Two women got into a stun gun brawl inside of the Franklin Mills Mall in Northeast Philadelphia during Black Friday shopping.
Mike Napolitano, who videotaped the women, said on the fight: “It started out, one couple was fighting with another couple. They had words, the guys got into a fight and then the girls.”
“One couple, they were like a family and all, with a young child in a stroller.”
The video shows the two women punching each other and someone in the crowd yelling: “No, stop.”

After the two hit the ground, fighting, you can hear the crackle of what sounds like a stun gun and see fluorescent-colored sparks.
At that point, several people run up and pry the two women apart.
“Then security came over and I kinda left, you know, I was thinking, <<God forbid if somebody has a gun or something>>,” Mike Napolitano said.
Mall security confirmed that a fight did break out in the mall around 2:30 a.m.
The Franklin Mills Mall opened at midnight on Black Friday and remained open for 18 hours.
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