An actuator is a motor accountable for controlling or moving a mechanical system. It follows that such gear can move a system in a linear, circular, or both circular and linear motions. A rotary and linear actuator, also called a dual one, is an example of an actuator that moves a mechanical system in both linear and rotary motion. As a result, the uses of rotary and linear actuators are applied differently from other types of actuators.
As aforementioned, rotary and linear actuators can provide both circular and straight-line motions simultaneously. Therefore, the circular and linear motions for most rotary and linear actuators are controlled differently. This is possible because the system use the two-axis stepper motor driver (for controlling the two motions differently). Nonetheless, the circular and linear motions for some dual motion actuators are controlled together depending on their application. The drawing underneath is a demonstration of a linear and rotary system in action.

Where are Dual Actuators Used?
Certain applications require both linear and rotary motion. For instance, dual linear actuators are used in robotic selection and placing of modules. This occurs where it is necessary to shift a component to an insertion point axially (before screwing the component in place). Further, dual actuators are applicable in laparoscopic and similar medical instruments, which require a shaft that may rotate selectively. Consequently, dual actuators are used in industries such as production industries, manufacturing industries, and automotive industries.
Clearly, Rotary and Linear actuators produce both circular and linear motions concurrently. As a result, they are applicable in mechanical industries such as the automotive, manufacturing, and production industries.