth and opportunities, but it’s also travelable. If you need to move somewhere else or simply want a change of pace, anything in the healthcare field is guaranteed to be needed somewhere else. It also offers a huge array of positions with different levels of education.
As of December 2014, the position of marketing manager has the highest number of job openings at almost 23,000 opportunities as compared to ten other popular positions, according to Fortune. Marketing is another profession that’s always in demand, especially in the current business climate where things like social media and public image rule all. Information travels fast for businesses, and they need someone who’s on the ball to keep up with their marketing campaigns. If you’re a creative person, this type of position is a great fit. Not only does it fall within the business world, which means decent money, but it also allows some ingenuity. To be a marketing manager, you need to have drive as well as good ideas. Marketing and advertising can be fun, but it’s also demanding. If you can keep up and are an organized person, then this is the right job for you. Hop aboard when the going is still good.
eCommerce Entrepreneur
These days, people are starting online businesses every day, and some of them even succeed. The key to being a successful eCommerce entrepreneur is planning, expertise in your chosen industry, and a lot of creative thinking. Entrepreneurism is one of the best and most rewarding parts of the American dream, and it’s still possible to realize even in this day and age. Online sales and business conducted over the Internet are climbing steadily, increasing much more each year as technology makes huge strides in allowing consumers to shop more easily. Between the ever-evolving hoard of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, as well as an increasing demand for convenience, there’s no better time to enter the eCommerce game. The beauty of starting your own online business is that you also have the ability to be your own boss, work from home, and come up with ideas that you can instantly implement. If you have a family and need a flexible schedule, being an eCommerce entrepreneur is the way to go as the industry continues to grow.
These top four career paths all have their own individual requirements and perks, but you need to decide what’s right for you. Everyone has different needs, whether it’s a family or simply desiring a change of pace. One other thing that you may consider is online education, this will save you time and money when considering learning a new skill. Entering a burgeoning field with lots of opportunities will make it easier to find a job that can carry you to success.