Scientists say there may be no such thing as a “G-spot” after all.
G-spot was first described in western medicine by Dr. Grafenberg in 1950, the bean-shaped area of the vaginal wall is supposed to guarantee a female orgasm as soon as it is stimulated.
Earlier Indian texts such as the Kama Shastra seem to support this claim, describing a sensitive area in the vagina that induces great pleasure.
A study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, has cast doubt on whether G-spot erogenous zone exists at all.
Researchers, led by Dr. Amichai Kilchevsky, from the Yale-New Haven Hospital in Connecticut, studied nearly 100 peer-reviewed articles published on the subject published during the past six decades. These included clinical trials, case reports and reviews.
They found that none could conclusively prove that the mythic G-spot zone exists and that the strongest evidence remains anecdotal.

One 2008 study, which used ultrasound imaging to survey the vaginal wall said women who reported having orgasms had thicker tissue in the G-spot area than women who didn’t. However, Dr. Amichai Kilchevsky’s team found other imaging studies couldn’t confirm this finding.
They also reported inconclusive results from tissue biopsies, with some studies reporting more nerve endings in the “G-spot area” while others found fewer.
Meanwhile a 2010 study, found the clitoris – a known erogenous zone – dropped during sex so that it was closer to the vaginal wall.
A team lead by Dr. Odile Bouisson suggested pressure on the wall could actually be indirectly stimulating the clitoris, thereby enhancing the sensation of pleasure.
The authors concluded: “Objective investigative measures have failed to provide strong and consistent evidence for the existence of an anatomical site that could be related to the famed G-spot.”
The surveys revealed that while a majority of women believe the G-spot exists, there were many who had been unable to locate it.
They postulated that the myth of this other arousal zone may enjoy wide credence today because the G-spot term was coined in the 1980’s at a time of sexual liberation in western society.
Dr. Amichai Kilchevsky said he hoped their findings would take the pressure off women who find it difficult to orgasm.
His team added that couples shouldn’t give up all hope.
“Reliable reports and anecdotal testimonials of the existence of a highly sensitive area… demand further consideration,” they said.