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When you think about business leaders, you probably think about big gestures, unveiling a new product, speaking before a large audience, or making an impact on the culture in a significant way. But while these may be the moments in which they shine, leaders aren’t built at these times. Like most long-term endeavors, leadership is created in small, incremental moments that add up to a substantial whole.

Taking on Any Task Necessary

If you’re founding a company, it’s important to know how to delegate. If you try to take on every task, you won’t have time to do the most important ones, let alone the deep, focused work that is necessary for innovation. Refusing to relinquish control to others also speaks a kind of insecurity. You should feel confident that you’ve surrounded yourself with those who are up to the tasks you’ve set for them. At the same time, a leader does what has to be done in the moment, with attention to detail, if that means grabbing a broom to do a quick cleanup minutes before an important client meeting, it gets done. A leader is on top of things so that nothing slips through the cracks.

This can be important when it comes to fine details. This attention would help you realize that the company’s fleet might be considered commercial vehicles based on a narrow definition by FMCSA, which looks at the type of work as well as the vehicle used for business purposes. You can review a guide that explains this. When you take on the responsibility of staying on top of everything about your business, you are motivated to investigate a question such as whether your drivers will need commercial vehicle licenses. When your employees see that you don’t consider any task beneath you and you are attentive to details of this kind, they will be more likely to emulate your approach in their own work.

Treating Everyone Equally

Just as there are no small tasks, there are no small people. A leader does not treat the intern, the newest employee, or the janitor with any less respect than they do a fellow successful entrepreneur. One reason for this is that you never know which of these individuals may someday be influential themselves, and people remember how they are treated. Another is that your respect will be reciprocated. Finally, this is another gesture that demonstrates that nothing escapes your notice. If you want to become a more complete leader you must understand that how you treat those who surround you matters a great deal.

Being Available and Showing Gratitude

You can’t lead if you aren’t around. Making yourself accessible to people shows that you consider yourself part of a team. Listening to suggestions and ideas increases loyalty and trust even if you ultimately don’t adopt recommendations. Like the other points above, availability and a willingness to listen, even to critiques, displays self-confidence, and self-confidence makes people want to follow you. In addition, thanking people for their work or advice goes a long way. They will be more eager to do more for you in the future when you praise their efforts now. Remember that this includes crediting them for any ideas that you adopt.