Tommy Jordan, an angry father from Albemarle, North Carolina, has taught his disgruntled teenage daughter a very public lesson in respecting one’s elders by shooting her laptop on camera and then publishing the video on her Facebook page.
Tommy Jordan made the video after his 15-year-old daughter Hannah had apparently written a Facebook post complaining about all of the chores she has to do at home.
Hannah was also moaning about how difficult her parents made her life. But when IT worker Tommy Jordan found the post he decided grounding her would not be punishment enough and made the video.
“That right there is your laptop”, Tommy Jordan says in a YouTube video, pointing a camera at a computer lying in a patch of dirt on the ground.
“This right here is my .45,” he says, moving a pistol into the frame.
The father cocks the weapon and shoots nine rounds into the laptop. The video entitled “Facebook Parenting: For the Troubled Teen” is dedicated to his rebellious daughter.
It’s also aimed at “all her friends on Facebook who thought that her little rebellious post was cute, and for all you parents out there who think your, you know, kids don’t post bad things on Facebook”.

Tommy Jordan begins by reading out his daughter’s post from a computer print-out, explaining “since you want to hide it from everyone, I’m going to share it with everybody”.
The father mocks his daughter for thinking her parents would not be able to see the post because of her Facebook privacy settings, ignoring the fact that he works in IT for a living.
In the post, Hannah says she should be paid for the chores she does around the home and attacks her parents for overworking her.
Tommy Jordan laughs at this suggestion, pointing out what an easy life she gets in comparison to what he had to endure growing up. She moans about waking up at 5:00 a.m. and go to bed at 10 p.m.
Then after about seven minutes addressing the camera to berate Hannah, the father stands up and blows holes through the laptop.
Tommy Jordan rounds off by saying: “Oh yeah and after that comment you made about your mom, your mom told me to be sure I put one in there for her. So…that one’s from her.”
“Maybe a few kids can take something away from this,” Tommy Jordan writes in the video description.
“If you’re so disrespectful to your parents and yourself as to post this kind of thing on Facebook, you’re deserving of some tough love. Today, my daughter is getting a dose of tough love.”
Tommy Jordan said he found her hidden Facebook post while upgrading her computer. He completes his lesson by saying: “You can have a new laptop when you buy a new laptop and when you pay me back the $130 for the software I spent on yours.
“I hope you’ve enjoyed your little fiasco on Facebook. I hope it was worth all this.”
The video has been watched by more than 13 million viewers since it was posted just three days ago.
Tommy Jordan has since written on Facebook that the attention has helped him and his daughter “deal with it” and insisted Hannah is fine, saying they both laughed about the video going viral.
But he admitted: “I’ll agree that wasn’t a good example of me as a father. I had been reading that post again and again for about an hour, sometimes in tears, other times so mad my hands were shaking.”
“I was trying very hard to be civil in my message,” Tommy Jordan said, reported Fox News.
“I slipped in that and said a word I shouldn’t have. I deserve a little backlash for that, no doubt.”
Full transcript of Hannah post
“To my parents,
I’m not your damn slave. It’s not my responsibility to clean up your s**t. We have a cleaning lady for a reason. Her name is Linda, not Hannah.
If you want coffee, get off your ass and get it yourself. If you want a garden, shovel the fertilizer yourself, don’t sit back on your ass and watch me do it. If you walk in the house and get mud all over the floor that I just cleaned, be my guest, but clean it up after you are done getting s**t everywhere.
I’m tired of picking up after you. You tell me at least once a day that I need to get a job. You could just pay me for all the s**t that I do around the house. Every day when I get home from school, I have to do dishes, clean the counter tops, all the floors, make all the beds, do the laundry and get the trash. I’m not even going to mention all the work I do around your clinic.
And if I don’t do all that every day, I get grounded. Do you know how hard it is to keep up with chores and schoolwork? It’s freaking crazy.
I go to sleep at 10 o’clock every night because I am too tired to stay up any longer and do anything else. I have to get up at five in the morning, to get ready for school. On the weekends, I have to sleep with my door locked so my little brother won’t come get me up at six.
I’m tired of this bulls**t. Next time I have to pour a cup of coffee, I’m going to flip s**t. I have no idea how I have a life. I’m going to hate to see the day when you get too old to wipe your ass and you call me, asking for help. I won’t be there.
Your Pissed Kid,
[youtube kl1ujzRidmU]
Did Tommy Jordan, of Albemarle, North Carolina break the LAW by discharging a weapon in town? If so, he needs to be taught a lesson.
He used the weapon on his 6 acres of private, rural county land… but nice try, anonymous “Feedback” misspeller.