Justin Bieber claimed via his Twitter account late Tuesday night that he is supposedly retiring.
“My beloved beliebers I’m officially retiring,” Justin Bieber, 19, tweeted.
As of Wednesday morning, the tweet had more than 261,000 retweets and close to 200,000 favorites.
Forty-two minutes after the retirement tweet, Justin Bieber blamed the media for his apparent career-ending decision: “The media talks a lot about me. They make a up a lot of lies and want me to fail but I’m never leaving you, being a belieber is a lifestyle.”
Last week, Justin Bieber told radio station Power 106 that his album, Journals, would be his last, and that he planned to retire.
Later, Justin Bieber’s reps claimed he was just joking, but suggested that the pop star take some time off after the movie release.
Justin Bieber’s Believe hits theaters Wednesday.
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