Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol Palin, entered the Duck Dynasty controversy saying that gay activists are “hypocritical” to take offense at Phil Robertson’s remarks.
“I think it’s so hypocritical how the LGBT community expects every single flippen person to agree with their life style,” Bristol Palin said in a blog post.
“I hate how the LGBT community says it’s all about <<love>> and <<equality>>,” she continued.

“However, if you don’t agree with their lifestyle, they spread the most hate. It is so hypocritical it makes my stomach turn. They need to learn how to respect others’ opinions and not just jump to the conclusion that everyone who doesn’t support homos**uality and gay marriage is homophobic.”
Bristol Palin has denied in the past that she is herself “a homophobic.”
“I like gays,” she said in July 2012.
“I’m not a homophobic and I’m so sick of people saying that. Just because I’m for traditional marriage doesn’t really mean I’m scared or anything of anyone else, and I don’t hate anybody.”
[youtube DJmzWJs1lpY 650]