Duck Dynasty’s Uncle Si and his nephew Willie Robertson faced off in the ultimate competition to win a wood chipper.
The June 25 episode of Duck Dynasty proved who was the manliest of men when Si and Willie Robertson faced off in a competition to win the ultimate prize: a wood chipper.

For some reason, Mountain Man came up with the genius idea to host his own contest – “Hands on a Hardbody” – on his radio show. However, he didn’t think his plan through all the way because there was only one problem: he did not have the money to purchase a truck for the competition.
Mountain Man stopped by Willie Robertson’s office to ask for a donation, which Willie was apprehensive about at first until his wife, Korie, convinced him to hand over $1,000 to help out a friend.
The next day, Si and Willie Robertson head over to Mountain Man’s house, which unbeknownst to them was the site of the competition. To their surprise, Mountain Man decided to swap the truck in for a wood chipper as the grand prize.
When no one else showed up for the competition, Si and Willie Robertson ended up facing off with each other.
The competition came to an all time high when Uncle Si tried to psych Willie out.
Jase Robertson joined in the fun when he began to provide a running commentary about something “magical” – Willie’s tinkle dance.
In the end, Si Robertson won the wood chipper.