A newly unveiled report written for wartime British intelligence says Adolf Hitler developed a “messiah complex” towards the end of World War II.
The report, written in 1942 by Cambridge academic Joseph MacCurdy, said Adolf Hitler was turning increasingly to “Jew-phobia” as defeat loomed.
Social scientist Mark Abrams commissioned the report, which came to light as a result of research into his work.
“Hitler is caught up in a web of religious delusions,” Joseph MacCurdy said in the report.
He outlined how Hitler began to focus on the “Jewish poison” as the tide of World War II turned against Germany.

“The Jews are the incarnation of evil, while he is the incarnation of the spirit of good,” Joseph MacCurdy said.
“He is a god by whose sacrifice victory over evil may be achieved. He does not say this in so many words, but such a system of ideas would rationalize what he does say that is otherwise obscure.”
Cambridge historian Scott Anthony came across the report while researching Joseph MacCurdy’s work.
“MacCurdy recognized that, faced with external failure, the Nazi leader was focusing on a perceived <<enemy within>> instead – namely, the Jews,” Scott Anthony said.
“Given that we now know that the <<final solution>> was commencing, this makes for poignant reading.”