While nothing related to the World Cup is as serious as the 48 people who were killed in Kenya while watching the tournament, there have been other costs that are also serious. The games have brought about tremendous cost for those who attended them, and also for the countries who hosted them. These countries have ended up having to spend tremendous amounts of money on security, and also on the property being utilized. The cleanup costs in some of these areas are estimated to be greater than the revenue that was generated, and this has called the sustainability of the tournament into question.

The World Cup soccer tournament is the most popular sporting event on Earth, because soccer is played all over the world. This type of fanfare is going to continue to drive the sport to the forefront of the sports world, but there needs to be more of an effort to make it sustainable. Those in charge of the event need to begin looking at not only the financial cost, but also the costs that are not tallied which hosting areas must endure. While no one wants the World Cup to go anywhere, there is a whole lot of room for improvement.
The amount of water being used in the World Cup is not the only problem though, waste water is very hazardous, and a sample use case of a plumbing disaster in Anaheim, where the Ducks play hockey and large concerts are played, is a catastrophe just waiting to happen. The type of plumbing used both in California and at the World Cup could be modified in order to accommodate the high demand and low supply of water. Without the right infrastructural accommodations being made, there is a chance that a water shortage could end up causing a lot of trouble for everyone concerned.
The infrastructural adaptations that a large scale sporting event requires, is always going to test the tolerance of any city center, but there are preparations that can be made. When it comes to water, having an ample supply of bottled water for visitors to the city can help to cut back on the impact with regard to the local water supply. Utilizing portable toilets in crowded areas as opposed to traditional toilets will cut back on the impact to the local sewer system. While these techniques were utilized at the World Cup this year, they should have been used a whole lot more than they were.