Five ideas for a last minute Halloween costume that can be picked up at your local thrift store or the back of your closet:
The 99%: Make a sign and wear your grungy clothes to dress up as a political protester. Keep it in the spirit of Halloween by protesting the living or protesting for more candy.

Your Facebook profile: Take a piece of white poster board and decorate it like your Facebook profile. Cut out a window for your “profile picture” and simply hold the board up to your face. Bonus points: cover the poster board with a sheet of lamination film to make a write on-wipe off surface, then tape a dry erase marker to your board so friends can add “updates” to your “page.”
Instant cowboy: If you have jeans, boots and a long sleeve shirt you can dress up as a cowboy. Add a Nerf gun or cap pistol from the toy aisle and you’re ready to rustle up Halloween fun.
Tourist: If you have a Hawaiian shirt, this one is a cinch. Dig in the back of your closet for an old 35mm camera (or two) to hang around your neck. Bonus points: wear a set of mouse ears or other souvenir hat from a past vacation.
Thrift store zombie: Fenton has two thrift stores to search for frightfully cheap Halloween costumes: Value Village and Goodwill. Thrift store clothes are cheap enough that you can tear them up and splatter them with blood, and just throw them away when your spooky evening is over.