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The US has decided to lift tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada in a move that could lead to approval for a new North American trade deal.

In a joint statement, the US and Canada announced that a 25% tariff on steel imports, and of 10% on aluminum, will end in 48 hours.

It is widely expected the US and Mexico will make a similar announcement soon.

In 2018, the US implemented the tariffs on grounds of “national security”.

Under the new agreement, there will be no quotas on how much steel or aluminum the three countries buy from overseas.

However, the US and Canada will monitor imports and if a country is determined to be buying in too much, one of the other nations can request a consultation and potentially re-impose tariffs.

Image source: Pexels

Getting rid of the tariffs is viewed as a key hurdle to approval for the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) trade deal which was signed in 2018. It replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement.

USMCA: US and Canada Reach New Trade Deal Replacing NAFTA

Providing that Washington and Mexico City also announce an agreement to lift levies on steel and aluminum, the US, Mexico and Canada will ask their respective governments to ratify USMCA.

It also targeted US farm goods as well as items like tomato ketchup and household products.

On May 17, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau said: “These tariffs were harming workers and consumers on both sides of the border. As we look at moving forward with the new NAFTA, it didn’t make a lot of sense to continue to have tariffs on steel and aluminum between our countries.”

EU steel and aluminum exports to the US are still subject to the tariffs, but there has been some good news for trade relations between the two.

On May 17, President Donald Trump delayed a decision on whether to impose levies on cars and car part imports.

The White House has put back the decision by six months to allow more time for trade talks with the EU and Japan.

Tariffs of up to 25% on imported cars and car parts were under consideration.

A report by the Commerce Department claimed that imports of foreign-made cars and auto parts into the US were a threat to national security.

The report has not been published, but in his announcement President Trump cited its findings which conclude that US carmakers are missing out on revenues to invest in research and development (R&D).

The announcement said: “The lag in R&D expenditures by American-owned producers is weakening innovation and, accordingly, threatening to impair our national security.”

President Trump said he agreed with the study’s finding that imported cars and trucks were “weakening our internal economy”.

The deal with Canada, as well as the delay in higher tariffs on EU and Japanese cars and auto parts, come at a critical time for the US and China – the world’s two biggest economies.

Image source Wikipedia

The United States and Canada have reached a new trade deal, along with Mexico, replacing the current North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

The US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) gives the US greater access to Canada’s dairy market and allows extra imports of Canadian cars.

The deal has 34 chapters and governs more than $1 trillion in trade.

President Donald Trump, who has long sought to change NAFTA, said the new deal was “wonderful”.

Until recently it looked as if Canada could be excluded from a final trade agreement to replace NAFTA which has been in place since 1994.

The new USMCA is intended to last 16 years and be reviewed every six years.

NAFTA: Mexico Willing to Discuss Trade Deal with President-Elect Donald Trump

Following the agreement, President Trump tweeted: “Late last night, our deadline, we reached a wonderful new Trade Deal with Canada, to be added into the deal already reached with Mexico. The new name will be The United States Mexico Canada Agreement, or USMCA. It is a great deal for all three countries, solves the many……”

The US has been fighting trade wars on several fronts this year, including placing tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Mexico and Canada, as part of Donald Trump’s America First policy. Tariffs on cars are also threatened.

The hundreds of pages of the agreement were released on October 1 and contain updated arrangements for Canada’s dairy industry and measures aimed at shifting lower-paid car jobs from Mexico.

On dairy, US farmers will have access to 3.5% of Canada’s $16 billion-a-year dairy market.

On cars, Canada and Mexico have a quota of 2.6 million cars they can export to the US as a protection for their car industry if the US imposes a 25% global tariff on car imports.

In addition, 40% of car parts of vehicles produced in the USMCA area must be made in areas of North America, paying wages of $16/hour.

On the lumber (or wood) industry, Canada secured protection from US anti-dumping tariffs through the preservation of a dispute-settlement mechanism.

The US made a deal with Mexico in August, but relations with Canada over the trade pact had become increasingly strained in recent weeks.

The Trump administration set September 30 as a deadline for Canada to strike a deal.

A protectionist policy under the Trump administration has seen the US forge ahead with individual trade deals, rejecting bigger multi-lateral trade agreements and posing a challenge to decades of global free trade.

As part of this policy President Trump has also launched a trade war against China, which has already hurt companies and could curb global economic growth.