A mother of two boys, aged one and three, emerged from a visit to the bathroom when she found her entire living room covered in flour.
The guilty culprits – her two young boys – happily playing in the mess even as she expressed her shock.
The mother uploaded a film of the scene to YouTube and it’s already been watched nearly 750,000 times.
“Oh my gosh” the mother says repeatedly as she pans the camera around the room to find that the flour has been dispersed by the boys – called Andrew and Jack – all over the furniture, on pictures and even along the top of the door.
“Did you boys get in the flour?” the mother asks them.

The woman makes a brief horrifying tour before finally concluding that it “looks like a snowman has puked all over my living room”.
A one point one of the boys shows his mother the empty bag of flour and says “see?” before throwing it on the floor.
Mother replies: “Yeah, you emptied the whole thing!”
“I don’t know what to do. I think I’m going to throw up.”
The accompanying description on the YouTube video reads: “Mommy was not feeling well and had to stay in the bathroom longer than usual during which my two boys, ages 1 and 3 took my new bag of flour out of the cupboard and destroyed my house.
“This is from ONE 5 lb bag. Don’t believe me? Hand a full bag to a 3 year old and see what happens.”
[youtube bPNyK7XTy6o]