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Couple kicked-off from a train for having sex, but they continued on the platform at Toronto subway

A couple was kicked-off from a train for having sex at Toronto subway, but, unperturbed, they got off and continued the deed on the station platform, with the man’s naked derriere and the woman’s legs – akimbo – in full view for all to see.

The as-yet-unidentified couple was caught on a Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) train on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. after a horrified passenger who witnessed the copulation pressed the emergency button.

TTC spokesman Brad Ross told the Toronto Sun: “They were on the subway train itself…they were having intercourse.

“This is the first report I’ve seen of this type of behaviour in the almost four years I’ve been here.

“They appeared to be extremely intoxicated, I’m not sure if it was from alcohol or drugs.”

He said activation of the emergency bar alerted the operator and a security supervisor.

Cell phone footage of the less-than-romantic encounter was posted online and has since went viral.

The couple was arrested when Toronto police were alerted and arrived at the station. They were also taken to Mount Sinai for a checkup as a precaution.

The man and the woman were charged with being engaged in a lewd act.

Brad Ross told the Sun: “We took the action we did because children ride the subway. We can’t have people engaging in sexual activity on the subway system, buses or streetcars.

“It’s a public system and the TTC carries 1.6 million people a day, from all ways of life, including children. No matter what your background is, it is not appropriate to have sex this way.

“I’d suggest to people, if they are deeply in love, that they find a more appropriate venue.”

The train was delayed for 14 minutes.

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Diane A. Wade
Diane A. Wade
Diane is a perfectionist. She enjoys searching the internet for the hottest events from around the world and writing an article about it. The details matter to her, so she makes sure the information is easy to read and understand. She likes traveling and history, especially ancient history. Being a very sociable person she has a blast having barbeque with family and friends.

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