Halloween ghost
Step 1: Tie pillowcase
Tie string about 4 inches from each corner on the closed end of pillowcase to make the “ears.”
Step 2: Cut a slit
Cut a small slit in the center of pillowcase between “ears” for hanging loop.
Step 3: Add hanger
Tie monofilament to hoop or ring for a hanger. Place hoop or ring inside pillowcase and thread hanger through the hole in the pillowcase.

Step 4: Cut slits
Cut slits along bottom edge of pillowcase as shown.
Step 5: Make eyes and mouth
Trace three ovals (two smaller, one larger) onto tracing paper with pencil. Cut two eyes and a mouth from black felt. Glue the eyes and mouth to the front of ghost.
Step 6: Add accessories
Tie ribbon into a small bow for bow tie. Glue bow tie below the mouth.