Paris Jackson is reportedly too fragile to return home following her June 5 suicide attempt and she is said to be transferring to a boarding school for struggling children when she checks out of psychiatric facility at the UCLA Medical Center.
According to The Sun and The New York Post, Paris Jackson, 15, who slashed her wrists and overdosed on pills will move into the $10 million Diamond Ranch Academy in Utah.
Her grandmother Katherine Jackson and mother Debbie Rowe allegedly want to ensure that she makes a full recovery and have already put a security team in place to protect Paris while in Utah.

“As far as Paris is concerned she is fine and is ready to go home, but the doctors and her family are not taking any chances. She tried to end her own life and it doesn’t get more serious than that,” a source close to the family said.
“They are terrified she will have a major relapse if she has access to Twitter and the Internet again – especially with all the shocking information that is coming out in the AEG wrongful death court case.”
The insider continued: “[The Diamond Ranch Academy] is a secluded treatment centre for 12 to 18-years-olds that specializes in depression and grief management.
“While she’s there she can be around kids going through similar problems and concentrate on getting well again, without pressures from the outside world and all the negativity on the Internet.”
The main issue at the moment is making sure that Michael Jackson’s daughter is protected from “dangerous obsessive fans” who might try to break into the facility.
Paris Jackson has allegedly struggled with depression since her dad died four years ago.